Emilio Pagani-Nunez
emilio pagani nunez

Dr Emilio Pagani-Nunez



I work as a Lecturer in Ecology and Conservation at the School of Applied Sciences of Edinburgh Napier University, where I also am a member of the Centre for Conservation and Restoration Science (CCRS). Prior to working at Edinburgh Napier University, I was Assistant Professor at the Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU) of Suzhou, China (2019-2022). In China, I also worked as a postdoc at Guangxi University (2015-2016) and Sun Yat-sen University (2016-2019). I obtained my PhD from the University of Barcelona (2014). My PhD project, developed at the Natural Sciences Museum of Barcelona, focused on the relationships between diet, ecology, and plumage colouration, using Great Tits (Parus major) as model. Since 2020, I serve as an Associate Editor at Ecology and Evolution and Ornithological Applications.

I am a field ecologist with broad interests in ecology, evolution and behaviour. I enjoy studying birds to understand how our activities impact biodiversity and to think in ways in which these impacts can be minimized. I employ an array of methodologies and techniques in my research. I am especially keen to conduct experiments and observations in the field but have also explored lab techniques such as stable isotopes and deep genomic sequencing. I also use citizen data sources. To date, I have published over 40 manuscripts in conservation, ecology and ornithology journals such as Conservation Biology, Ecography, Oecologia, Ibis or Journal of Avian Biology.

I have recently completed the project 3177020270 “The impact of urbanization on genotypes and phenotypes of Barn Swallows” funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China with RMB640,000 (approx. £76,500). Linked to this project, I am supervising the PhD project "Resource use and genetic divergence in urban and rural populations of Barn Swallows (Hirunda rustica)" led by Sihao Chen, which is funded by XJTLU. I am also supervising the PhD project “Urbanization and community structure: the impact of habitat transformation on competition and predation in avian assemblages”, led by Yu Zeng and also funded by XJTLU.

My last publication, Trade-offs between economic development and biodiversity conservation on a tropical island, published in Conservation Biology (https://conbio.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/cobi.13912) was picked up by several media outlets such as Phys.org, Science Magazine or UK Today News.



Editorial Activity

  • Associate Editor, Ornithological Applications (2020-now)
  • Associate Editor, Ecology and Evolution (2020-now)
  • Guest Editor, Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution – Conservation: Research Topic “Impacts of Habitat Transformation on Species, Biodiversity and Ecosystems in Asia” https://www.frontiersin.org/research-topics/14235 (2021-2022)


Fellowships and Awards

  • PhD Scholarship FPI grant BES-2010-040359 (2010-2014)


Invited Speaker

  • A commentary on the recent update of China’s wildlife conservation list - RICE - Cervantes Institute of Shanghai (Online) (2022)
  • Why urban biodiversity matters - Elefam NGO Summer School (Online) (2021)
  • Disentangling the community ecology mess - Xishuangbanna Botanical Garden CAS Seminars, Menla (Yunnan, China) (2021)
  • Stable Isotopes in Ecological Research - Youth Ornithologists Symposium of China (Changchun, China) (2019)


Media Activity

  • Phys.org , Science Magazine, UK Today News - featuring article in Conservation Biology "Trade‐offs between economic development and biodiversity conservation on a tropical island" (2022)


Membership of Professional Body

  • Member, Spanish Association of Terrestrial Ecology (AEET) (2020)
  • Member, Ecological Society of China (ESC) (2020-now)
  • Member, British Ecological Society (BES) (2020-now)
  • Member, Spanish Society of Ethology (SEE) (2010-now)
  • Member, Spanish Ornithological Society (SEO/Birdlife) (2010-now)



  • I have reviewed paper for Methods in Ecology and Evolution, Journal of Animal Ecology, Conservation Biology, Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, Global Ecology and Conservation, Behavioral Ecology, Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, Biological Invasions, Biotropica, Scientific Reports, Ecology and Evolution, Ecosphere, Ecoscience, Behavior, Animal Microbiome, Condor, Bird Study, Ardea, Ornis Fennica, Avian Research, Wilson Journal of Ornithology, Animal Biodiversity and Conservation, Journal of Urban Ecology, African Journal of Ecology, Pakistan Journal of Zoology, Animals Cells and Systems, Ringing & Migration, Catalan Journal of Ornithology



45 results

The need for new categorizations of dietary specialism incorporating spatio‐temporal variability of individual diet specialization

Journal Article
Pagani‐Núñez, E., Barnett, C., Gu, H., & Goodale, E. (2016)
The need for new categorizations of dietary specialism incorporating spatio‐temporal variability of individual diet specialization. Journal of Zoology, 300(1), 1-7. https://doi.org/10.1111/jzo.12364
In the last decade, an increasing body of research has addressed the extent to which different individuals within a species or population specialize in their exploitation of d...

