Stephen Smith
Stephen Smith

Dr Stephen Smith

Associate Professor


Stephen trained as a general and mental health nurse and for 15 years worked in the area of palliative care. This involved clinical, research and managerial experience within the voluntary hospice sector as well as working in the National Health Service as a Clinical Nurse Specialist in a hospital palliative care team.

Stephen completed a Bsc in Nursing Studies at Queen Margaret University in 1997, a Masters Degree in Cancer Nursing at the University of Glasgow in 2000 and a PhD at Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh in 2009.

Stephen led a four year action research programme focused on palliative care for people with a dementia. This work formed the basis of Stephen’s PhD study. He is currently a Senior Lecturer at Edinburgh Napier University and teaching, research and practice improvement activities focus on the development of practice and learning in compassionate care. Stephen led an action research programme; Leadership in Compassionate Care Programme, utilising relationship centred care and appreciative inquiry approaches. The outputs of this programme are being utilised nationally within the UK and internationally. Stephen is a consultant editor on the Journal of Nursing Ethics, and a member of the Editorial Board on the Journal of Compassionate Health Care.

Stephen is a Consultant Nurse in Compassionate Care (NHS Lothian) co-leading a leadership programme in compassionate care practice with multi-professional practitioners from health and social care. Within the School of Health and Social Care Stephen is a lead for Public Engagement and Staff Engagement.

Stephen is passionate about real world research, practice development and learning that directly impacts upon the compassionate care experience of people who use health and social care services, their relatives but also the experiences of multidisciplinary practitioners and care providers.

Research Groups





Advisory panels and expert committees or witness

  • Invitation to join International Institute for Compassionate Care
  • Scottish Improvement Science Collaborating Centre, Knowledge into Action at Scale Committee
  • invited by the Herald Newspaper to join their judging panel for the 2010 Herald Society Awards
  • Chair - West Lothian Dementia Palliative Care Project Steering Group
  • Member of a Scottish Government working group focused on professionalism in nursing, midwifery and the allied health professions
  • Expert advisor for a national evaluation; ‘Evaluation of the impact of Alzheimer Scotland Dementia Nurse Consultant/Specialist and Dementia Champions in bringing about improvements in dementia care in acute general hospitals in NHS Scotland’
  • Invited to give evidence at the Commission on Dignity in Care for Older People in London –established by the NHS Confederation, Age UK and the Local Government Association (LGA).
  • Leadership in Compassionate Care Project Reference Group (2008 – 2012) S Smith chaired the project reference group


Conference Organising Activity

  • Edinburgh Science Festival Debate - Treating patients as people in the NHS. Dr Stephen Smith Dr Jennifer Murray & Nicole Walsh PhD student
  • Emotional touchpoints – ethics, information management, and participant safety in public engagement
  • Engaging students as Co-researchers to conduct focus groups with older people,
  • Poster presentation: Realistic and Appreciative: Developing a dual model of evaluation of “Transforming Care After Treatment” in Scotland. Authors Karen Campbell (Associate Professor), Lucy Johnston (Research Fellow), Dr. Stephen Smith (Senior Lecturer) and Brooke Marron (Research Assistant) April 2017. Poster presentation at RCN International Nursing Research conference and exhibition 2017. Oxford, England.
  • Conference presentation: How can national evaluators enhance evidence from local transformational change to influence policy and decision making? Transforming Care After Treatment' Programme.
  • Chair National Conference at Dynamic Earth, Edinburgh: Working together: an event to explore how to better support children and families with learning disabilities. Conference funded by NHS Education for Scotland, 90 participants from health and social care attended from across Scotland.
  • Invited to chair the ‘Goldfish bowl’ discussion at the Compassionate Connections National Conference
  • Masterclass Inspiring compassionate connections for innovative practice.
  • Scottish Older Peoples Assembly - supported older people to participate in a forum theatre presentation focussed on compassionate care. Through this interactive presentation the work of the leadership in Compassionate Care programme was presented to 250 older people activists.
  • Member of organisation committee Scottish Partnership for Palliative Care and Alzheimer Scotland; Summit: Living and dying well with dementia
  • Lead the planning and delivery of three International Conferences on Compassionate Care. These took place in 2010, 2011 & 2012 all at Edinburgh Napier University campuses. More than 500 participants attended from USA, Denmark, New Zealand, Ireland and Portugal.


