Gabriele Maffoni is the Alumni Champion for Italy. Read a message from him below.

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Gabriele Maffoni


Gabriele Maffoni

Hi, I’m Gabriele Maffoni, and delighted to be the alumni champion for Milan/Italy. I graduated from Edinburgh Napier University in 2019 after studying a BSc in Interactive Media Design, following a three-year bachelor's degree in Visual Communication at IED Firenze in Italy. 


Born and raised in Tuscany, Italy, I’m a Product Manager and UX Designer with a mission I’ve had since I was 8 years old when I started using my first PC: to make digital products useful and easy to use – even if this passion had to compete with wanting to become an archaeologist or a doctor.

My summer internship in 2018 with GreatPixel was a launching pad for my career. I was fortunate they decided to hire me at the end of that summer as a part-time remote worker, enabling me to do my final year while applying my knowledge in a real-world context.

After four and half years at GreatPixel, I now work at idealista Italy, a real estate company.

Besides working, I spend my time with my wife Silvia, who I married in June 2022, reading books, and travelling as much as I can. Also, I love hiking, doing pub quizzes about tv shows and books, and learning new stuff – any kind of stuff, really.

I’d love to meet other ENU alumni soon and maybe organize a small trip back to my Alma Mater!


To contact me, please email the alumni team on



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