Karen Campbell
Karen Campbell

Dr Karen Campbell Honorary Research Consultant in Chemotherapy NHS Lothian

Associate Professor


I have a strong reputation in oncology practice as a national and international clinical academic in research, education, and consultancy. Since 2015, I have held the prestigious position of Macmillan Associate Professor in Professional Practice at the School of Health and Social Care. In this role, I have been instrumental in advancing the field of oncology through my research, teaching, and consultancy work. I also hold an Honorary Research Nurse Consultant Role in Chemotherapy, further demonstrating my commitment to the field.

I have held significant strategic leadership roles in the School of Health and Social Care (SHSC), the 'Cancer Collaborative Theme' and the 'Head of Learning and Teaching'. These roles have allowed me to demonstrate my subject-expert and university leadership skills and contribute to the growth and development of the field.

I completed a BSc ( Hons) in Genetics at the University of Glasgow before entering the nursing profession, qualifying from St Georges Hospital in London in 1992. I gained my Clinical Doctorate in Nursing in 2020: The haemato-oncology patient experience of the palliative care process in the last year of life: A Constructivist grounded theory study.

External Professional Practice:
As the elected President of the UK Oncology Nursing Society (UKONS), I have led the organisation to new heights. With a membership of 10,000 and an annual conference attended by over 500 delegates, UKONS is a key player in the field of oncology nursing. We have an annual income of approximately £150,000 and are supported by 23 pharmaceutical companies, with ROCHE being the principal partner. Under my leadership, UKONS has initiated and developed educational resources and guidance for cancer nurses across the UK, inspiring and empowering them to provide the best possible care to their patients.

UKONS aims to inspire by providing knowledge exchange and initiating and developing educational resources and guidance for cancer nurses across the UK. The society has fifteen voluntary board members and sixty-six champions. There are eight specialist interest groups: Systemic Anti-Cancer Treatment (SACT), Acute Oncology, Haematology, Living with and Beyond, Research, Radiotherapy, Champions, Young and Early Career. UKONS is represented on other multi-professional societies boards: the UK Chemotherapy Board, the Acute Oncology Society, and the UK Supportive Cancer Care.

UKONS has launched the UK digital SACT passport, the CASCADE project and Acute Oncology (AO) passport, and AO Hotline eLearning this year alone. Along with being integral to NHS Education England, the Aspiring Cancer Career and Education Development Framework (ACCEND), UKONS has funded and edited ‘Fundamentals in Cancer Care' and ' Cancer Care through COVID -19' books. All activity is communicated through out web pages and fortnightly 'Breaking News'. https://www.ukons.org/

I am on the international editorial board for the International Journal in Cancer Nursing and Seminar in Oncology Nursing.

I have peer-reviewed for the International Journal of Cancer Nursing, Cancer Nursing Practice, the British Journal of Nursing, the Journal of Patient Experience, and Seminars in Oncology Nursing.

I am editing an EBN book, 'Personalised Cancer Care,' and a Guest Editor for the Seminar in Oncology Nursing, which is publishing a special edition on ‘haematological Cancer’.

As a subject expert, I have been interviewed on practice issue editions and podcasts, such as Cancer Nursing Practice, the British Journal of Nursing, and Macmillan Cancer Support.

Funding and Consultancy:
I have secured £800K in competitive funding whilst at Edinburgh Napier University.
Since 2013, I have led a portfolio of Macmillan Cancer Support funding grants associated with developing and delivering a sustainable cancer education strategy for practitioners, caring for patients living with and beyond their cancer. In 2014, I was awarded an evaluation of the ‘Transforming Cancer Care after Treatment Scotland Macmillan Programme. I led phase 2, (2016 -2018) Continuation of National Evaluation of TCAT: Ensuring and Enhancing the Evidence (TCAT) and Health Economic Evaluation Work Strand: Continuity and Quality.
I am co-leading with Professor Snowden (2022-2024) an analysis, synthesis, and reporting on Transforming Cancer Care. This project involves collating data from 32 integrated health and social care sites across Scotland, a task that requires meticulous attention to detail and a deep understanding of the healthcare landscape. Our work continues to inform both Cancer Strategy in Scotland and the evaluation of transformational cancer care programmes, demonstrating the direct impact of our research on policy and practice development.
I lead a UKONS grant (2022-2024) exploring the perception and experience of potential exposure to hazardous drugs that administer cytotoxic drugs.

