Garland and Jenny are our Alumni Champions for Hong Kong. Read more about them below!

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Garland Ho

Garland HoHi! I’m Garland Ho, Alumni Champion for Hong Kong.

I graduated with MSc in Marketing with Festival and Event Management in 2016 and since graduating have been working in various aspects of the Marketing industry, such as SEA e-commerce, China Marketing, ad performance agency and creative video production house.

I am also a member of the Marketing Professional Advisory Group at Edinburgh Napier, a collaborative platform where academic staff and marketing leaders from various organisations come together to engage in conversations about marketing education, research and knowledge sharing.

Currently , i am a brand consultant for some Hong Kong local brands , besides, I am also starting another venture for Classical Musician and Hong Kong Buskers as a bootcamp place and artist management company.

In my free time, I read a lot of branding and creative books and Visit local cafes and Live Music Venues. I do talent hunting during my free time.

I look forward to meeting Edinburgh Napier alumni in Hong Kong, building new networks and connecting with fellow alumni to foster a vibrant alumni community.


To contact me, please email the alumni team on

Jenny Yeung

Jenny YeungHello! I am Jenny Yeung, and I am delighted to be your Alumni Champion for Hong Kong. I graduated from Edinburgh Napier in 2004 with an MSc Marketing, and I am a Chartered Marketer of Chartered Institutions of Marketing (CIM). I enjoy connecting with people and sharing my experiences. I am active in mainstream commercial associations as an IP chair and within the community.

In addition to my extensive experience in intellectual property (IP) registration services, I am also a certified national enterprise trainer in China. In this capacity, I serve as a tutor and counsellor for various official and non-official institutions.

Beyond my professional pursuits, I'm an avid explorer of the great outdoors. You can often find me hiking, cycling, canoeing, or simply enjoying the stunning natural scenery that Hong Kong has to offer. I also have a keen interest in the arts and love attending local cultural events and exhibitions.

I'm truly honoured to serve as your Alumni Champion, and I look forward to connecting with all of you. Together, let's unlock the vast potential of our Edinburgh Napier Alumni network and create lasting impact within our community and beyond.


To contact me, please email the alumni team on

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