Jay Mackinnon
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Jay Mackinnon FHEA



Lecturer in Applied Sciences at Edinburgh Napier University since 2008, specialising in botany but with wide-ranging interests in biodiversity, ecology and conservation including environmental management; impacts of tourism and recreation; environmental education and ecotourism.

MSc project supervisions:


Ashley Napier: Using Place Attachment to Understand Visitor and Recreationist Behaviour in a Protected Urban Natural Area: Holyrood Park, Edinburgh.

Irene Vijula Paul Thangadurai: The Influence Of Different Landscapes And Landscape Characteristics On The Abundance Of Bumblebees In The Town Of Haddington, East Lothian. In collaboration with East Lothian Council.

Patricia Monterde Vitoria: Influence of aspect on diversity, distribution and leaf size of plant species in an alpine environment. In collaboration with The National Trust for Scotland.

Robert Paul Nichol: The effects on plant biodiversity arising from paths through a sand dune system in Northern Ireland.


Hannah Prynne: Investigating changes on a lowland heathland at East Dartmoor National Nature Reserve.

Norma Rudat: Environmental Education at Cairngorms National Park - A qualitative study on the effectiveness of the John Muir Award. In collaboration with Cairngorm National Park Authority.

Paige Calkins: Effective Social Media and the Environment: How To Make The Environment 'Go Viral'.

Emily Paige Myers: The Impacts Of Cross-Cultural Experiences On The Habits And Attitudes Towards Sustainability Of International Students: A Case Study Of International Students Studying At Edinburgh Napier University.

Alexander Salmond: Analysis of public perceptions of biodiversity including the 2020 Challenge for Scotland’s biodiversity.


Mathilda Evans: What motivates tourists to visit the Isle of Arran (Scotland) and how compatible is this tourism with an extension of the Marine Protected Area? In collaboration with Community of Arran Seabed Trust.

Sebastien Georges: Applying stated choice experiment to route planning in the Scottish hills.

Giulia Baldini: The effectiveness of the two bells-collar in reducing domestic cat predation rates.

Narcis Serban: Measuring Geotourism And Ecotourism In The North West Highlands Geopark.

Placido Diaz Martin: Ecotourism potential of Estartit (Catalonia, SPAIN).

Ruth Armstrong: Evaluating the Impact of a Conservation Education Programme in Zimbabwe: Measuring Children’s Environmental Attitudes and Reported Behaviours using the Model of Ecological Values (2-MEV) and Thematic Analysis.


Kristina Stazaker: The Primate Photo Prop Trade: Tourist Trends, Attitudes And Perceptions To The Use Of Barbary Macaques (Macaca Sylvanus) In The Jemaa El Fna Square, Marrakech. In collaboration with Moroccan Primate Conservation Foundation and funded by International Primate Protection League.

Maria Belen Paredes del Prado: The relationship between knowledge, environmental attitudes and environmental behaviour intentions in tourists participating in turtle tours in Tortuguero (Costa Rica).

Tara Hoole: An Assessment of Bumblebees at Yellowcraig. In collaboration with East Lothian Council.

Clare Mills: A Visitor Survey of John Muir Country Park, Dunbar, Scotland. In collaboration with East Lothian Council.

Megan Tennant: Attitudes and Perceptions of Scuba Divers and Non-Divers, in Southampton & Portsmouth, on the Potential Impacts of Scuba Diving.

Giorgia Duranti: Preliminary studies on rabbit population in relation to plant diversity in Yellowcraig site, East Lothian, UK. In collaboration with East Lothian Council.

Hanah Al-Samaraie: Is there a correlation between tent occupancy and abundance of tent-roosting bats and environmental factors in the area of Caño Palma Biological Station, Limón, Costa Rica?


Advisory panels and expert committees or witness

  • County Recorder for Botanical Society of Britain and Ireland (VC84, West Lothian)


Conference Organising Activity

  • The Sunny Sides of Summits: Influence of aspect on diversity, distribution and leaf size of plant species in an alpine environment.
  • The Sunny Sides of Summits: Influence of aspect on diversity, distribution and leaf size of plant species in an alpine environment
  • Is Traditional Use of Japanese Knotweed (Polygonum cuspidatum) Borne Out By Modern Research?
  • An analysis of the risks and benefits associated with the medicinal use of borage (Borago officinalis)
  • Can Involvement in Research Create Educational Opportunities for Students?
  • 24-hour urine samples and timed plasma samples as biomarkers of high intakes of soy isoflavones
  • Is phyto-oestrogen exposure beneficial in breast cancer patients?
  • Are phytoestrogens beneficial in breast cancer patients? Use of a newly validated biomarker to assess phytoestrogen intake in women with breast cancer and controls.
  • Further development of a biomarker of isoflavone intake
  • Using biomarkers to assess phytoestrogen intake in breast cancer patients during a dietary intervention study
  • Isoflavone content of soy-based beverages and desserts


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