Michael Smyth is a Professor in the Interaction Design Research Group, Edinburgh Napier University, UK. He is a Co-Director of the Edinburgh Creative Informatics Partnership funded through the UK’s Arts and Humanities Research Council Creative Industries Cluster Programme.
Previously he was Primary Investigator on the SpeculativeEDU project funded by Erasmus+, the MAZI Project funded under the EU H2020 CAPSSI initiative and the Primary Co-ordinator of the UrbanIxD project funded under FET Open. Michael was a Co-Investigator on both the PEACH Project, a FP6 Co-ordination Action and the BENOGO Project funded under the FP5 Presence Initiative. He was the Principal Investigator on the Ensemble Project funded under the UK AHRC Arts/Science Fellowship Scheme and the UK partner, in collaboration with the Arts Academy, Split, in a British Council funded International Network for Young Scientists in the field of Interaction Design.
In addition he has worked in the fields of Human Computer Interaction and Interaction Design since 1987 and during that period has published over 90 academic papers in refereed journals, books and conferences. Michael has supervised 12 PhD candidates to successful completion and has examined 14 candidates at this level in the UK and Europe.