The breeding ecology of the barn swallow Hirundo rustica gutturalis in South China

Journal Article
Pagani-Núñez, E., He, C., Li, B., Li, M., He, R., Jiang, A., & Goodale, E. (2016)
The breeding ecology of the barn swallow Hirundo rustica gutturalis in South China. Journal of Tropical Ecology, 32(3), 260-263. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0266467416000201
Some animal species are found in many environments and over wide distributions and may have adaptations to live in such different areas. The barn swallow Hirundo rustica is an...

Comparing prey composition and prey size delivered to nestlings by great tits, Parus major, and blue tits, Cyanistes caeruleus, in a Mediterranean sclerophyllous mixed forest

Journal Article
Navalpotro, H., Pagani–Núñez, E., Hernández–Gómez, S., & Senar, J. (2016)
Comparing prey composition and prey size delivered to nestlings by great tits, Parus major, and blue tits, Cyanistes caeruleus, in a Mediterranean sclerophyllous mixed forest. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation, 39(1), 129-139. https://doi.org/10.32800/abc.2016.39.0129
Resource partitioning is a central issue in ecology because it can establish to which point similar species can coexist in the same habitat. Great tits and blue tits have been...

Metal exposure influences the melanin and carotenoid-based colorations in great tits

Journal Article
Giraudeau, M., Mateos-Gonzalez, F., Cotín, J., Pagani-Nuñez, E., Torné-Noguera, A., & Senar, J. (2015)
Metal exposure influences the melanin and carotenoid-based colorations in great tits. Science of the Total Environment, 532, 512-516. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2015.06.021
Metals are naturally found in the environment but are also emitted through anthropogenic activities, raising some concerns about the potential deleterious effects of these ele...

Diet specialization in a generalist population: the case of breeding great tits Parus major in the Mediterranean area

Journal Article
Pagani-Núñez, E., Valls, M., & Senar, J. (2015)
Diet specialization in a generalist population: the case of breeding great tits Parus major in the Mediterranean area. Oecologia, 179(3), 629-640. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00442-015-3334-2
The analysis of diet specialization provides key information on how different individuals deal with similar food and habitat constraints within populations. Characterizing par...

Year-round preference for spiders by Mediterranean Great Tits Parus major

Journal Article
Pagani-Núñez, E., Hernández-Gómez, S., Riyahi, S., & Senar, J. (2014)
Year-round preference for spiders by Mediterranean Great Tits Parus major. Ardeola, 61(2), 257-267. https://doi.org/10.13157/arla.61.2.2014.257
A key topic in foraging ecology is whether a particular prey type is consumed because it is more abundant or easier to catch, or because there is a specific preference for it....

Habitat structure and prey composition generate contrasting effects on carotenoid-based coloration of great tit Parus major nestlings

Journal Article
Pagani-Núñez, E., Uribe, F., Hernández-Gómez, S., Muñoz, G., & Senar, J. C. (2014)
Habitat structure and prey composition generate contrasting effects on carotenoid-based coloration of great tit Parus major nestlings. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 113(2), 547-555. https://doi.org/10.1111/bij.12352
Carotenoid-based coloration of nestling plumage is generally considered a reliable signal of quality and has consistently been related to habitat structure. The main hypothesi...

Wintering location and moult patterns of juvenile Common Chiffchaffs Phylloscopus collybita

Journal Article
Pagani-Núñez, E., Fregenal, J., Hernández-Gómez, S., & Domínguez-Santaella, M. (2014)
Wintering location and moult patterns of juvenile Common Chiffchaffs Phylloscopus collybita. Bird Study, 61(2), 270-276. https://doi.org/10.1080/00063657.2014.907237
The pattern of moult of juvenile Common Chiffchaffs Phylloscopus collybita wintering in two distant localities of the Iberian Peninsula, Málaga (south) and Barcelona (north) d...

Extent of post-juvenile moult in wintering Common Chiffchaffs Phylloscopus collybita is related to indices of individual quality

Journal Article
Pagani-Núñez, E., & Hernández-Gómez, S. (2013)
Extent of post-juvenile moult in wintering Common Chiffchaffs Phylloscopus collybita is related to indices of individual quality. Revista Catalana d’Ornitologia, 29, 35-42

Are colorful males of great tits Parus major better parents? Parental investment is a matter of quality

Journal Article
Pagani-Núñez, E., & Senar, J. C. (2014)
Are colorful males of great tits Parus major better parents? Parental investment is a matter of quality. Acta oecologica, 55, 23-28. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actao.2013.11.001
Given the known influence of parental investment on breeding success of great tits Parus major, females should be expected to use male parental quality as an essential criteri...

Pre-Napier Funded Projects

  • PI, External, 3177020270, “The impact of urbanization on genotypes and phenotypes of Barn Swallows”, National Natural Science Foundation of China, £76,000 (2018-2021)

Current Post Grad projects

Non-Napier PhD or MSc by Research supervisions

  • PS, Yu Zeng, XJTLU, Urbanization and community structure: the impact of habitat transformation on competition and predation in avian assemblages (2020-now)
  • PS, Sihao Chen, XJTLU, Resource use and genetic divergence in urban and rural populations of Barn Swallows (Hirunda rustica) (2020-now)