Alexander Supartono
Alexander Supartono

Dr Alexander Supartono



I am an art historian, curator and educator, seeking to situate historical and contemporary photographic and inter-media art practice within broader visual culture debates as well as advance this knowledge to academic, art specialist and wider audiences. I hold a BA in Social Philosophy from Driyarkara School of Philosophy, Jakarta, Indonesia (2001), an MA in Southeast Asian Study with an Art History specialisation from Ohio University, Athens, OH, USA (2010) and a PhD in Photography History from School of Art History, University of St Andrews, Scotland (2015). My training in Western Art and photography history and my curatorial practice in contemporary Southeast Asian art and photography have equipped me with the range of methodological tools and research skills necessary in linking Art History, Photography History and Critical Theory with art and photographic practice.

Research Areas


Advisory panels and expert committees or witness

  • Noorderlicht Associate Curator


Editorial Activity

  • Editorial Board member Trans-Asia Photography Review Journal
  • Guest Editor OJODEPEZ Photography Magazine
  • Advisory Board photography journal Punctum


Fellowships and Awards

  • Ground-Breaking Subject Matter Accolade for Dissertations in the Humanities
  • Juror Kwek Leng Joo Prize of Excellence in Photography
  • Ford Foundation New York Researh Grant
  • Scottish Overseas Research Student Awards Scheme



16 results

Contesting colonial (hi)stories: (Post)colonial imaginings of South East Asia

Presentation / Conference
Moschovi, A., & Supartono, A. (2016, September)
Contesting colonial (hi)stories: (Post)colonial imaginings of South East Asia. Paper presented at Association of Southeast Asian Studies UK (ASEASUK) Conference 2016
This paper seeks to explore the impact of digital technologies upon the material, conceptual and ideological premises of the colonial archive in the digital era. This analysis...

Lost in Translation

Journal Article
Cavers, C., & Supartono, A. (2015)
Lost in Translation. Ojodepez, 43, 52-57

Is There Such A Thing as Southeast Asian Photography?

Presentation / Conference
Supartono, A. (2015, April)
Is There Such A Thing as Southeast Asian Photography?. Paper presented at Making Southeast Asian Cultures: From Region to World, UC Berkeley, CA, USA. (Unpublished)
The photography scene in Southeast Asia has developed regionally since the early days of the camera. The flourishing commercial photographic studios in the region (thanks to t...

After Image: Is there such a thing as Southeast Asian photography

Book Chapter
Supartono, A. (2014)
After Image: Is there such a thing as Southeast Asian photography. In Afterimage: Contemporary Photography in Southeast Asia, (14-19
No abstract available.

Colonial Machine: the Image of the Industry

Book Chapter
Supartono, A. (2014)
Colonial Machine: the Image of the Industry. In G. Newton (Ed.), Garden of the East: Photography in Indonesia 1860s-1940s, (56-59). National Gallery of Australia
No abstract available.

Other Pictures: Vernacular (Hi)stories from the Photo Albums of Dutch Industrialists in Colonial Java

Book Chapter
Supartono, A. (2013)
Other Pictures: Vernacular (Hi)stories from the Photo Albums of Dutch Industrialists in Colonial Java. In The Sweet and Sour Story of Sugar, (i-xii
Other pictures: vernacular (Hi)stories from the photo albums of Dutch industrialists in Colonial Java.

Current Post Grad projects