Research areas:
I have a strong record of collaborative practice research within cancer care, transformational change programmes, workforce issues, and personalised care. My work has not only contributed to the advancement of these areas but has also had a significant impact on the field of oncology, inspiring others to follow suit. I have a demonstrated record of knowledge exchange and building vital research and practice relationships regionally, nationally, and internationally.
My extensive portfolio of evaluating transformational change in cancer care across Scotland has had a profound impact on the healthcare landscape. This work has been pivotal in the Scottish Government's pledge of £ 18 million funding to improve cancer services in Scotland. By identifying key areas for improvement and implementing innovative solutions, I have contributed significantly to the enhancement of cancer care in the region.
I am continuing to explore nationally and internationally patient-reported outcomes and advance care planning for haematology cancer patients.

The UKONS grant exploring the perception and experiences of potential occupational exposure when administrating cytotoxic drugs has led to the following:
• Keynote sessions nationally and internationally.
• Leading collaborations with medical device companies, such as B Braun, ICU Medical, and Safecancercare consortium.
• International networking with Professor McDiarmid, Professor of Medicine and Epidemiology & Public Health Director, and Professor Polovich of the University Maryland School of Medicine has given global direction to policy and practice development.
• Leading on surface and air contamination study locally
• Future research includes collaboration with Professor Porter-Armstrong to pursue health technology solutions to measure patterns of health and wellbeing of cancer nurses administering cytotoxic drugs. It aims to extend this research into novel contamination sampling techniques for air and surface contamination in chemotherapy units. This wellbeing topic extends to exploring the presentation of Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome and Vicarious Trauma with Professor T Karatzias.

I have a track record of publishing in peer-reviewed national and international journals, have edited and contributed to several book chapters, and completed commissioned research evaluation reports.
I am the Director of studies for a PhD and a Professional Doctorate student in Palliative care in South Asian Families and Widening Participation in Higher Education, respectively.
I welcome Cancer Care PhD, Professional Doctorate, and external examining opportunities.

I was the first funded Macmillan Lecturer Practitioner in 2005, working between NHS Lothian and Edinburgh Napier University. I quickly became known nationally and internationally for my pioneering work in the development of accessible virtual education for haematology nursing (2008) and Supportive Care for those Living with and Beyond Cancer (2013).
During the pandemic, I utilised my knowledge and leadership skills to lead the Professional Development & Knowledge at Macmillan Cancer Support through a test of change. I successfully translated all face-to-face delivery into a virtual classroom, ensuring that our educational programs continued to reach a wide audience. Within three months, the virtual classrooms delivered fifteen topics to 1000 delegates by the end of 2020, a testament to our adaptability and commitment to providing high-quality education even in challenging times. These initiatives revolutionised the way we deliver education in these areas, making it more accessible and engaging for healthcare professionals and patients alike.

I lead as Head of Learning and Teaching for the School of Health and Social Care (2021-2023), with the prime focus on delivering the school action plan against retention and progression, the national student survey, programme academic boards, programme leads forum, student engagement and personal development tutoring, and enhanced curriculum development and quality assurance.

I have held several external examiner positions across the UK for cancer education.



Advisory panels and expert committees or witness

  • Advisory Panel: SafeCancercare
  • Expert Committee: President UK Oncology Nursing Society
  • Expert Committee: Systemic Anti Cancer Treatment Digital Passport
  • Expert Committee: Pre-registration Nursing workstream within the ACCEND programme
  • Invited Chair of the Advisory Group for Higher Education England Aspirant Cancer Career and Education Development ( ACCEND) programme
  • Advisory Panel: Oesophageal Cancer Research Priorities Work
  • Advisory panel: Blood Cancer UK Nurses Forum
  • Expert Committee: UK Oncology Nursing Society President Elect
  • Advisory Panel: British Journal of Nursing Awards ( CANCER)
  • Expert Committee: InDEPTH project. Guys Cancer Academy
  • Expert Committee: Elected Secretary UK oncology Nursing Society
  • Chair of Haematology Members Interest Group


