Michael Smyth
Michael Smyth

Dr Michael Smyth



Michael Smyth is a Professor in the Interaction Design Research Group, Edinburgh Napier University, UK. He is a Co-Director of the Edinburgh Creative Informatics Partnership funded through the UK’s Arts and Humanities Research Council Creative Industries Cluster Programme.

Previously he was Primary Investigator on the SpeculativeEDU project funded by Erasmus+, the MAZI Project funded under the EU H2020 CAPSSI initiative and the Primary Co-ordinator of the UrbanIxD project funded under FET Open. Michael was a Co-Investigator on both the PEACH Project, a FP6 Co-ordination Action and the BENOGO Project funded under the FP5 Presence Initiative. He was the Principal Investigator on the Ensemble Project funded under the UK AHRC Arts/Science Fellowship Scheme and the UK partner, in collaboration with the Arts Academy, Split, in a British Council funded International Network for Young Scientists in the field of Interaction Design.

In addition he has worked in the fields of Human Computer Interaction and Interaction Design since 1987 and during that period has published over 90 academic papers in refereed journals, books and conferences. Michael has supervised 12 PhD candidates to successful completion and has examined 14 candidates at this level in the UK and Europe.



Advisory panels and expert committees or witness

  • Invited international judge on the Irish Region section of the Undergraduate Awards
  • External Academic Assessor for the MSc Mobile and Pervasive Systems
  • Advisory Board Member of the Multimodal Representation of Urban Space Project,
  • Michael Smyth was an invited participant to the Attracting Talent Agenda organised by Scottish Enterprise
  • Michael Smyth invited to be a Board Member of OMNIPRES
  • Invited participant in i3net


Conference Organising Activity

  • Programme Committee - Media Architecture Biennale 2020, Amsterdam
  • Associate Chair - Programme Committee ACM Designing Interactive Systems 2020, Eindhoven
  • Programme Committee Associate Chair - Designing Interactive Systems, San Diego, California
  • ACM DIS2017 (Designing Interactive Systems) hosted in Edinburgh
  • Michael Smyth is Technical Programme Co-Chair for DIS17, Edinburgh
  • Programme Committee, Media Architecture Biennale, Sydney 2016.
  • Designing Interactive Systems (DIS) comes to Edinburgh in 2017
  • Michael Smyth invited to be Workshop Co-Chair, ACM Creativity and Cognition, Glasgow, June 2015.
  • Symposium Co-Chair, UrbanIxD Symposium, Telecom Italia Future Centre, Venice, 2014.
  • Co-Director, UrbanIxD Summer School, Split, Croatia, 2013.
  • Programme Committee, Media Architecture Biennale, Aarhus, 2012.
  • Stelarc Lectures – Edinburgh International Science Festival, Edinburgh, 2009.
  • Create10 Keynote Speakers Invited
  • Michael Smyth invited on to the Programme Committee of the Media Architecture Biennale 2016, Sydney, Australia
  • Moritz Waldemeyer (http://waldemeyer.com/) announced as Keynote for Create 11, London, 23 June 2011
  • In August 2006 Edinburgh Napier University hosted the Convivio network's summer school.
  • Create11 Symposium success at Shoreditch House, London - 23 June, 2011
  • Create10 Student Design Competition Jury finalised
  • Create10 collaboration with Digital Creativity
  • Local Chair :: Create10, Edinburgh 30 June-2 July, 2010
  • Organising committee for Create11, Shoreditch House, London, 23 June 2011
  • Michael Smyth to chair the 2013 SICSA MMI Doctoral Consortium at University of Stirling
  • UrbanIxD Summer School to take place in Croatia


Editorial Activity

  • Michael Smyth and Ingi Helgason will be guest editors of the focus edition of the IxD&A Journal entitled Making Places: Visualization, Interaction and Experience in Urban Space, Summer 2015.
  • Guest Editor of Digital Creativity, Vol 21, No 4, 2010


Fellowships and Awards

  • Recognition of Service Award from the Association of Computing Machinery (ACM)
  • Design and Art Direction (D&AD) Design Group Student Award - Interactive Design


Grant Funding Panel Member

  • Panel member of Challenge Holders & Challenge Responders Selection Committee
  • Michael Smyth invited to act as an international reviewer of research projects submitted within KU Leuven, Belgium.


