Nick Wheelhouse
Nick Wheelhouse

Dr Nick Wheelhouse BSc (Hons) PhD

Associate Professor


Associate Professor in microbiology and Deputy lead of the Centre for Biomedicine and Global Health within the School of Applied Sciences at Edinburgh Napier University.

I started my academic career as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Department of Pathology at Edinburgh University where I worked in the areas of liver cancer and transplantation failure. It was here that I developed a keen interest in understanding the underlying causes of disease pathogenesis. I then moved to the Moredun Research Institute where I worked first as a Postdoctoral scientist and then as as Senior Postdoctoral Scientist focusing my research into the effects and impacts of bacterial infections which cause reproductive complications in both humans and livestock.

I co-lead of the Global research alliance Animal Health and Greenhouse Gas Intensity Network and I am a Trustee of the British Society for Animal Science. I hold memberships of Edinburgh Infectious Diseases, the hub for infectious disease research in Edinburgh, the Society for Reproduction and Fertility, Microbiology Society, British Society of Animal Science and I am a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.

I have a breadth of research interests however the main areas of my research are the diagnosis, immunopathogenesis and epidemiology of reproductive infections particularly zoonoses that can be spread from animals to humans. I am particularly interested in understanding the impact of these infections on human health and quantifying their effects on livestock farming.

My work involves collaboration with multiple partner organisations in the UK and overseas, including NHS Lothian, the Institute of Biodiversity Animal Health and Comparative Medicine at the University of Glasgow in the UK where I am an Affiliated Researcher and the Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies at the University of Edinburgh, where I am an honorary Fellow. Internationally I have collaborations with Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology in Ghana, The University of Nairobi, and International Livestock Research Institute in Kenya.



Advisory panels and expert committees or witness

  • Committee member Food Standards Agency Joint Expert Group on Animal Feed and Feed Additives - AFFAJEG
  • Food Standards Agency Advisory Committee on Animal Feedingstuffs - ACAF
  • Network Lead- Animal Health & Greenhouse Gas Emissions Intensity Network
  • Council member- Society for Reproduction and Fertility
  • Royal Society of Biology Animal Science Group
  • International External advisor for the Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia Agropecuaria (INTA) in Argentina (2015-)
  • Expert of Science and Technology Evaluation- National Center of Science and Technology Evaluation, Kazakhstan


Conference Organising Activity

  • Conference Presentation: Fertility 2022
  • Conference Presentation- Joint meeting of ESCCAR/ESCR 2022
  • Judging panel SRF Posters and 'Postdoctoral presentation' session Fertility 2022
  • Judging panel 'Postgraduate presentation' Fertility 2021
  • Conference Presentation: Fertility 2021, Online
  • Royal Society Westminster Pairing
  • Session Chair (Fertility 2020)
  • Judging panel 'Postgraduate presentation' and 'Postdoctoral presentation' sessions Fertility 2020
  • Workshop organiser: KNUST, Kumasi, Ghana
  • Judging panel 'Best Poster' and 'ECR presentation' Fertility 2019, Birmingham
  • Conference Presentation: Fertility 2018, Liverpool
  • Conference Presentation: European Society for Coxiellosis, Chlamydioses, Anaplasmoses and Rickettsioses, Marseille,
  • Conference presentation: European Society for Chlamydia Research, Cambridge
  • Conference Presentation: Edinburgh Infectious Diseases Symposium, 2015
  • Conference Presentation: European Meeting for Animal Chlamydioses, Paris
  • Conference Presentation: SRF annual meeting, Cambridge
  • Conference Presentation: European Meeting for Animal Chlamydioses, Jena
  • Conference Presentation: European Society for Chlamydia Research, Amsterdam
  • Conference Presentation: FEMAC meeting, Murcia, 2009
  • Conference Presentation: European Society for Chlamydia Research, Aarhus, Denmark
  • Conference Presentation: COST855 meeting Pulawy, Poland
  • Conference Presentation: COST855 meeting, Edinburgh
  • Conference Presentation: British Society for Immunology, Glasgow
  • Conference Presentation: British Society of Animal Science, Scarborough
  • Conference Presentation: British Society for Nutrition, Glasgow


Editorial Activity

  • Associate Editor Veterinary Sciences
  • Reproduction & Fertility- Associate Editor
  • Frontiers in Veterinary Science- Associate Editor
  • Editorial Board Member 'Frontiers in Microbiology'
  • Associate Editor 'Heliyon' Elsevier


