Kiril Sharapov
kiril sharapov

Dr Kiril Sharapov

Associate Professor


Kiril Sharapov is Associate Professor at the School of Applies Sciences at Edinburgh Napier University. He is a founding convenor of the Migration and Mobilities Research Network. He is a member of the AHRC and ESRC Peer Review Colleges and a member of the UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship Panel. In 2009, he was made a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts. Previously, he was an Associate Director at the ESRC's Scottish Graduate School for Social Sciences (2020-2023) and University Head of Research (Research Student Recruitment) at Edinburgh Napier University (2021-2022). He has a MA (Human Rights) from Central European University and PhD (Politics), University of Glasgow.

Kiril is Senior Fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy (SFHEA) and Fellow of the Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (FRSA).

Kiril played a key role in the University’s REF2021 submission. As the UoA20 Lead, he coordinated the University's first-ever submission for this Unit. He contributed five outputs, with 83% of the 23 outputs submitted under this Unit achieving a 3* or 4* rating. Furthermore, Kiril was a named author on one of the two submitted case studies, both of which attained rankings of 3* and 4*.

In 2021/22, Kiril led leading a GCRF/AHRC funded project investigating the impact of COVID-19 on persons with disabilities in Ukraine, including internally displaced persons with disabilities. He was also a member of the two research teams investigating the impact on the pandemic on refugees and asylum-seekers in Scotland.

Kiril is internationally recognised for his research in the field of forced migration and, in particular, human trafficking, as evidenced by his top-ranking publications, extensive research portfolio, academic standing and international reputation. In addition, he has been championing and mentoring early career researches both in the UK and internationally.

Kiril remains both an advocate and a practitioner of co-produced participatory and emancipatory research which blends 'traditional' social science methodology and more innovative arts-based research engagements to develop and deliver research which meaningfully incorporates voices of seldom heard communities, including persons with disabilities, refugees and asylum seekers, sex workers and persons with lived experiences of human trafficking.

In 2015 – 2016, Kiril was Senior Lecturer in Sociology at the University of Bedfordshire, Programme Director of the Professional Doctorate in Children and Young People's Service, associated member of the International Centre: Researching Child Sexual Exploitation and Human Trafficking, and a full member of the Institute of Applied Social Research.

In 2013-2014, Kiril led a research project investigating public understanding of human trafficking in three European countries. This research was funded by a Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship awarded by the European Commission (FP7-PEOPLE-IEF / PIEF-GA-2011-298401, evaluated/ ranked as Number 1 on the all-European Social Science panel application list).

Kiril welcomes expressions of interest for Doctoral Supervision in areas such as:
- Migration and mobility with a particular focus on human rights, trafficking in human beings and 'modern slavery', forced migration, free and unfree labour
- Subjectivity, politics and neoliberalism
- Environmental degradation and social divisions

Any potential candidates please send your expressions of interest to:



Advisory panels and expert committees or witness

  • UK Migration Advisory Committee (Home Office shortlist)
  • Membership of the Cross-Party group on Human Trafficking at the Scottish Parliament


Conference Organising Activity

  • Scottish Graduate School of Social Science Annual Hub Festival 2022 (Organiser and co-Chair)
  • Chair of the organising committee: Moving Between Belonging: The Absurdity of Settlement. Edinburgh Napier University
  • Organising committee for 'The vision of socio-economic development of Artsakh’ , Armenian State University of Economics
  • Scottish Graduate School of Social Science Annual Hub Festival 2021 (Organiser and co-Chair)
  • Chair of the organising committee, Migration and Mobilities Research Network Annual Conference 2019 Getting Stuck...Moving On... Edinburgh Napier University
  • Chair of the organising committee: Researching Mobilities, Pasts and Futures: Research Network Launch, Edinburgh Napier University
  • (Co)-organiser and Keynote speaker, Human Trafficking and Online Networks Workshop, University of Dundee, Dundee, United Kingdom


Editorial Activity

  • Editorial Board Member, Anti-Trafficking Review
  • Launch of the special edition of Anti-Trafficking Review (Volume 13), Bangkok and Edinburgh


External Examining/Validations

  • External Examiner, Abertay University


Fellowships and Awards

  • Visiting Researcher Fellowship Award, Ministry of Education of Taiwan
  • 2009 - current: Senior Fellow, UK Higher Education Academy
  • 2008 - current: Fellow, Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce


Grant Funding Panel Member

  • SGSSS ESRC-DTP Student-led Open Competition Global Panel
  • SGSSS ESRC-DTP Supervisor-led Studentship PHD competition Panel
  • SGSSS ESRC-DTP Postdoctoral Fellowships Competition 2020/21 - Final Selection Panel


