Alistair Lawson
Alistair Lawson

Alistair Lawson

Associate Professor


I am a member of the Research Centre for Algorithms, Visualisation and Evolving Systems, member of the CyberAcademy, and co-leader of the Data Science Special Interest Group within the School of Computing at Edinburgh Napier University.  I supervise Honours, MSc, Internship, and PhD students, and am line manager for a number of Research Staff.  My teaching is in the Software Engineering Subject Group at the School of Computing at Edinburgh Napier University, and I link my modules closely to my research and knowledge exchange experience in order to give students learning experiences and skills that are highly sought after by employers. I am Programme Leader for MSc data Sciences, and I am also School Academic Lead for Quality.

My Research and Knowledge Exchange interests are wide and include successful projects in the areas of software engineering, applications development, healthcare, speech and language, scalable systems, cloud computing, industry 4.0, information sharing, simulation, e-security, e-commerce, and e-learning.

Previous collaborative research grants include the application of computer security within e-Health around the trust and governance of enhanced information sharing, such as around care of the elderly using Trusted Cloud-based services [EPSRC: TS/I002561/1], and around an enhanced Cloud-based e-Health system [EPSRC: TS/H001883/1]. Other work includes research into Privacy, Trust, and Online Reputation.



Advisory panels and expert committees or witness

  • SICSA Director of Knowledge Exchange


Fellowships and Awards

  • Scottish Knowledge Exchange Awards - finalist (eFrail)
  • Scottish Digital Technology Award Finalist (Cloud4Health)
  • Cloud4Health wins 2nd prize for Best IT Project at Digital Innovation Awards
  • Guardian Toolkit project through to the final round of the Convergence Challenge
  • Mat Miehling wins best final year PhD presention at Faculity Conference
  • Institution of Engineering and Technology: Innovation Award Finalist
  • British Computing Society: Technology Excellence Award Finalist
  • National Award winning Knowledge Transfer Project Finalist
  • Alistair Lawson of IIDI and are shortlisted for Interface Excellence Award


Media Activity

  • IIDI collaboration leads to innovation in the delivery of popular Gaelic language teaching resources



54 results

Blurred reputations: Managing professional and private information online

Journal Article
Ryan, F. V., Cruickshank, P., Hall, H., & Lawson, A. (2020)
Blurred reputations: Managing professional and private information online. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 52(1), 16-26.
Results are reported from a study that investigated patterns of information behaviour and use as related to personal reputation building and management in online environments....

Building identity in online environments: an Information Science perspective

Journal Article
Ryan, F. V. C., Cruickshank, P., Hall, H., & Lawson, A. (2018)
Building identity in online environments: an Information Science perspective. Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 54(1), 792-793.
The research presented in this poster is concerned with the ways in which people use information to build identities for themselves online with reference to the themes of pers...

Evaluation of a genetic representation for outline shapes

Conference Proceeding
Lapok, P., Lawson, A., & Paechter, B. (2017)
Evaluation of a genetic representation for outline shapes. In GECCO '17 Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion, (1419-1422).
This work in progress focuses on the evaluation of a genetic representation for outline shapes for planar mechanical levers which addresses the first stage of the complex real...

Blurred reputations: Managing profession and private information online

Presentation / Conference
Ryan, F., Cruickshank, P., Hall, H. & Lawson, A. (2017, June)
Blurred reputations: Managing profession and private information online. Paper presented at i3: information: interactions and impact, Aberdeen, Scotland
See attached file.

Managing and evaluating personal reputations on the basis of information shared on social media: a Generation X perspective.

Journal Article
Ryan, F., Cruickshank, P., Hall, H., & Lawson, A. (2016)
Managing and evaluating personal reputations on the basis of information shared on social media: a Generation X perspective. Information Research, 21(4),
Introduction. The means by which individuals evaluate the personal reputations of others, and manage their own personal reputations, as determined by information shared on soc...

Personal online reputation: the development of an approach to investigate how personal reputation is evaluated and managed in online environments.

Conference Proceeding
Ryan, F., Cruickshank, P., Hall, H., & Lawson, A. (2016)
Personal online reputation: the development of an approach to investigate how personal reputation is evaluated and managed in online environments. In IDIMC 2016: Exploring our digital shadow - from data to intelligence, (98-108
The main theme of the paper is the development of a framework to investigate how online information is used in the creation, building, and evaluation of personal reputations. ...

Assessing the available and accessible evidence: how personal reputations are determined and managed online.

Presentation / Conference
Ryan, F., Cruickshank, P., Hall, H., & Lawson, A. (2015, June)
Assessing the available and accessible evidence: how personal reputations are determined and managed online. Paper presented at Information: interactions and impact (i3) 2015
This paper is concerned with how online information contributes to the determination of personal reputations. The term “personal reputation” in this context means the reputati...

Adaptive learning in computing for non-native speakers.

Conference Proceeding
Rimbaud, Y., McEwan, T., Lawson, A., & Cairncross, S. (2014)
Adaptive learning in computing for non-native speakers. In 2014 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference Proceedings (1-4).
A significant proportion of e-Learning resources for engineering and computing education appear to be exclusively in English, requiring many learners to adapt themselves to le...

Guiding learners to near native fluency in English through an adaptive programme of activities which includes phoneme and prosody analysis.

Presentation / Conference
Lawson, A., Attridge, A., & Lapok, P. (2014, September)
Guiding learners to near native fluency in English through an adaptive programme of activities which includes phoneme and prosody analysis. Paper presented at Eurocall 2014, University of Groningen
This project aims to address pronunciation problems of English language learners. Current pronunciation software tools mainly address phonemic difficulties and give little or ...

Embedding programming skills to support the student journey in networking, security and digital forensics.

Presentation / Conference
Lawson, A., & Macfarlane, R. (2014, April)
Embedding programming skills to support the student journey in networking, security and digital forensics. Paper presented at HEA STEM Annual Learning and Teaching Conference 2014: Enhancing the STEM Student Journey, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh
The development of programming skills by Networking graduates, and Security and Digital Forensics graduates is highly sought after by employers, both in industry, and in acade...

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