Angela Chu
angela chu

Dr Angela Chu



Angela Chu was a graduate of Guelph (Canada) Bachelor (Hons) of Commerce, specialising in the Hotel & Food Administration. She had her master's and doctoral degrees from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. She has more than 16 years of hospitality industry experience with extensive international exposure and specialises in revenue management. She has worked in several international chain hotels, including Marriott International, Starwood, InterContinental, Hyatt, and Mandarin Oriental Hotel.

As an expatriate, she had the opportunity to travel and work in various locations with different market situations and hotel types. This allows her to gain international exposure to new cultures and environments which help to develop strong communication skill. In her previous role as Director of Revenue, she focused not only on maximizing total hotel revenue but as well as long-term strategic planning. She was also part of the Executive Committee members and involved in other departmental critical decisions.

Angela has been proactively networking with several hospitality professionals and associations. She is a member of the REvenue MAnagement and Pricing in Service sectors (REMAPS) and one of the Academic Advisory Committees for the Hospitality Internship, representing education in Scotland.

She is also certified to conduct Certification of Hospitality Industry Analytics (CHIA) and Certification of Advanced Hospitality and Tourism Analytics (CAHTA) to hospitality students on behalf of Co-Star STR (a leading provider of commercial real estate and hospitality information and analytics online provider) and AHLA (American Hotel & Lodging Association). As a Co-Star SHARE Center member (representing education in Scotland), she got a free membership to access hospitality and tourism reports and the Co-Star Global Real Estate database for teaching and researching purposes.

Angela Chu is also a Programme Leader of the Global Online BA Business Management top-up and is the largest UG online programme in the Business School. She has taught revenue management subjects for both undergraduate and master students, tourism and transportation, and event management. Her doctoral thesis topic focused on the application of revenue management in the cruise industry and her interest in further expanding RM concepts to other related industries.

She is also the Subject Group designee for Academic Integrity Vivas.

Angela is also the first to develop RM short courses for the industry professionals at ENU. Students have shared their successful stories about how the course has impacted their business decisions (monetary) and their career development (promotion). With this success, she has further developed an advanced RM short course for the industry.

In terms of publication, she is a member of the editorial board for the Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management (JRPM), a journal specialising in her field. She has been invited as one of the peer reviewers for the International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management (CABS 3*) since 2021. As well as other adhoc peer reviewers for International Journal of Hospitality Management (CABS 3*), Tourism Review, Journal of Destination Marketing and Management, Tourism Culture Communication. She has also volunteered to review conference papers (such as CAUTHE, TTRA APac, APACChrie, etc.).

Research Groups


Advisory panels and expert committees or witness

  • Panel Discussion Speaker for 2024 Virtual Internship & Career Fair
  • Hospitality Internship Academic Advisory Committee
  • Panel Judge for the Chinese Students Negotiation Competitions for all UK Universities


Conference Organising Activity

  • 2023 10th RevME Conference at STR Headquarter


Membership of Professional Body

  • ICHRIE (International Council on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education)



  • Journal peer reviewer



8 results

Cruise revenue management: An integrated RM Framework

Presentation / Conference
Chu, A., & Hsu, C. (2023, December)
Cruise revenue management: An integrated RM Framework. Paper presented at 2023 RevME Conference, Hendersonville, US
A holistic approach to understand cruise revenue management (RM) practices that cover ticket and onboard revenues, through a cross-disciplinary literature review and practitio...

Vithala R. Rao: Advanced introduction to pricing strategy and analytics: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., Cheltenham, 2023, ISBN: 978178811009

Journal Article
Chu, A. M. C. (2023)
Vithala R. Rao: Advanced introduction to pricing strategy and analytics: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., Cheltenham, 2023, ISBN: 978178811009. Journal of revenue and pricing management, 22, 319-320.
[Abstract unavailable.]

Investigating the motivations and preferences of Chinese cruise travelers amid COVID-19

Journal Article
Chu, A., & Tung, V. (in press)
Investigating the motivations and preferences of Chinese cruise travelers amid COVID-19. Journal of China Tourism Research,
The literature on cruise tourism is primarily Western-focused which could differ compared to those in Asia Pacific. To address this gap, this study combines motivation and cru...

Principal–Agent Relationship Within a Cruise Supply Chain Model for China

Journal Article
Chu, A. M. C., & Hsu, C. H. C. (2021)
Principal–Agent Relationship Within a Cruise Supply Chain Model for China. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, 45(6), 998-1021.
Changes in travelers’ booking habits and the evolution of technology have come to threaten the existence of traditional travel agents (TAs). However, the cruise industry still...

Managing hotel revenue amid the COVID-19 crisis

Journal Article
Denizci Guillet, B., & Chu, A. M. C. (2021)
Managing hotel revenue amid the COVID-19 crisis. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 33(2), 604-627.
Purpose The revenue management (RM) discipline is built on the principle of demand-based pricing. This study aims to examine how and to what extent RM can be implemented in th...

The adoption of augmented reality technologies In Hotels: From the managers' perception

Conference Proceeding
Chu, A., Law, K., & Deborah, T. (2020)
The adoption of augmented reality technologies In Hotels: From the managers' perception. In Proceedings of APacCHRIE 2020 Conference (569-580
Current studies indicated that Augmented Reality technology can enhance tourists’ experience in museums and theme parks. Despite the potential benefits of creating a better st...

Do attraction attract tourists?

Presentation / Conference
Chu, A. (2019, May)
Do attraction attract tourists?. Paper presented at 2019 APacCHRIE & EuroCHRIE Joint Conference, Hong Kong
Many studies revealed travelers’ motives to travel a destination but do not answer explicitly what specific features of a destination influence travelers’ decisions. Dann’s (...

Hotel Industry Leadership in Greater China—A Biographical Comparison

Journal Article
Chu, A. M. C., & King, B. E. M. (2019)
Hotel Industry Leadership in Greater China—A Biographical Comparison. Journal of China Tourism Research, 15(4), 563-588.
The relationship between leaders and followers plays a major role in shaping organizational cultures. There is an established literature within many disciplines showing eviden...

Current Post Grad projects