Invited Speaker

  • Presentation as part of a Book Launch at the Croatian Pavilion at the Venice Biennale
  • Invited Speaker and Workshop Leader: Future Friends Symposium, Maribor, Slovenia.
  • Invited speaker on the STARTS Panel - Human Touch AI at IoT Week 2019
  • The Cities of the Future - Panel at the Edinburgh International Science Festival
  • Michael Smyth ran a Workshop at SICSA PhD Conference - Demystifying the PhD Thesis
  • Invited Speaker at Mint Lab, University of Leuven, Belguim
  • Michael Smyth invited to speak at Smart Cities Event, organised by Holyrood Connect
  • Invited speaker at the 2nd CAPS Community Workshop, Volos, Greece
  • Michael Smyth: Social Wellbeing and Drinking Culture: Exploring Digital Futures
  • Invited lecturer at the Smarter Communities: Fulfilling Scotland’s Digital Potential Event.
  • Invited lecturer at CommunityNow? The Politics of Participatory Design, Berlin
  • Invited participant at the DIY Networking: An interdisciplinary approach, Dagsthul Seminar, 14042, Germany
  • Invited lecturer at iMal Connecting Cities Urban Media Lab, Brussels
  • Invited Lectures to Design students and Research Staff at Norwich University of the Arts, 2014.
  • Invited lecturer and Atelier Leader at EINS Summer School (5 day workshop), Volos, Greece
  • Invited Keynote at the Space.Beyond.Geometry Workshop, University of Edinburgh, June 2013.
  • Invited Lecturer, Department of Visual Communications Design, University of Split, Croatia, Dec 2012.
  • Invited Atelier Leader, Split Interactions (5 day workshop), University of Split, Croatia, March 2011.
  • Invited Lecturer Nottingham Trent University, Sept 2011
  • Invited Lecturer, University of Huddersfield, December 2010.
  • Invited Atelier Leader, Brain Working Workshop (8 day workshop), Magdalena Festival, Slovenia, May 2009.
  • Keynote Speaker, SICSA Whole-Body Interaction Workshop at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK, 5 & 6 November 2009.
  • Invited Lecturer Department of Visual Communications Design, University of Split, Croatia, 2009.
  • Invited Lecturer, Perada Summer School, 20-27 June 2009, Edinburgh Napier University, UK.
  • Invited Lecturer, Magdalena Festival, Slovenia, May 2009.
  • Invited Lecturer GIST, University of Glasgow, UK, May 2007.
  • Invited Lecturer CONVIVIO Summer School 2005, Timisoara, Romania.
  • Invited Lecturer CONVIVIO Summer School 2004, Split, Croatia.
  • Invited Lecturer, Derby University, UK 1999.
  • Michael Smyth to give keynote presentation at DIY Networking Workshop at MobiSys 2015, Florence, Italy


Media Activity

  • Interview with the SpeculativeEDU project
  • Interview with Nefula an Italian Near Future Design Studio
  • City | Data | Future Exhibition selected as Permanent Work at the Museum of Contemporary Arts, Zagreb, Croatia
  • Michael Smyth, Ingi Helgason: Michael Smyth and Ingi Helgason exhibit the work of the UrbanIxD project at ICT, 2015 in Lisbon
  • Michael Smyth, Ingi Helgason, Michael Andrew Mckellar: City | Data | Future exhibition created as part of the UrbanIxD project hosted at the Museum of Architecture and Design, Ljubljana, Slovenia
  • The UrbanIxD exhibition City | Data | Future is discussed as part of the EU's Digital Single Markert
  • City Data Future Exhibition discussed by EU Digital Agenda for Europe
  • City|Data|Future Exhibited at Media Architecture Biennale, Aarhus, 2014.
  • Stelarc Lectures – Edinburgh International Science Festival, Edinburgh, 2009.
  • Interaction12 presentation entitled Critical Design - Restoring a sense of wonder to Interaction Design has over 3000 views on slideshare in Feb.
  • UrbanIxD project meeting with the mayor of Split, Croatia
  • Create10 gets press coverage in Salon, the Ukraine's first interior design magazine.
  • The UrbanIxD exhibition City | Data | Future is discussed on Croatian National TV on HRT1
  • UrbanIxD project featured on Croatian national television
  • Michael Smyth is interviewed on Croatian National Television about the future of the smart city.
  • ACM Interactions magazine features exhibits from Create10 conference held at Edinburgh Napier University
  • Michael Smyth organises PhD presentation night at Summerhall
  • Media Coverage of the UrbanIxD Summer School in Split, Croatia. Organised by Michael Smyth (Co-Director) and Ingi Helgason (School Organiser).


