T/ensor/~ 0.3
Conference Proceeding
Papageorgiou, D. (2023)
T/ensor/~ 0.3. In Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression 2023
T/ensor/~ (version 0.3) is a prototype of a dynamic performance system developed in MAX that involves adaptive digital signal processing modules and generative processes towar...
Continental Drift: 50 years of jazz from Europe
Conference Proceeding
Medboe, H., Bares, W., Webster, E., Frost Fadnes, P., Inglis, C., Kahr, M., …Heyman, M. (2017)
Continental Drift: 50 years of jazz from Europe. In Z. Moir, & C. Atton (Eds.), Continental Drift: 50 years of jazz from Europe - Conference Proceedings. , (v-vi
Following popular exposure in France to the proto-jazz of James Reese Europe and his 369th “Harlem Hellfighters” Infantry Regiment during the latter years of WW1, the jazz bug...