Editorial Activity

  • Invitation from the Scottish Improvement Science Collaborating Centre (SISCC) to lead an International Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on Compassionate care, (August 2016).
  • Editorial Board of the Journal of Compassionate Health Care
  • Consultant Editor for the journal Nursing Ethics


Fellowships and Awards

  • Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
  • Student Association Award nomination; Best Academic Support.
  • The Compassionate Connections Learning Resource shortlisted for Royal College of Midwives Annual Midwifery Awards (2015) Research into practice award
  • Fellow Higher Education Academy


Invited Speaker

  • Working with stories to support learning in compassionate care nursing practice
  • Title: Yellow hats are not just for builders… Improvement lab: Develop a better understanding of emotional labour and the impact it has on the delivery of compassionate care to patients, September 2016 and March 2017, Nicolson Building, University of Birmingham, Birmingham
  • Title: Leadership in Compassionate Care Nursing. 2012 Care and Compassion Fourth Annual Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Conference for community nurses.
  • Title: Developing a Culture on Research and Innovation: Compassionate Nursing Programme from Scotland. Lions Home Inaugural Nursing Conference: Innovating Long-Term Care. 26 – 27 March 2015. Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel, Singapore
  • Title: Creative approaches to delivering person centred health and care. NHS Scotland; Driving Quality Through Innovation National Conference. June 2012. Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre, Glasgow
  • Title: Masterclass Inspiring compassionate connections for innovative practice. November 2015, St Vincent’s University Hospital, Dublin
  • Title: Findings from the Evaluation of the Compassionate Connections Learning Resource. Compassionate Connections National Conference. September 2015. Edinburgh Napier University, Sighthill Campus.
  • Title: Keynote presentation - Sustaining Compassionate Care within Organisations. Compassion Awareness Programme Launch Conference: University of Surrey, University of Brighton and local NHS Trusts 26 September 2014. School of Health Sciences, University


Media Activity

  • Pool, E. (2017) What I’m thinking. Royal College Nursing Bulletin. April 2017
  • Puttick, H. (2016) Scottish researchers: Not all nurses are angels - maybe some should never have entered the profession. The Herald 1 March.
  • Nursing Standard (2015) ‘The best nurse I can be’ Two award-winning former students describe an undergraduate course that enhanced their empathy skills Nursing Standard January 7: vol 29 no 19
  • Endorsement from the president of the Royal College of Midwives Lesley Page Page L (2015) Compassionate Connections: Turning rhetoric into reality British Journal of Midwifery Vol 23, No 10
  • Ford, S. (2015) Edinburgh nursing graduate honoured for caring skills. 10 July 2015
  • Newspaper article: Linlithgow Gazette, Top caring award for ‘Kirky’ midwife, 5 November 2013
  • Nursing standard article: Project to restore compassion is transforming care, says founder. Black, Steven Vol 22, Issue 48 P.10
  • Film production; Forget me not – Living with Alzheimer Disease: funded by the Big Lottery Fund and produced by Artlink
  • Tweddel, L. (2007) Compassion on the curriculum. Nursing Times. 103, (38) 18-19


Research Degree External Examining

  • External examiner of two doctoral thesis at Glasgow Caledonian University


Visiting Positions

  • Honorary Nurse Consultant in Compassionate Care, NHS Lothian



32 results

Leadership in compassionate care programme: final report.

Adamson, E., Dewar, B., Donaldson, J. H., Gentleman, M., Gray, M., Horsburgh, D., …Waugh, A. (2011)
Leadership in compassionate care programme: final report. Edinburgh, Scotland: NHS Lothian/ Edinburgh Napier University
The Leadership in Compassionate Care programme is a collaborative venture between Edinburgh Napier University and NHS Lothian and is supported by a generous benefactor. The ai...

