Janice McMillan
Janice McMillan

Dr Janice McMillan

Associate Professor


Dr Janice McMillan is Associate Professor in Human Resource Development and Public Management.. She has held previous posts at Northumbria, Robert Gordon and Nottingham Trent Universities. She specialises in public management and organisational analysis and was Chair of the Public Administration Specialist Group of the Political Studies Association of the United Kingdom from 1995-2006 and Vice-Chair of the Public Administration Committee of the Joint University Council 2013-2017.

She has published books and articles on public service reform in the UK and abroad and is currently working on a co-authored text for Edward Elgar Publishers considering critical organisational behaviour in the public sector. Janice has extensive experience in delivering training and development programmes for public organisations including local councils in the UK and the Egyptian and Vietnamese civil services.

Janice has a wide range of experience in knowledge transfer and has worked closely with local government on organisational learning projects. She was also a member of the Quality Assurance Agency subject benchmarking panel for Politics and International Relations and as a previous award holder acts as reviewer for ESRC programme and open awards. She has acted as external examiner at Ulster, Portsmouth, Nottingham, Queen Mary London and De Montfort Universities.



Advisory panels and expert committees or witness

  • QAA Subject Benchmarking Panel - Politics and International Relations


Editorial Activity

  • Associate Editor - Frontiers in Communication
  • Guest Editor
  • Guest Editor


External Examining/Validations

  • Programme Approval University of the West of Scotland
  • Subject Revalidation University of the West of Scotland
  • External Examinership Scottish Police College
  • Periodic Subject Review University of Ulster
  • External Examinership De Montfort University
  • External Examinership Queen Mary, London
  • Periodic Subject Review De Montfort University
  • Programme Approval University of Portsmouth
  • External Examinership University of Portsmouth
  • External Examinership University of Nottingham
  • External Examinership University of Ulster


Fellowships and Awards

  • Senior Fellow Advance HE (Higher Education Academy)


Grant Reviewer

  • ESRC Reviewer - Programmes and Open Competition


Membership of Professional Body

  • Vice Chair Public Administration Committee
  • Chair, Political Studies Association Public Administration Specialist Group


Public/Community Engagement

  • Management Training and Development - Local Government and Civil Service


Research Degree External Examining

  • Problem Sensing and Formulation in Talent Management: An Exploratory Study
  • Legitimisation of Repetitive Psychological Contract Breach, Through the Lived Experiences of Employee Well-being
  • The Impact of Managerial Coaching on Knowledge Seeking
  • Servant leadership in SMEs: A study of Scotland
  • An Examination of Strategic Leadership in a Dynamic Context: The Case of the German Automobile Manufacturer, BMW
  • Evaluation of the Current Performance Management System in the Orthopaedic Departments of the Hospitals of Sialkot, Pakistan
  • Chorus before singer: Elements of readiness for change within the Canadian public service, a bottom-up approach
  • Supervisor`s Support Behaviours and Transfer of Training
  • Exploring the Role of UK Public Sector Managers in Rewarding their Employees: A self-determination theory perspective
  • A Way for Welsh Local Authorities to Deliver their Services More Effectively
  • Principles of Good Governance and their Efficacy in Developing Countries: A Caribbean Perspective
  • Important Considerations in Developing a Framework to Effectively Regulate the Nigerian Upstream Oil Sector
  • The Role of Local Government in Shaping and Influencing International Policy Frameworks
  • Stretegic Decision Making in Career Management in the Oil and Gas Industry: A Case Study of Nigerian Petroleum Corporation
  • Applying a Model of Public Management Reform to Tax Reform in a Post-Soviet Transition Country: The Case of the Kyrgyz Republic
  • Organisational change, partnership working and agenda for change in the Scottish NHS: a phenomenological study
  • Environmental Financial Assurance as a Regulatory Tool in Developing Countries: Case Study of Ghanaian Mining Boards
  • An exploration into employee perceptions of the dyadic relationship with their leader within a retail SME in Edinburgh
  • A Critique of the Implementation of Crime and Intelligence Computing in Three British Police Forces 1976-1986
  • Political Occitanism 1974-2000: Exploring the Marginalisation of an Ethnoregionalist Movement
  • The Garbage Model of Organisational Change: The Case of an English Local Authority
  • Roles and Organisational Citizenship Behaviour of UK and Thai University Lecturers: A Comparative Study



