Dan Ridley-Ellis
Dan Ridley Ellis

Dr Dan Ridley-Ellis BEng MRes PhD FIMMM

Associate Professor


Dan Ridley-Ellis is head of the Centre Wood Science and Technology at Edinburgh Napier University. He is one of the UK’s technical experts on guessing the strength of wood and can talk for hours on the topic – which he frequently does if nobody stops him.

His main area of research is understanding the properties of wood, and how they are influenced by tree growth, forest management, and climate. He represents the UK at European Standards Committees for grading of construction timber, and the majority of structural sawn timber produced in the UK is now graded with settings he developed. He was named “woodland hero” for 2016 by Grown in Britain, and is also active in online learning, public engagement and science communication. He was the lead organiser of Bright Club Edinburgh from 2011 to 2023.




Advisory panels and expert committees or witness

  • Expert witness (materials)
  • Timber in Construction Working Group (DEFRA etc)
  • Invited speaker at All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Forestry and Tree Planting
  • CSIC Innovation Champion
  • Judge, Structural Timber Awards 2019
  • Judge, Structural Timber Awards 2018
  • Leader, CEN TC124 (Timber Structures) WG 2 TG1 (Task Group for grading and strength properties)
  • Member - Scottish Forestry and Timber Technologies Skills Group
  • Advisory Board Member of TRADA
  • Secretary, CEN TC124 (Timber Structures) WG 2 TG1 (Task Group for grading and strength properties)
  • Member, CEN TC124 (Timber Structures) WG 2 TG1 (Task Group for grading and strength properties)
  • Northern UK representative for the Northern European Network for Wood Science & Engineering
  • Member, CEN TC124 (Timber Structures) WG 2 (Solid Timber)
  • Member, British Standards Committee B/518
  • Member of the Board of the Wood Technology Society (IOM3)
  • Member, CEN TC124 (Timber Structures) WG 1 (Test methods)
  • Member, UK Timber Grading Committee


Conference Organising Activity

  • Local organising committee member for 2DCOS-11
  • COST Actions


Editorial Activity

  • Editorial board member of the European Journal of Wood and Wood Products
  • Editorial board member of the International Wood Products Journal


External Examining/Validations

  • External validator for Technological University Dublin
  • External validator for London Metropolitan University


Fellowships and Awards

  • Scottish Forestry, Sir George Campbell Memorial Trophy
  • Grown in Britain Woodland Hero
  • Edinburgh Beltane Public Engagement Fellow
  • Queens Anniversary Prize 2015


Invited Speaker

  • Scottish Association for Metals
  • Invited speaker at ICF Innovation for Change Webinar
  • Guest lecturing at Hooke Park
  • Guest lecturing at Ecole Supérieure du Bois (France)
  • Royal Forestry Society's Lawrence Pilling Memorial Lecture


Media Activity

  • Quoted in Chemistry World news article
  • Quoted in news articles worldwide about Ethiopian tree planting
  • Guest on rialtalk podcast
  • Quoted in Chemistry World news article
  • Interviewed on 2ser radio (Sydney, Australia) about Ethiopian tree planting
  • Contributor on BBC World Service programme “The Forum” broadcast on 19 January 2015.
  • have discussed Bright Club live on BBC Radio Scotland’s Comedy Café (29 July 2011) and in pre-recorded interview on BBC Radio Scotland's "Good Morning Scotland" (14 November 2012). Performed live on BBC Radio Scotland's MacAulay and Co (25 May 2012).
  • BBC Bang Goes The Theory “Ask Yan” expert 2009/10


Public/Community Engagement

  • Invited speaker at Lantra VirtRural careers event
  • Engineering Showoff Performer
  • STEM ambassador
  • Main organiser/trainer of Bright Club Edinburgh and Bright Club Scotland (in which academics do stand-up comedy).



171 results

Random acts of elasticity: MoE, G and EN408.

Conference Proceeding
Ridley-Ellis, D., Moore, J. & Khokhar, A. M. (2009)
Random acts of elasticity: MoE, G and EN408
The paper examines the variation in modulus of elasticity (MoE) and shear modulus (G) within sawn timber and the implications for testing timber in accordance with EN408:2003....

Recruiting Women into Scottish Wood Chain Industries

Journal Article
Ridley-Ellis, D., MacPherson, S., & Thomson, E. (2008)
Recruiting Women into Scottish Wood Chain Industries. Timber Engineering, 1, 477-485
In common with many countries, the composition and attitudes of Scotland’s population are changing. It is the regions where the industries in the wood products value chain are...

Determining the Shear Modulus of Sitka Spruce from Torsion Tests

Journal Article
Khokhar, A. M., Zhang, H., Ridley-Ellis, D., & Moore, J. (2008)
Determining the Shear Modulus of Sitka Spruce from Torsion Tests. Timber Engineering,
This paper presents details of the experimental method, and preliminary results from, a series of torsion tests undertaken to evaluate the shear modulus of Sitka spruce (Picea...

Dynamic performance of multi-webbed engineered timber joists

Journal Article
Bahadori-Jahromi, A., & Ridley-Ellis, D. (2008)
Dynamic performance of multi-webbed engineered timber joists. Journal of the Institute of Wood Science, 18, 87-93. https://doi.org/10.1179/wsc.2008.18.2.87
The introduction of engineered beams offered longer span, lower cost joists in comparison to traditional solid timber sections; however, vibration criteria in the design codes...

Getting the most out of the United Kingdom's timber resource.

Journal Article
Moore, J., Gardiner, B. A., Ridley-Ellis, D., Jarvis, M. C., Mochan, S. J. & Macdonald, E. (2008)
Getting the most out of the United Kingdom's timber resource. Scottish forestry. 63. ISSN 0036-9217

Determining the Shear Modulus of Sitka Spruce from Torsion Tests

Conference Proceeding
Khokhar, A., Zhang, H., Ridley-Ellis, D. & Moore, J. (2008)
Determining the Shear Modulus of Sitka Spruce from Torsion Tests. In 10th World Conference on Timber Engineering 2008, 2137-2144. ISBN 9781615670888
This paper presents details of the experimental method, and preliminary results from, a series of torsion tests undertaken to evaluate the shear modulus of Sitka spruce (Picea...

Do people grow on trees? Guidance for employers in the Scottish forest and timber industries.

Bond, S., Thomson, E., MacPherson, S. & Ridley-Ellis, D. (2008)
Do people grow on trees? Guidance for employers in the Scottish forest and timber industries
The final report for the Forest Industries Recruitment and Retention (FIRRS) project. Forests and their products are hugely important to the economic and environmental sustai...

Timber trumps.

Digital Artefact
Cavers, A. & Ridley-Ellis, D. (2008)
Timber trumps.
online (Flash) game about wood properties

Bubble hunters 3D.

Digital Artefact
Ridley-Ellis, D. (2007)
Bubble hunters 3D.
Short video invited to be shown in the 3D theatre session of the 2009 Stereoscopic Displays and Applications conference, California

Torsion tests on small and large-scale RHS with circular wall cut-outs

Conference Proceeding
Ridley-Ellis, D., Owen, J. S., & Davies, G. (2007)
Torsion tests on small and large-scale RHS with circular wall cut-outs
The results of small and large-scale torsion tests on rectangular section tubes with circular wall perforations are presented and discussed. Perforations are shown to cause th...

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