Grant Reviewer

  • Grant Reviewer/Expert, Horizon Europe, HORIZON-MSCA-2021
  • Scottish Graduate School of Social Science (ESRC-DTP), Grant Reviewer: Student-led Open Competition
  • Scottish Graduate School of Social Science (ESRC-DTP), Grant Reviewer: Open Collaborative Competition
  • Scottish Graduate School of Social Science (ESRC-DTP), Grant Reviewer: SDS Collaborative Studentship Competition
  • Austrian Academy of Sciences
  • Scottish Graduate School of Social Science (ESRC-DTP): ESRC Postdoctoral Fellowship (PDF) Scheme Competition
  • Arts and Humanities Research Council Peer Review College
  • EU Expert database, Reviwer/ Evaluator for H2020-MSCA-IF
  • Eonomic and Social Research Council Peer Review College


Invited Speaker

  • invited Speaker, Disability and COVID-19. 6th International Conference on Disability and Development, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
  • Co-chair and organiser (invited): Webinar on War, Disability and Displacement in Ukraine, The International Centre for Evidence in Disability, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
  • Tertiary Education Futures Collaboration Workshop, The Royal Society of Edinburgh and the Young Academy of Scotland
  • Invited Speaker: International Expert Round Table: Human Trafficking Reloaded: Making Identification and Justice safe and accessible for victims in digital and post-COVID times, 16 April 2021:
  • Public Lecture: ‘From Migration to Mobility to Climate Change: What does ‘Migration’ really mean?’, Al-Maktoum College of Higher Education
  • Public Lecture: ‘Catch and rescue’: Ignorance, humanitarianism and anti-trafficking public awareness, University of Oxford
  • Invited Speaker: International Expert Roundtable, Understanding the Linkages between (Labour) Exploitation, Migration & Human Trafficking, 14 September 2021, Vienna, Austria.
  • Centre for Climate Justice Seminar Series: Dead animals, frozen grass and people on the move: neoliberal encompassment and abandonment in Mongolia, Glasgow Caledonian University
  • Invited Speaker: Resilience versus Vulnerability: How to break the cycle of exploitation and human trafficking in the digital age, 27 September 2019, Vienna, Austria
  • Chair, Anti-Trafficking Review Issue 13 Launch, GAATW (Bangkok) and RSE (Edinburgh)
  • Invited Speaker: Human Trafficking in the Digital Age: the Interplay between ‘New’ Technology, Trafficking and Anti-Human Trafficking: Ethical, Political and Social Challenges Posed By Online Networks (and Special Session on Psychological Health Impact of Human Trafficking), 28 September 2018, Vienna, Austria
  • Invited Speaker, Scottish Government Seminar Series organised by the Justice Analytical Services, Safer Communities Directorate at the Scottish Government.
  • Invited Speaker: Preventing human trafficking through ‘Decent Work for Everybody’ and combating child trafficking and exploitation in Europe, 30 September 2016, Vienna, Austria
  • Invited Speaker: Turning Suspicion into Evidence: Challenging Current Policy and Justice Responses of Human Trafficking and Labour Exploitation, 20 November 2015, Vienna, Austria
  • Invited speaker: Stop Human Trafficking. Mission Impossible? Challenging Current Assumptions and Policy Responses to Human Trafficking, 21 November 2014, Vienna, Austria
  • 2015: Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women (GAATW) International Members Congress 2014, Bangkok, Thailand


Public/Community Engagement

  • Think-tank Event: International Expert Round Table: Understanding the Linkages between (Labour) Exploitation, Migration & Human Trafficking
  • Conference paper: Displacement, Disability and the Pandemic: the Impact of Covid-19 on Internally Displaced Persons with Disabilities in Ukraine 15th ESA Conference 2021
  • Conference paper: Failure across borders: the spread of bad anti-trafficking, RGS-IBG Annual Conference 2021
  • Conference paper: Safe environment? Understanding the housing of asylum seekers and refugees during the Covid-19 outbreak, IASFM 18
  • Member, AMERA International - Charity Organization for Refugees
  • Migration and Poverty​: 2019 Salzburg Conference in ​Interdisciplinary Poverty Research
  • Conference paper: Manchester Migration Lab: World on the Move - Migration, Societies and Change
  • Anti-Trafficking Review Volume 9 Launch
  • Conference paper: Boston University: Disrupting the Human Trafficking-Migration Nexus Workshop
  • Conference paper: Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, New Orleans, USA
  • Conference paper: RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2016, London, United Kingdom
  • Conference paper: Third ISA Forum of Sociology, Vienna, Austria
  • Conference Paper: the Law and Society Association Annual Meeting, Seattle, USA
  • 'Not For Sale – Joining Forces Against Trafficking In Human Beings', OSCE, Vienna, Austria
  • Third Annual UN Forum on Business and Human Rights, Geneva, Switzerland
  • Conference Paper: XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology, Yokohama, Japan
  • Conference paper: RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2014, London, United Kingdom
  • Conference paper, 'People and the Planet', RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia


Research Degree External Examining

  • External PHD examiner, Glasgow Caledonian University
  • External PhD Examiner, Moldova State University
  • External PHD examiner, Glasgow Caledonian University
  • External PhD Examiner, University of Stirling



