Andrew Wang and Lily Guo Wang are our Alumni Champions for Vancouver, Canada. Read more about them below!

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Andrew Wang

Andrew Wang

Hello everyone, my name is Andrew Wang. I graduated from Edinburgh Napier University in 2011 with a BA (Hons) in Business Management with Accounting. Reflecting on my time in Edinburgh, it was truly a dreamlike experience. Leaving my home country for the first time to immerse myself in a completely different culture was initially daunting, but it turned out to be one of the best decisions I've ever made. In the historic city of Edinburgh, I embarked on an adventure, forming several lifelong friendships and meeting the girl who later became my wife. The university laid a solid foundation for my academic studies, paving the way for my postgraduate pursuits.

After graduating, I returned to China and began a career in business development at CVIC, a leading supplier of iron ore pelletizing equipment. This role has been incredibly challenging and rewarding, eventually leading me to relocate to Vancouver, Canada, where I continue in international business development with CVIC, focusing on global market expansion.

Outside of work, I'm an avid traveller, having visited over 30 countries and territories worldwide. Living in Canada has also sparked a new interest in fishing, a hobby I enjoy with friends amidst the stunning natural scenery of Vancouver. This diverse blend of academic, professional, and personal experiences with different cultures has shaped my journey.

As an Alumni Champion, I am looking forward to connecting with fellow alumni. If you have any inquiries, please don't hesitate to contact me. You can find me on LinkedIn. By joining forces, we can foster a vibrant community focused on networking, mentorship, and the exchange of knowledge, bringing mutual benefits to all of us.

To contact me, please email the alumni team on

Lily Guo Wang

Lily Guo WangHello, I'm Lily Guo Wang. I graduated with a BA (Hons) in Financial Services Management from Edinburgh Napier University in 2012. Edinburgh always holds a special place in my heart, filled with unforgettable moments.

After completing my postgraduate study later in England, I returned to my home country China to embark on a career in the higher education industry. My role primarily involves assisting students who are keen on pursuing their studies in the UK. Having personally experienced the benefits of UK education, I find it incredibly rewarding to guide more students towards these valuable educational opportunities.

Currently, I live in Vancouver, Canada, with my husband Andrew, whom I had the fortune of meeting at Edinburgh Napier University. Together, we share a passion for connecting with fellow alumni. We are excited about the prospect of building a strong community, possibly through organizing events and fostering lasting connections. I am eagerly anticipating the upcoming meetups and the chance to reunite with our alumni network!

To contact me, please email the alumni team on

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