Conference Organising Activity

  • European Cancer Nursing Day 2023 Edinburgh
  • Systemic Anti cancer Treatment Digital Passport - Edinburgh
  • Cancer Care in the Digital Age - Belfast
  • Caring Connections Virtual
  • Nursing at the Core of Cancer Care Virtual
  • Cancer care - Stay Safe Telford
  • Crossing Boundaries in Cancer Care Glasgow


Editorial Activity

  • International Invitation for Author Contribution to Special Edition: Novel SACT and Care Implications
  • International Guest Editor : ‘Cancer care in haematological malignancies’, Seminars in Oncology Nursing
  • International Editorial Board Member: International Cancer Nursing Journal for Cancer Nursing Research
  • International Editorial Board Member: Seminars in Oncology Nursing


External Examining/Validations

  • External Examiner Royal Marsden NHS Trust
  • University of West of Scotland MSc Programme in Advanced Practice
  • University of West Of Scotland BSc Programme in Cancer


Grant Funding Panel Member

  • Leukaemia UK Research Funding Panel


Invited Speaker

  • Workshop: Perceptions and Experience of potential Occupational Exposure to Cytotoxic Drugs UKONS SACT Nurse-led Research Seminar
  • Keynote: UKONS Project - Perception and experience of potential occupational exposure to cytotoxic drugs. UK Oncology Nursing Society 2024
  • International keynote: Perceptions and Experiences of Potential Occupational Exposure to Cytotoxic Drugs . Safecancercare Brussels
  • Panel member : Mentoring in Haematology Research Practice : Panel discussion. British Haematology Society
  • International keynote: Oncology Webinar 5th Ed: Helping to Protect Cancer Nurses from Exposure to Hazardous Drugs
  • International keynote: Different generations of cancer health care professionals – challenge or opportunity? 40th European Oncology Nursing Celebration Turku Finland
  • International Chair and keynote : Myeloma Symposium - Living with Chronicity. International Cancer Nursing Conference
  • Lecture: Communication in advance care planning for gastric cancer. European School of Oncology
  • Keynote speaker: Perceptions and Experiences of Potential Occupational Exposure to Cytotoxic Drugs . Safecancercare London
  • Workshop: Putting Enhanced Level Communication Skills into Practice Workshop Oncology Forum Birmingham
  • Workshop keynote speaker: Update- Cancer nurses' experiences and perceptions of potential occupational exposure to cytotoxic drugs. UK Oncology Nursing Society
  • Keynote: How Haematology nurses can lead the way in Research? British Haematology Society
  • Keynote: Lessons Learnt from TCAT (Transforming Care after Treatment Programme). Scottish Patient Reported Outcomes Group
  • International keynote: Oncology Webinar 4th Ed: Helping to Protect Cancer Nurses from Exposure to Hazardous Drugs
  • Workshop: Principles of Enhanced Communication and It’s Role in Self-management. Oncology Forum Birmingham
  • International keynote: Oncology Webinar 3th Ed: Helping to Protect Cancer Nurses from Exposure to Hazardous Drugs. B Braun
  • Keynote: How research nurses can lead the way?” Bristol Myers Squib
  • Chair: Roche Podcasts series - Resilience and health and wellbeing
  • Workshop: Cancer nurses' experiences and perceptions of potential occupational exposure to cytotoxic drugs: Initial project results. UK Oncology Nursing Society
  • International keynote: The haemato-oncology patient experience of the process of palliative in the last year of life: A constructivist grounded theory study. European Oncology Nursing Society
  • International keynote: Supportive Cancer Care, International Conference Cancer Nursing ( virtual)
  • Panel Discussion member : RCNi
  • Keynote: Improving patient care and the role of communication in delivering individualised services. Lymphoma Action
  • International lecture: Does Holistic Needs Assessment Ensure Person- Centred Cancer Care? European School of Oncology
  • International keynote: An Evaluation of Transforming Care after Treatment – Supporting individuals who have experienced cancer in Scotland. Advancing Practice for Health and Social Care Management Across Europe (DOCMAN virtual conference) Prague May 2020
  • Keynote: The haemato-oncology patient experience of the process of palliative in the last year of life: A constructivist grounded theory study. British Haematology Society
  • Workshop: The real value of Holistic Needs Assessment. British Haematology Society
  • Workshop: The meaning and measurement of outcomes in survivorship care. NCRI Conference Glasgow
  • Workshop: Systematic review of the implementation and impact of holistic needs assessments for people affected by cancer. NCRI Conference Glasgow
  • Workshop: Evaluation of the Scottish Transforming Care after Treatment Programme – implementing holistic needs assessment across organisations UKONS Conference Glasgow
  • International keynote: A longitudinal mixed methods study of transformational change: indicators of positive change in cancer after care services RCN International Research Conference Oxford
  • Workshop: Context, Circumstances and Concerns – the 3C’s in Cancer Follow Up and survivorship. October 2016 European Oncology Nursing Society
  • Keynote: Transforming Care After Treatment Lymphoma Association Nursing Study Day
  • Workshop: Education and career development opportunities in Haem-Onc. Lymphoma Association -Clinical Nurse Specialist Masterclass. London March 8th.
  • Keynote: Palliative Care in Haematology. Scottish Haematology Society .Dunblane September 2nd – 3rd
  • The East of Scotland Haematology Nurse Group use of the Virtual Classroom Environment in the Provision of Continuous Professional Development through a Macmillan Online Lecture Series . ELearning in Health Conference: collaboration, sharing and sustainability in the current environment. Aston University Birmingham 27th-28th June
  • Chair plenary session (2011) eLearning in Health Conference: collaboration, sharing and sustainability in the current environment. Aston University Birmingham 27th-28th June
  • Nursing Education Programmes: Case Studies and Round-Table
  • Elluminate Live! for Haematology Nurse Education. Scottish Haematology Society .Dunblane 15th-16th September