External Examining/Validations

  • The Royal Veterinary College- External Examiner


Grant Funding Panel Member

  • SRF- Grant awarding committee


Grant Reviewer

  • Assessor Innovate UK
  • The University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna 'Top Vet Science' call
  • BBSRC Grant Reviewer
  • Research Foundation- Flanders (FWO) Grant Reviewer
  • The German Israeli Foundation for Scientific Research and Development
  • MRC Grant Reviewer
  • National Science Foundation (US)


Invited Speaker

  • Invited Seminar Speaker- Mazingira Centre, ILRI, Nairobi
  • Plenary Speaker 'Vision 2022', Cote d'Ivoire
  • Animal Health Network update: GRA LRG meeting 2022
  • Invited Speaker: SRF Early Career Research Workshop, Edinburgh
  • Acceptability of Extragenital Chlamydia testing in young women- NHS Research Scotland Annual Conference
  • Invited Speaker: Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghaa
  • Invited Speaker: Kumasi Centre for Collaborative Research, Kumasi, Ghana
  • 'Q-fever' Institute of Biodiversity, Animal Health and Comparative Medicine, University of Glasgow
  • Invited talk: School of Life Sciences, Edinburgh Napier University
  • Sheep Veterinary Society meeting, Jersey 2010 ‘Evidence of Chlamydophila abortus vaccine strain 1B as a possible cause of ovine enzootic abortion’
  • Global Research Alliance on climate change meeting Reading, June 2015. ‘Investigations into novel pathogens associated with bovine reproductive failure’.
  • FACCE JPI MACSUR LiveM meeting Potsdam, June 2016 'Animal Health and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Network: Achievements and Future'


Media Activity

  • The Impact of infectious disease on livestock health-Blog
  • Online Policy Brief- Improving animal health: a key to sustainable livestock production and better human health
  • Q-fever podcast- Veterinary times
  • The Sheep Farmer July/Aug 2010 ‘Chlamydial abortion’
  • The Sheep Farmer March/ April 2012 ‘Controlling chlamydial abortion’
  • ‘Chlamydial infection of sheep an infectious cause of prenatal lamb death’
  • The Crofter Issue 88 Aug 2010 ‘Controlling chlamydial abortion in sheep’


Membership of Professional Body

  • Fellow of the Higher Education Academy


Public Engagement Activity

  • National Sheep Association (NSA) Scotsheep 2010
  • Royal Highland Show 2013
  • Royal Highland Show 2010
  • Moredun Animal Health Roadshow (Peebles) 2011
  • NSA National Event 2010
  • NSA Scotsheep 2011
  • Royal Highland Show 2011


Public/Community Engagement

  • Livestock Health Workshop- Nandi County Kenya


Research Degree External Examining

  • External PhD examination University of Southampton 'Studies on the plasmid-based genetic tools for C. muridarum: progress towards a replicating vector for transposon mutagenesis'
  • University College Dublin PhD examiner 'Bovine sperm sexing impacts sperm morphokinetics, gameto-maternal interaction and subsequent early embryonic development'



  • Proceedings of the Royal Society B
  • Epidemiology and infection
  • Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine
  • Frontiers in Microbiology
  • Transboundary and Emerging Diseases
  • Veterinary Pathology
  • Veterinary Record
  • Veterinary Microbiology
  • Veterinary Journal
  • Chemistry & Biology
  • Emerging Infectious Diseases
  • BMC Veterinary Research
  • PeerJ
  • Pathogens & disease
  • Microbes & infection
  • Veterinary Immunology & Immunopathology


Visiting Positions

  • Honorary Fellow Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies
  • International Livestock Research Institute (Nairobi)
  • Glasgow University IBACHM- Affiliate Researcher
  • Guest Lecturer- University of Liverpool Veterinary School



80 results

Pre-Napier Funded Projects

  • BBSRC/ Zoetis IPA Chlamydia-like organisms as a novel cause of bovine reproductive failure (£1.2 M)
  • Chief Scientist Office: Mitochondrial DNA deletions in Barrett's oesophagus (£25k)
  • Melville Trust: Mitochondrial DNA mutations as a sentinel marker of hepatocarcinogenesis (£50k)

Current Post Grad projects

Previous Post Grad projects