Creative Informatics, nurturing creative talent in Edinburgh and South East Scotland.

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Creative Informatics is an ambitious R&D programme that provides funding and development opportunities for individuals and organisations in Edinburgh and South East Scotland’s creative industries that would like to develop new products, businesses or experiences using data. The programme is a partnership across the University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh Napier University, Codebase and Creative Edinburgh. 

Individual demonstrating virtual reality technology Edinburgh Napier University’s Creative Informatics team is led by Dr Michael Smyth at the School of Computing, working along with two researchers, Dr Ingi Helgason and Dr Inge Panneels. One of the exciting developments that Creative Informatics has enabled is the creation of a well-equipped new research lab, the E11 Studio at Merchiston designed by Robbie Crocker. The studio was put to use for workshops and events just before lockdown happened, and the team has further plans to use the space for experimenting with technologies such as virtual and augmented reality, 3D holograms, projection mapping, audio design, data visualisation and more. 

Creative Informatics funding and development opportunities are designed to help creative individuals and organisations explore the potential benefits of using data and data-driven technologies in their work. 

Creative Bridge

Creative Bridge is a free course, delivered by CodeBase, which aims to demystify the tech world and its jargon, introducing participants to the building blocks of digital product development. Creative Bridge is designed for creatives with early stage business ideas, or even no business idea yet, with core sessions on markets, understanding customers and pitching.

Resident Entrepreneurs

Individuals or small teams that would like to develop a new product or service using data can apply for funding of up to £12,000, along with mentoring and support, as a Resident Entrepreneur. 

Connected Innovators

Connected Innovators, delivered by Creative Edinburgh, supports emerging leaders who want to take time out to conduct research and development that will enable them to advance their own careers or business. Applicants can apply for funding of up to £10,000 to develop a specific area of their creative practice or business using data or data-driven technology.  

Challenge Projects

Challenge Projects offer an opportunity for creative and cultural organisations to bring forward challenges relating to their work that require innovative, data-driven solutions. Up to £20,000 is available to support successful research and development proposals that answer a Challenge.  

All of these opportunities have application deadlines throughout the year and there is a fantastic delivery team on hand to advise potential applicants on every step of the journey. 

Creative Informatics also presents a varied programme of free events and workshops, showcasing innovation across the creative industries in Edinburgh and beyond and offering networking and skills development, as well as advice on funding applications. 

To keep up to date with Creative Informatics' latest opportunities and events, sign up to their newsletter or follow them on Twitter or Facebook or Instagram

Creative Informatics is funded by the Creative Industries Clusters Programme managed by the Arts & Humanities Research Council as part of the Industrial Strategy. Find out more about all of their opportunities here.