66 results

Public Management in the Postmodern Era Challenges and Prospects

Public Management in the Postmodern Era Challenges and Prospects
Challenging the traditional orthodoxies of public management, this timely and comprehensive book adopts a lively and critical approach to key questions of public policy and ma...

The Discourse of Local Partnership in the United Kingdom

Presentation / Conference
McMillan, J., & Fenwick, J. (2009, September)
The Discourse of Local Partnership in the United Kingdom. Paper presented at Public Administration Committee Annual Conference

What Makes a Successful Leader?

Presentation / Conference
McMillan, J., Peach, R., & Watson, S. (2009, June)
What Makes a Successful Leader?. Paper presented at 10th International Conference on Human Resource Development Research and Practice across Europe

Local government and the problem of English governance.

Journal Article
Fenwick, J., McMillan, J., & Elcock, H. (2009)
Local government and the problem of English governance. Local Government Studies, 35, 5-20. https://doi.org/10.1080/03003930802574417
The paper is concerned with the problematic nature of English governance. The discussion begins with reference to the reluctance to engage in debates about English national go...

Governance and accountability: a role for social accounts in the sustainable school.

Journal Article
Gibbon, J., Fenwick, J., & McMillan, J. (2008)
Governance and accountability: a role for social accounts in the sustainable school. Public Money and Management, 28, 353-360. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-9302.2008.00669.x
Alongside formal systems of governance in secondary education there are important informal relationships of accountability among key stakeholders, organized around voluntary o...

Understanding Governance in an Era of Fragmentation and Uncertainty: Exploring Alternative Perspectives

Presentation / Conference
McMillan, J., & Fenwick, J. (2008, December)
Understanding Governance in an Era of Fragmentation and Uncertainty: Exploring Alternative Perspectives. Paper presented at Fourth Transatlantic Dialogue on the Status of Intergovernmental and Multi-Level Governance

Learning, compliance and gender in public management.

Journal Article
McMillan, J., & Fenwick, J. (2008)
Learning, compliance and gender in public management. Public Policy and Administration, 23, 247-261. https://doi.org/10.1177/0952076708089975
This article offers a critical perspective on the ways in which the learning process in public organizations may be influenced by gender. The discussion considers the differen...

Belonging Communities’ in the New English Councils: The Rhetoric of Leadership?

Presentation / Conference
McMillan, J., & Fenwick, J. (2008, September)
Belonging Communities’ in the New English Councils: The Rhetoric of Leadership?. Paper presented at Public Administration Committee Annual Conference

Local Government: An Answer to the Problem of English Governance?

Presentation / Conference
McMillan, J., Fenwick, J., & Elcock, H. (2008, April)
Local Government: An Answer to the Problem of English Governance?. Paper presented at Political Studies Association Annual Conference

Learning and Change in Public Organisations: What’s the Problem?

Presentation / Conference
McMillan, J., & Fenwick, J. (2007, October)
Learning and Change in Public Organisations: What’s the Problem?. Paper presented at Evaluation, Learning and Change in the Public Sector

Pre-Napier Funded Projects

  • ESRC Award Holder

Current Post Grad projects

Previous Post Grad projects

Non-Napier PhD or MSc by Research supervisions

  • Labour Discrimination: The Case of the Chinese in Newcastle
  • Linguistics in Tourism Advertising
  • Organisational Commitment and Developing Countries: The Case of Nigeria
  • ‘No Qualifications are Necessary?’ Effective Governance in State Secondary Schools: Model Guidelines
  • An Exploration of the Impact of International and Domestic Factors on the Economic Reform Programme in Libya 1987-2004