Media Activity

  • Macmillan Professional Podcast - Vicarious Trauma Part 1 - Spotify
  • Macmillan Professional Podcast - Vicarious Trauma Part 2 - Spotify
  • BJN: The need to protect cancer nurses from exposure to hazardous drugs
  • BONES: European Cancer Nursing Day 2023
  • BJN: The need to protect cancer nurses from exposure to hazardous drugs
  • BJN: Cancer Care in the Digital Age: Safe practice in SACT.


Membership of Professional Body

  • UK Oncology Nursing Society
  • Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
  • Nursing Midwifery Council


Public/Community Engagement

  • Bright Light - Teenager Cancer- Theatre production


Research Degree External Examining

  • The Implementation of the use of Patient Reported Outcome Measures into routine Clinical Practice for Patients with Head and Neck Cancer
  • Independent Scientific Expert on PhD Thesis Progression Committee member



  • British Journal of Nursing
  • Journal of Patient Experience
  • Cancer Nursing Practice


Visiting Positions

  • Honorary Cancer Research Consultant in Chemotherapy NHS Lothian



64 results

Nurses are key to ensuring equitable access to cancer care

Journal Article
Bird, J., & Campbell, K. (2024)
Nurses are key to ensuring equitable access to cancer care. British Journal of Nursing, 33(5), S3. https://doi.org/10.12968/bjon.2024.33.5.s3

On the quest for integration

Journal Article
Dyer, S., Campbell, K., & Lavender, V. (2023)
On the quest for integration. British Journal of Nursing, 32(17), S3. https://doi.org/10.12968/bjon.2023.32.17.s3

A survey of quality-of-life tools used in the routine care of patients with multiple myeloma

Journal Article
Kirkpatrick, S., Campbell, K., & Harding, S. (2023)
A survey of quality-of-life tools used in the routine care of patients with multiple myeloma. British Journal of Nursing, 32(5), S10-S14. https://doi.org/10.12968/bjon.2023.32.5.s10
Background: New treatment options have significantly improved the life expectancy of myeloma patients such that their cause of death is increasingly likely to be from somethi...