  • 2020 - current: Peer reviewer, SN Social Sciences (ISSN: 2662-9283)
  • 2020 - present: Peer reviewer for Social Forces
  • 2020 - current: Peer reviewer for Antipode: A Radical Journal of Geography
  • 2018 - current: Peer reviewer for Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers
  • 2017 - current: EU Expert database, Evaluator for H2020-MSCA-IF
  • 2016 - current: ESRC college for the Global Challenges Research Fund
  • 2014 - current: Anti-Trafficking Review
  • 2014 - current: Journal of Human Trafficking


Visiting Positions

  • National Taiwan University Visiting Fellow (3 months, funded by the Ministry of Education of Taiwan)
  • Associate Director, Scottish Graduate School of Social Science (ESRC-DTP), 0.3FTE ENU-funded secondment



41 results

Understanding Public Knowledge and Attitudes towards Trafficking in Human Beings, Part II

Sharapov, K. (2015)
Understanding Public Knowledge and Attitudes towards Trafficking in Human Beings, Part II. Budapest: European Commission & Central European University
No abstract available.

Fact Sheet: Trafficking in human beings and public opinion in Ukraine

Sharapov, K. (2014)
Fact Sheet: Trafficking in human beings and public opinion in Ukraine. Budapest: European Commission & Central European University
No abstract available.

Fact Sheet: Trafficking in Human Beings and Public Opinion in Hungary

Sharapov, K. (2014)
Fact Sheet: Trafficking in Human Beings and Public Opinion in Hungary. Budapest: European Commission & Central European University
No abstract available.

Fact Sheet: Trafficking in human beings and public opinion in Great Britain

Sharapov, K. (2014)
Fact Sheet: Trafficking in human beings and public opinion in Great Britain. Budapest: European Commission & Central European University
No abstract available.

Understanding Public Knowledge and Attitudes towards TrafÞcking in Human Beings, Part I

Sharapov, K. (2014)
Understanding Public Knowledge and Attitudes towards TrafÞcking in Human Beings, Part I. Budapest: European Commission & Central European University
No abstract available.

Policy Briefing: Human Trafficking and Online Networks

Sharapov, K. & Mendel, J. (2014)
Policy Briefing: Human Trafficking and Online Networks. Budapest: European Commission & Central European University
No abstract available.

Giving us the ‘Biggest Bang for the Buck’ (or Not): Anti-trafficking government funding in Ukraine and the United Kingdom

Journal Article
Sharapov, K. (2014)
Giving us the ‘Biggest Bang for the Buck’ (or Not): Anti-trafficking government funding in Ukraine and the United Kingdom. Anti-trafficking review, 3, 16-40.
The focus of this paper is on government anti-trafficking policies and funding allocations in two case-study countries, Ukraine and the United Kingdom (UK). The paper discusse...

Getting in, Getting Construction Modern Apprentices in Scotland

Sharapov, K. & Tizard, J. (2011)
Getting in, Getting Construction Modern Apprentices in Scotland. Edinburgh: ConstructionSkills
This report describes research supported by ConstructionSkills, the Scottish Resource Centre for Women in Science, Engineering & Technology, Edinburgh Napier University, the E...

Getting In Getting On In Construction: Experiences of women and men studying construction in Scotland (2008)

Sharapov, K. & Tizard, J. (2007)
Getting In Getting On In Construction: Experiences of women and men studying construction in Scotland (2008). Edinburgh: ConstructionSkills
This report explores the findings of a study into factors affecting the progression of undergraduates from built environment programmes into employment in the Scottish constru...

Research Briefing No.10: Getting In, Getting On in Construction Experiences of women and men studying Built Environment in Scottish Universities (2008)

Sharapov, K. & Tizard, J. (2007)
Research Briefing No.10: Getting In, Getting On in Construction Experiences of women and men studying Built Environment in Scottish Universities (2008). Edinburgh: UK Resource Centre for Women in Science, Engineering and Technology
Experiences of women and men studying Built Environment in Scottish Universities 2008.

Pre-Napier Funded Projects

  • 2016 - 2018: Erasmus+ 2016 Key Action 107, Higher education student and staff mobility between Programme and Partner Countries, University of Waseda, Japan, € 60,060
  • 2016 - 2018: Erasmus+ 2016 Key Action 107, Higher education student and staff mobility between Programme and Partner Countries, Armenian State University of Economics, € 33,600
  • 2016: Climate Change, Movement and Vulnerability: a case-study of Mongolia, co-funded by IMPAKT and IASR, PI, £5,000
  • 2015 - 2017: Erasmus+ 2015 Key Action 107, Higher Education student and staff mobility between Programme and Partner Countries, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, € 34,920
  • 2013 - 2015: Understanding Public Knowledge and Attitudes towards Trafficking in Human Beings: A Cross-National Study, PI, EU FP7, €195,724
  • 2012 - 2014: Stop Traffic: Unweaving the Web of Online Human Trafficking: a Pilot Study (together with Dr Jonathan Mendel), Scottish Crucible, Co-PI, £3,932
  • 2010 - 2011: Project Leader, Employability E-Forum for Social Sciences Students, £10,000, Scottish Funding Council
  • 2007 - 2010: Getting in, Getting Construction Modern Apprentices in Scotland, Scottish Resource Centre for Women in Science, Engineering and Technology, Edinburgh Napier University

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