Leadership in Compassionate Care: Conference Handbook.

Conference Proceeding
Smith, S., Gentleman, M., Tocher, R., Dewar, B., Kalorkoti, J. & Pullin, S. (2011)
Leadership in Compassionate Care: Conference Handbook

Relationship centred outcomes focused on compassionate care for older people within in-patient care settings: Relationship centred compassionate care

Journal Article
Smith, S., Dewar, B., Pullin, S., & Tocher, R. (2010)
Relationship centred outcomes focused on compassionate care for older people within in-patient care settings: Relationship centred compassionate care. International Journal of Older People Nursing, 5(2), 128-136. doi:10.1111/j.1748-3743.2010.00224.x
This paper describes outcomes from research titled Leadership in Compassionate Care. The research adopts a participatory action research approach, utilizing appreciative inqui...

Small changes, big impact (part of Symposium Measuring Compassion through a collaborative and appreciative enquiry).

Presentation / Conference
McCrossan, G., Smith, F. C., & Smith, S. (2010, May)
Small changes, big impact (part of Symposium Measuring Compassion through a collaborative and appreciative enquiry). Paper presented at RCN International Nursing Research Conference, Newcastle; UK

Use of emotional touchpoints as a method of tapping into the experience of receiving compassionate care in a hospital setting

Journal Article
Dewar, B., Mackay, R., Smith, S., Pullin, S., & Tocher, R. (2010)
Use of emotional touchpoints as a method of tapping into the experience of receiving compassionate care in a hospital setting. Journal of Research in Nursing, 15(1), 29-41.
Improving the patient and family experience in hospital and supporting people to deliver compassionate dignified care is a priority on the policy agenda in the UK. The purpose...

Palliative care for people who have a dementia

Book Chapter
Smith, S. D. M. (2009)
Palliative care for people who have a dementia
No abstract available.

Symposium: Compassionate Care in Action: Meeting the Challenge of Complexity- Embedding leadership in compassionate care into undergraduate nursing and midwifery curricula: initial findings from an action research study.

Presentation / Conference
King, L., Donaldson, J. H., Adamson, E., Moody, J., Waugh, A., & Smith, S. (2009, March)
Symposium: Compassionate Care in Action: Meeting the Challenge of Complexity- Embedding leadership in compassionate care into undergraduate nursing and midwifery curricula: initial findings from an action research study. Paper presented at RCN Research Conference, Cardiff

Dementia Palliative Care Needs Assessment: A Focus On Spiritual Care

Journal Article
Smith, S. (2005)
Dementia Palliative Care Needs Assessment: A Focus On Spiritual Care. Health and Social Care Chaplaincy, 8(1), 13-19.
Palliative and dementia care have a focus on holism and follow a person centred approach. Although these values could be described as core, they have arisen from differing per...

Screening for psychiatric illness in the palliative care inpatient setting: a comparison between the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale and the General Health Questionnaire-12

Journal Article
Le Fevre, P., Devereux, J., Smith, S., Lawrie, S. M., & Cornbleet, M. (1999)
Screening for psychiatric illness in the palliative care inpatient setting: a comparison between the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale and the General Health Questionnaire-12. Palliative Medicine, 13(5), 399-407.
The objective of this study was to compare the performance of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) with the 12-item General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12) as a scre...

Encounters with doctors: quantity and quality

Journal Article
Smith, S. D. M., Nicol, K. M., Devereux, J., & Cornbleet, M. A. (1999)
Encounters with doctors: quantity and quality. Palliative Medicine, 13(3), 217-223.
Continuity of care and the large numbers of health care professionals who deliver that care are issues that frequently concern patients and their families. This study examined...

Current Post Grad projects

Previous Post Grad projects

Non-Napier PhD or MSc by Research supervisions

  • Phd Supervision: Realist evaluation of a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) in compassionate care