Safety first at Sheriffhall The introduction of intelligent road studs at one of Edinburgh's busiest roundabouts could be the key to changing driving behaviour for the better
Optical fibre technology Usually associated with the carrying of telecommunications data, an Edinburgh Napier researcher is using fibre optic technology to solve problems of a different kind
Stop and (re)Search Police Scotland’s use of stop and search has entered a new dawn following work by Edinburgh Napier
Textiles and technology Edinburgh Napier reader Sam Vettese is on a mission to reinvent the Scottish textile industry
Interactive therapeutic spaces University researchers are playing a key role in creating cutting-edge therapeutic spaces at the new Royal Hospital for Sick Children
Good and bad vibrations Databike highlights poor bike paths that could be putting cyclists’ health at risk
Designing refugee housing How can shelters can be constructed at scale while providing safety, privacy, and dignity for occupants?
Scotland's tallest timber building Edinburgh Napier experts are to play a key role in the development of Scotland’s tallest timber building
Your display affects what you pay Smart meters and how they display energy usage could be key in changing consumer attitudes and behaviours.
Can fitness trackers aid recovery? Professor Lis Neubeck, in the School of Health and Social Care, is studying the recovery of patients after suffering from cardiovascular disease
Data to assist in-home care Edinburgh Napier researchers are seeking to apply the latest Big Data techniques to a specific health problem for the elderly – frailty
Is AirBnb the answer? Innovative Edinburgh Napier research questions how homestay tourism – when travellers stay with locals in their homes – can help rural communities grow their economy
Wells's books enter public domain Edinburgh Napier academics contribute to a new H.G. Wells book series after copyright protection of the celebrated writer's works lapses
Can your device be hacked? Confidential data could be stolen by monitoring the power generated by everyday household devices, Edinburgh Napier research has revealed