Colin Smith
Colin Smith

Dr Colin Smith

Associate Professor


My research addresses ICTs, strategic innovation and organisational change particularly in public sector organisations, and often in relation to ‘e-government’ and ‘e-democracy’.
I am a member of the Centre for Social Informatics

I also undertake pedagogic research looking at emergent professionalism in computing students and the role played by placement and professional practice in underpinning employability. I am a member of the Centre for Computing Education Research (CCER) where I lead on employability research.

Core areas of interest:
- Role of the Internet for political parties in contemporary democratic practices.
- Digital delivery platforms for public services.
- Use of new technology by parliamentarians.

Journal/Conference Roles:

March 2015 - Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning
Member of the Review Panel for this journal, focusing on the interface between higher education and the workplace.

March 2010 – Dec 2013 Information Polity
Reviews Editor and then member of the Editorial Board (December 2013- ) for this leading journal in the field of critical assessment of information age governance and democracy

1995 - European Group of Public Administration
Member of Permanent Study Group 1: e-Government




Advisory panels and expert committees or witness

  • UUK / Department for Education roundtable
  • Member of ISO-WACE Advisory Board


Conference Organising Activity

  • Programme Committee Member - BHCI


Editorial Activity

  • Member of Reviewers Panel: Higher Education, Skills and Work-based Learning
  • Member of the Editorial Board: Information Polity
  • Reviews Editor: Information Polity


External Examining/Validations

  • External Examiner for BSc Information Systems, Heriot-Watt University
  • External Examiner (MBA), Liverpool John Moores University


Invited Speaker

  • Grasping a Jellyfish? Some problematic aspects of 'Belonging'
  • Digital Skills for Graduates
  • Employability and Social Mobility Workshop - 'Exploring Barriers'


Research Degree External Examining

  • External Examiner (PhD) - Victoria University, Wellington, New Zealand
  • External Examiner (PhD) - Victoria University, Wellington, New Zealand
  • External Examiner (PhD), University of Derby
  • External Examiner (PhD), University of Udine, Italy



81 results

Political parties, democracy and the new information and communication technologies: theorising the relationships

Journal Article
Löfgren, K., & Smith, C. F. (1999)
Political parties, democracy and the new information and communication technologies: theorising the relationships. Working paper / Faculty of Business, Glasgow Caledonian University,
As a result of the increased public penetration of the Internet and other forms of electronic networks in western liberal democracies there has, for some years now, been a gro...

Building a parliamentary democracy in the information age.

Presentation / Conference
Smith, C. F. (1999, November)
Building a parliamentary democracy in the information age. Paper presented at Colloque International - Les parlements dans la societe de l´information, Paris, France

The Scottish Parliament: [re-]shaping parliamentary democracy in the information age.

Smith, C. F., & Gray, P. (1998)
The Scottish Parliament: [re-]shaping parliamentary democracy in the information age. In S. Coleman, W. Donk, & J. Taylor (Eds.), Parliament in the Age of the Internet, 67-79. Oxford University Press

Political parties, democracy and new communication technologies.

Journal Article
Löfgren, K. & Smith, C. F. (1998)
Political parties, democracy and new communication technologies. COS-rapport. 3. ISSN 1395-0657

Telematics and the Scottish Parliament: transferable democratic innovations

Burt, E., Smith, C. F., Webster, W. & McGourty, J. (1998)
Telematics and the Scottish Parliament: transferable democratic innovations

Political parties in the information age: from 'mass party' to leadership organization?

Smith, C. F. (1997)
Political parties in the information age: from 'mass party' to leadership organization?. In I. Snellen, & W. Donk (Eds.), Public Administration in an Information Age, A Handbook, 175-190. IOS Press
In providing an overview of British political parties on the threshold of the 'information age', this chapter argues that any thorough analysis is incomplete without addressin...

British political parties online: consumerist democracy?

Presentation / Conference
Smith, C. F. (1997, September)
British political parties online: consumerist democracy?. Paper presented at XIth meeting of the Permanent Study Group on Informatization in Public Administration, European Group of Public Administration Annual Conference, Leuven, Belgium

Self-efficacy as a factor in the evaluation of e-petitions.

Conference Proceeding
Cruickshank, P. & Smith, C. F. (2008)
Self-efficacy as a factor in the evaluation of e-petitions. In Parycek, P. (Ed.). Proceedings of EDEM 2009 - Conference on Electronic Democracy, 223-232. ISBN 978-3-85403-251-9
E-petitions are seen as one response to a perceived decline in public trust of political institutions and the associated symptoms of disengagement. In this paper, some current...

Can pay, should pay? Comparing employer and student outcomes of paid and unpaid work opportunities.

Conference Proceeding
Smith, C. F., Smith, S. & Irving, C. (2013)
Can pay, should pay? Comparing employer and student outcomes of paid and unpaid work opportunities. In Proceedings of the HEA STEM Learning and Teaching Conference (2013): Where practice and pedagogy meet, 114-119. doi:10.11120/stem.hea.2013.0025
This paper looks across and beyond this project to examine the range of placement and work experience forms currently experienced by computing students, and asks the question ...

Bringing social and technological innovation to the work of national, regional and local elected representatives: the eRepresentative project.

Conference Proceeding
Karamagioli, E., Koulolias, V., Smith, C. F. & Cruickshank, P. (2007)
Bringing social and technological innovation to the work of national, regional and local elected representatives: the eRepresentative project. In Parycek, P. & Prosser, A. (Eds.). EDem08 E-Democracy Conference
Members of elected assemblies have a number of overlapping roles. eRepresentative is a project of the European Commission’s IST programme, and has investigated the potential f...

Pre-Napier Funded Projects

  • COST A14 - Government and Democracy in the Information Age

Current Post Grad projects

Previous Post Grad projects