Membership of Professional Body

  • Member of BIMA - UK network of creatives, practitioners and academics
  • Michael Smyth is a member of the ACM SIGCHI - Special Interest Group Computer Human Interface


Research Degree External Examining

  • Michael Smyth examines PhD at The University of Edinburgh
  • Michael Smyth examines PhD at University of Leuven, Belgium
  • Michael Smyth examines a PhD at the Durban University of Technology
  • Michael Smyth examines PhD at University of Dundee


Visiting Positions

  • Visiting Academic at The University of Edinburgh



103 results

city | data | future – Interactions in Hybrid Urban Space: The UrbanIxD Exhibition

Mitrovic, I., Smyth, M., & Helgason, I. (2013)
city | data | future – Interactions in Hybrid Urban Space: The UrbanIxD Exhibition. UrbanIxD: Designing Human Interactions in the Networked City
The focus of the emergent field of Urban Interaction Design is public space and the relationships between people – with and through technology. The currency of these interacti...

UrbanixD: designing human interactions in the networked city

Conference Proceeding
Smyth, M., Helgason, I., Brynskov, M., Mitrovic, I., & Zaffiro, G. (2013)
UrbanixD: designing human interactions in the networked city. In Proceeding CHI '13 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA '13), (2533-2536). https://doi.org/10.1145/2468356.2468823
Interaction Design, in an urban context, is an increasingly important field of research. City populations are currently in a state of rapid flux. Conurbations are fast becomin...

Tangible possibilities—envisioning interactions in public space

Journal Article
Smyth, M., & Helgason, I. (2013)
Tangible possibilities—envisioning interactions in public space. Digital Creativity, 24(1), 75-87. https://doi.org/10.1080/14626268.2013.769454
This article explores approaches to envisionment in the field of interaction design. Design fictions are introduced as a method to articulate future possibilities. Three case ...

Critical Design: A mirror of the human condition in the smart city.

Smyth, M. (2012)
Critical Design: A mirror of the human condition in the smart city. In D. Hemment, & A. Townsend (Eds.), Smart Citizens, 39-42. FutureEverything Publications

Critical Design: Is It Just Designers Doing Ethnography or Does It Offer Something More for Interaction Design?

Conference Proceeding
Smyth, M., Speed, C., & Brynskov, M. (2011)
Critical Design: Is It Just Designers Doing Ethnography or Does It Offer Something More for Interaction Design?. In P. Campos, N. Graham, J. Jorge, N. Nunes, P. Palanque, & M. Winckler (Eds.), Human-Computer Interaction – INTERACT 2011. , (685-686). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-23768-3_115
The panel will discuss the contribution of Critical Design to the field of Interaction Design and reflect on the insights that it provides on interaction.

The city in cinema: how popular culture can influence research agendas.

Journal Article
Smyth, M., Helgason, I., Mitrovic, I., & Zaffiro, G. (2011)
The city in cinema: how popular culture can influence research agendas. Procedia Computer Science, 7, 110-113. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.procs.2011.12.033
Where can researchers find inspiration for the transformative applications, concepts and infrastructures that they believe will characterise the next decade? One approach to p...

Dialogues in Interaction Design: complexity, hybridity and the relationship between research and practice.

Journal Article
Smyth, M. (2010)
Dialogues in Interaction Design: complexity, hybridity and the relationship between research and practice. Digital Creativity, 21, 233-237. https://doi.org/10.1080/14626268.2010.538066
A brief overview of the field of Interaction Design is provided in order to contextualise the Create10 conference. The conference was held at Edinburgh Napier University in Ju...

Digital Blur: Creative Practice at the Boundaries of Architecture, Design and Art

Smyth, M. (2010)
P. Rodgers, & M. Smyth (Eds.). Digital Blur: Creative Practice at the Boundaries of Architecture, Design and Art. Libri Publishing
Digital Blur brings together some of the world's leading practitioners and thinkers from the fields of art, architecture and design, all of whom share a common desire to explo...

Informing the design of the future urban landscape.

Conference Proceeding
Smyth, M., & Helgason, I. (2010)
Informing the design of the future urban landscape. In Proceedings of the 8th ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems, 438-440. doi:10.1145/1858171.1858259
The urban spaces of the future will be saturated with both visible and hidden media that gather and transmit information. How we as physical beings connect with, interpret and...

Presence for everyone - a short guide to presence research.

Smyth, M. (2009)
D. Benyon, M. Smyth, & I. Helgason (Eds.). Presence for everyone - a short guide to presence research. Centre for Interaction Design
Every day in countless interactions you and I use media to immerse ourselves in virtual environments of information, gaming, video, and social networking. For these moments we...

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