The Hematology Cancer patient Experience of ' Facing Death' in the last Year of Life: A Constructivist Grounded Theory Study

Journal Article
Campbell, K., Harris, F., & Stoddart, K. (2024)
The Hematology Cancer patient Experience of ' Facing Death' in the last Year of Life: A Constructivist Grounded Theory Study. Cancer Nursing, 47(2), 132-140. https://doi.org/10.1097/NCC.0000000000001180
Background For hematology cancer patients, the process of dying is described as “troublesome.” Qualitative studies have focused on views of healthcare professionals and careg...

CN59 A scoping review to establish the utility of patient reported outcome measures in blood cancer

Journal Article
Kirkpatrick, S., & Campbell, K. (2022)
CN59 A scoping review to establish the utility of patient reported outcome measures in blood cancer. Annals of Oncology, 33(suppl_7), S1371. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.annonc.2022.07.382
Background Blood cancers can have devastating effects on patients’ physical, emotional, and psychosocial health. With improvements in therapies, patients are living longer. Th...

CN32 Cancer nurses' experiences and perceptions of potential occupational exposure to cytotoxic drugs: Systematic review utilising framework analysis

Journal Article
Campbell, K., Afseth, J., & Dunham, M. (2022)
CN32 Cancer nurses' experiences and perceptions of potential occupational exposure to cytotoxic drugs: Systematic review utilising framework analysis. Annals of Oncology, 33(suppl_7), S1362. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.annonc.2022.07.355
Background In the UK control of substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (COSHH) define chemotherapy as a hazardous substance. Therefore, it is imperative that employers ass...

CN25 The haemato-oncology patient experience of the process of palliative care: A constructivist grounded theory study

Journal Article
Campbell, K. (2021)
CN25 The haemato-oncology patient experience of the process of palliative care: A constructivist grounded theory study. Annals of Oncology, 32(suppl_5), S1265. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.annonc.2021.08.651
Background Haemato-oncology (HO) patients comprise 8.5% of the overall adult cancers within the UK. Despite advances in treatment, eventually the majority will enter into a pa...

Fundamentals in Cancer Care

Foulkes, M., Lavender, V., Kumaralingam, N., & Campbell, K. (Eds.)
(2021). Fundamentals in Cancer Care. Witney: EBN health
This is a practice focus guide for staff working in clinical practice in primary and acute cancer care with an emphasis on nursing . A valuable tool for learners at multiple ...

Developing a needs-based competency career framework for person centered care

Presentation / Conference
Goodchild, J., Campbell, K., Duffy, J., Smit, R., & Gregson, N. (2020, November)
Developing a needs-based competency career framework for person centered care. Paper presented at UKONS Annual Conference 2020, Online

Healthcare Professional and Service User Perspectives on Formal Educational Programmes for Children and Young People with Cancer in the UK

Journal Article
McInally, W., & Campbell, K. (2022)
Healthcare Professional and Service User Perspectives on Formal Educational Programmes for Children and Young People with Cancer in the UK. Journal of Cancer Education, 37, 608-614. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13187-020-01854-7
Caring for children and young people with cancer requires specific knowledge, skills and experience to deliver the complex care regimes both within the hospital or community e...

Pre-Napier Funded Projects

  • Development of a MOOC based upon There is a Light: BRIGHTLIGHT' video production (£2000)
  • Mobile Application of Referencing: integration for Moodle and handheld devices (£5000)
  • Teaching Fellow Grant Paper Based Flash Cards for Referencing ( £5000)
  • Macmillan Haematology Online Lecture series (£5000)
  • Implementation of podcasting project targeting key stages of the three-year undergraduate nursing programme ( £5000)
  • Evaluation of the Role of the Advanced Nurse Practitioner within an Integrated Specialist Palliative Care Service (£20, 000)
  • Further Education and International Student Transition to Edinburgh Napier University: supporting the journey with technology (£10,000)
  • Macmillan Head and Neck development programme 2008 – 2011 Evaluation and supervisory role (£90,000)
  • Development of the Therapeutic Option in Malignant Haematology Online Module (£6000)

Current Post Grad projects

Previous Post Grad projects