Adrianna Zabrzewska
adrianna zabrzewska

Dr Adrianna Zabrzewska

Senior Research Fellow


I’m a feminist philosopher and interdisciplinary researcher with a background in literary and cultural studies combined with academic experience in social science projects.

As a Senior Research Follow in a predominantly impact-focused postdoc role, I currently work on the project "RESIST. Fostering Queer Feminist Intersectional Resistances against Transnational Anti-Gender Politics" (EU Horizon Europe Grant No. 101060749), supporting dissemination & communication activities and the case study on Poland (both led by Dr Roberto Kulpa, Edinburgh Napier University).

During my doctoral studies at the Graduate School for Social Research (Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences) in Warsaw, I led and managed two research grants totaling $22K, successfully completing a 9-month research project conducted in the United States as part of Fulbright Junior Research Award.

In my doctoral dissertation (which drew on my professional experience as a children’s literature translator), I explored embodied masculine subjectivities in contemporary American fiction for children and adolescents through the lens of feminist philosophy, creating a theoretical framework that blended Karen Barad’s agential realism with Adriana Cavarero’s theories of voice, narratable subjectivity, and inclination. The dissertation was awarded a distinction for innovative contributions to philosophy.

I’m also the co-editor of two social science books (both with Prof. Joshua K. Dubrow, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology)—Gender, Voice, and Violence in Poland: Women's Protests during the Pandemic and Gender Quotas Post-Communist World: Voice of the Parliamentarians—available in open access.

While still a doctoral student, I worked in Research Assistant capacity on social science projects led by established academics from the Polish Academy of Sciences, including the Polish Panel Survey (funded by the Polish National Science Centre) and the European Social Survey.

When not working on social science projects, I test the limits of philosophical writing, creating semi-literary, semi-academic experimental short texts, exploring themes that interest me as a philosopher—embodiment, difference, otherness, vulnerability, care, relationality, autonomy—and illustrating them with selected works of culture (and, quite often, pop-culture). Two collections of such essays are currently being considered by Polish publishers.

With over a decade of writing experience and three years in marketing, I combine business acumen, project management, creative problem-solving, and advanced research expertise to drive impactful research and effectively communicate its outcomes.

Research Areas
