Since being established just over five years ago, The HUB for SUCCESS has transformed the lives of hundreds of care experienced students. Keep reading to learn more about the initiative, meet Alistair, a HUB Student Ambassador who graduated this year, and hear from Paul, an alumnus who volunteers at the project. 

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The support offered by the HUB for SUCCESS’ dismantled any misconceptions I had about university being out of reach for someone like me.

Alistair Stewart, Senior Student Ambassador

What is the HUB for SUCCESS?

The HUB for SUCCESS was established in 2018 to address low rates of higher education admission and retention for people who have spent time in care, findings initially highlighted by research undertaken by Edinburgh Napier University. 

The HUB provides impartial, one-to-one support to help those looking to get in, stay in, or return to education, and undertakes advocacy work to amplify the voices of care experienced learners and tackle the barriers they face. 

ENU is one of the core members, along with other universities and colleges in Edinburgh and the local authority. Outside this core group, the HUB receives significant philanthropic support from individuals and organisations, allowing it to reach many more students across Edinburgh and the Lothians. Amongst the students the HUB has supported in the last five years, 43% got into further or higher education – significantly higher than the national average for care experienced learners.


Meet Alistair Stewart, HUB Ambassador and Class of 2024 graduate

How has the HUB for SUCCESS supported your Edinburgh Napier University journey?

One thing I've learned is that asking for help isn't a sign of weakness - it's actually one of the strongest things you can do. There's this myth that needing help means you're not capable, but that's so far from the truth. The guidance and resources the HUB for SUCCESS provide are invaluable for the ongoing success and empowerment of everyone who uses it. 

When I was transitioning from college to university, the support I received from the HUB was a game-changer. It helped me realise that university wasn't just for a select group of people - I was capable of thriving there too and it helped me understand my potential to succeed in university. Throughout my time at university, the scaffolding of support from various individuals played a pivotal role in my success. The continuous encouragement and assistance ensured that I stayed on track and motivated. Without this transitional and continuous support, I wouldn't have reached the point I am at today, both academically and professionally. It has been vital in shaping my journey and helping me achieve my goals. 


Tell us more about your time at ENU!

My time at Edinburgh Napier University has been a journey of growth, both academically and personally. Balancing the demands of my studies with a wide range of volunteering activities has been challenging, yet incredibly rewarding. The support and skills I developed allowed me to unlock my potential. I often viewed myself as the runt of the litter, never considering myself the top dog. However, through my academic learning and the opportunities I seized, I have grown significantly.

Volunteering has been a huge part of my learning and personal growth. I've jumped into tons of activities that have made my university experience really enriching. As President of the Disabled Students Society, I worked on making things more inclusive and supported disabled students. Being a Programme Rep, I got to represent my peers and voice their concerns, which really boosted my leadership and communication skills. I also joined the Student Council to help shape university policies and initiatives. I served as the Wellbeing Officer for the Events Society, where I became the Lead Event Coordinator for the Business School Ball, sharpening my organisational and event management skills. Assisting with the Law Ball also gave me a good handle on event planning. Participating in major events like the Hidden Door Festival, Lammermuir Festival, StagEHd Festival, and Meadows Marathon gave me a bunch of diverse experiences.

The world has come a long way since I started, and so have I. Through my roles and activities, I've helped pave the way for the next generation of care-experienced individuals. The HUB for SUCCESS has been key in developing my advocacy skills, helping me grow as a person. Getting involved in these activities has given me a ton of experience and great networking opportunities. These experiences have been crucial in shaping my future goals and career path.


What does the future hold for you?

I’d say my future looks bright and full of possibilities. I’m going to do a postgraduate degree in International Marketing and Consumer Psychology. This program is all about understanding the psychological side of marketing, and I think it’ll really set me up well for future opportunities. I’m also passionate about breaking down barriers for care-experienced individuals through my advocacy work at the Hub for Success. This work is super important for building a supportive community that truly gets the unique challenges this group faces. Through my time at the HUB, I’ve developed skills like critical thinking, strategic planning, and effective communication. These skills are invaluable, not just for my career but also for personal growth. Plus, being involved in different activities at and outside the university has really opened up networking opportunities. Connecting with industry pros, peers, and academics can lead to some exciting collaborations and career prospects down the line.


Paul Smith, ENU alumnus and HUB for SUCCESS Board Member

Please tell us about your role at Hub for Success? 

My role is to represent the alumni on the Board, and I offer a view from outwith the world of education. My background is finance, project management and property and I have used my expertise in this role. On occasion, HUB students need year-round accommodation but accessing housing can be more of a challenge for them than other students. I was part of the team which helped develop a framework used by all educational institutions as a template to develop a common accommodation offering for HUB for SUCCESS students.  I have also helped developed the scoping documents for the HUB’s Board and Steering Groups which help ensure clear lines of demarcation across the two groups.


Why did you get involved with this initiative? 

As a mentor at Edinburgh Napier I believe it is really important that all students regardless of background are supported through their studies. I want to help where I can”.


Tell us more about your career journey

I joined The Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) straight from school in 1981 and worked in the branch networks throughout the west of Scotland before moving to Edinburgh where I worked within the Audit, Retail Marketing & Project Management teams. In 1992, I fulfilled an ambition and commenced a Business Economics Degree course at Edinburgh Napier graduating in 1996. In 2013, I completed my banking exams and became a Member of the Chartered Bankers Institute. After leaving RBS in 2016 I currently manage a small property portfolio, support businesses as a Partner in Business Advisors, 7C Consociation and chair the charity LEAD Scotland, chair the Pentland District Scouts and sit on the Hub for Success Board.



Learn more about the HUB for SUCCESS:

Published July 2024