Digital Media and Interaction Design alumnus, Lauren Crosbie, shares what she has been up to since graduating in 2020.

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What brought you to Edinburgh Napier? Did you have an idea in mind about what type of career you wanted to pursue with your degree?

Lauren standing in garden wearing a graduation cap and gown. She's hugging her dog

My decision to study at Edinburgh Napier stemmed from exactly that... I had no idea what I wanted to do!

I knew I wanted a creative career that I could work towards, so the Digital Media & Interaction Design course was the best choice due to the variation in modules. I needed to try different things throughout my studies to source the best route for me. 

How would you explain what you do to someone who doesn't work in the industry?

Any digital content you may see, I may have had a hand in the creation of it. From social media to web articles to video production, working within a digital agency is fast paced but projects change all the time, and this allows my mind to run wild with new ideas.

How did you land your graduate job?

I got this job through the Edinburgh Napier Santander Internship Programme! I took part in a 10-week summer placement before my fourth year of university (it was even paid!). 

10 weeks turned into a part-time job throughout my last year of university, and became full time after I'd graduated. I was incredibly lucky to leave university and go straight into the industry and I thank Edinburgh Napier for providing opportunities like these.

What advice would you give to someone wanting to enter the industry you work in?

Get involved in everything you can, in and out of university. The industry is very competitive and employers look at additional skills to differentiate candidates. 

These can be transferable skills too, so any opportunity to get involved in things just say yes. You will be surprised about the things you can learn and experiences you can gain and later recall in future job interviews. 

What’s next on the cards for you?

Lauren hugging a white horse

Next... I’m hoping to break into the film and TV industry! When studying abroad in Finland, I created a documentary about being an exchange student and I fell in love with the whole process. I inflict storytelling into my work wherever and whenever I can, so to be in an industry that tells stories in a range of different ways excites me.

What’s your biggest achievement away from work?

When I moved to Edinburgh for university I decided to bring my horse with me, which meant I was juggling studying, working, competing with my dance team and socialising, alongside caring for him. I have now started competing! 

Published July 2021