Sarwar Sayeed
sarwar sayeed

Dr Sarwar Sayeed



Dr Sarwar Sayeed has joined Edinburgh Napier University as a Researcher. He is a member of the Blockpass Identity Lab and currently working towards a European Union-funded project, TRUSTEE: Trust & Privacy Preserving Computing Platform For Cross-Border Federation Of Data. Sarwar has previously worked on various research projects, such as the European Commission funded project: GLASS , UK Government funded project: Safety Tech Challenge Fund, etc.

Sarwar received a bachelor’s degree in Computing from the University of East London, UK., a master’s degree in IT from Cardiff Metropolitan University, UK., an MBA degree from Anglia Ruskin University, UK., and a PhD degree from the University of the West of Scotland, UK.

Besides IT, Sarwar has experience working both in the business and consulting sectors. His research interests include blockchain methods, consensus mechanisms, control-flow integrity etc. His current research primarily focuses on trust and privacy using distributed ledger technology. He has published several papers in peer-reviewed international journals and conference proceedings. He is also serving as a technical program committee member and reviewer at many worldwide conferences.

Sarwar has received various awards and bursaries for his academic and research contribution which include the IEEE Blockchain Initiative Award for the Best Doctoral Thesis, Dean’s Scholarship by the University of the West of Scotland, 1st prize in Academic Excellence at the undergrad level, SICSA bursary, etc. He has given talks at various top international conferences, such as IFIP-SEC, Lisbon. He has also chaired conferences/workshop sessions, e.g., UBICOMM/IARIA, Athens.


11 results

Malicious Insider Threat Detection Using Sentiment Analysis of Social Media Topics

Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kenny, M., Pitropakis, N., Sayeed, S., Chrysoulas, C., & Mylonas, A. (2024, June)
Malicious Insider Threat Detection Using Sentiment Analysis of Social Media Topics. Presented at 39th IFIP International Conference, SEC 2024, Edinburgh
Malicious insiders often pose a danger to information security systems, which can be a crucial challenge to tackle. Existing technological solutions attempt to identify potent...

Transforming EU Governance: The Digital Integration Through EBSI and GLASS

Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kasimatis, D., Buchanan, W. J., Abubakar, M., Lo, O., Chrysoulas, C., Pitropakis, N., Papadopoulos, P., Sayeed, S., & Sel, M. (2024, June)
Transforming EU Governance: The Digital Integration Through EBSI and GLASS. Presented at 39th IFIP International Conference, Edinburgh, UK
Traditionally, government systems managed citizen identities through disconnected data systems, using simple identifiers and paper-based processes, limiting digital trust and ...

TRUSTEE: Towards the creation of secure, trustworthy and privacy-preserving framework

Conference Proceeding
Sayeed, S., Pitropakis, N., Buchanan, W. J., Markakis, E., Papatsaroucha, D., & Politis, I. (2023)
TRUSTEE: Towards the creation of secure, trustworthy and privacy-preserving framework. In ARES '23: Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security.
Digital transformation is a method where new technologies replace the old to meet essential organisational requirements and enhance the end-user experience. Technological tran...

Towards The Creation Of The Future Fish Farm

Journal Article
Papadopoulos, P., Buchanan, W. J., Sayeed, S., & Pitropakis, N. (2023)
Towards The Creation Of The Future Fish Farm. Journal of Surveillance, Security and Safety, 4, 1-3.
Aim: A fish farm is an area where fish raise and bred for food. Fish farm environments support the care and management of seafood within a controlled environment. Over the pas...

Post Quantum Cryptography Analysis of TLS Tunneling on a Constrained Device

Conference Proceeding
Barton, J., Pitropakis, N., Buchanan, W., Sayeed, S., & Abramson, W. (2022)
Post Quantum Cryptography Analysis of TLS Tunneling on a Constrained Device. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy - ICISSP (551-561).
Advances in quantum computing make Shor’s algorithm for factorising numbers ever more tractable. This threatens the security of any cryptographic system which often relies on ...

GLASS: A Citizen-Centric Distributed Data-Sharing Model within an e-Governance Architecture

Journal Article
Lo, O., Buchanan, W., Sayeed, S., Papadopoulos, P., Pitropakis, N., & Chrysoulas, C. (2022)
GLASS: A Citizen-Centric Distributed Data-Sharing Model within an e-Governance Architecture. Sensors, 22(6), Article 2291.
E-governance is a process that aims to enhance a government’s ability to simplify all the processes that may involve government, citizens, businesses, and so on. The rapid evo...

PAN-DOMAIN: Privacy-preserving Sharing and Auditing of Infection Identifier Matching

Conference Proceeding
Abramson, W., Buchanan, W. J., Sayeed, S., Pitropakis, N., & Lo, O. (2022)
PAN-DOMAIN: Privacy-preserving Sharing and Auditing of Infection Identifier Matching. In 14th International Conference on Security of Information and Networks.
The spread of COVID-19 has highlighted the need for a robust contact tracing infrastructure that enables infected individuals to have their contacts traced, and followed up wi...

Smart Contract: Attacks and Protections

Journal Article
Sayeed, S., Marco-Gisbert, H., & Caira, T. (2020)
Smart Contract: Attacks and Protections. IEEE Access, 8, 24416-24427.
Smart contracts are programs that reside within decentralized blockchains and are executed pursuant to triggered instructions. A smart contract acts in a similar way to a trad...

Control-Flow Integrity: Attacks and Protections

Journal Article
Sayeed, S., Marco-Gisbert, H., Ripoll, I., & Birch, M. (2019)
Control-Flow Integrity: Attacks and Protections. Applied Sciences, 9(20), Article 4229.
Despite the intense efforts to prevent programmers from writing code with memory errors, memory corruption vulnerabilities are still a major security threat. Consequently, con...

DNS-IdM: A Blockchain Identity Management System to Secure Personal Data Sharing in a Network

Journal Article
Alsayed Kassem, J., Sayeed, S., Marco-Gisbert, H., Pervez, Z., & Dahal, K. (2019)
DNS-IdM: A Blockchain Identity Management System to Secure Personal Data Sharing in a Network. Applied Sciences, 9(15), Article 2953.
Identity management (IdM) is a method used to determine user identities. The centralized aspect of IdM introduces a serious concern with the growing value of personal informat...