Transform Students into Difference Makers

Your commitment to donate today and sustain your support over time holds incredible power.

Consider becoming a regular supporter and help Edinburgh Napier University students with a monthly donation starting from as little as £5. Your consistent support provides stability and opens doors for students to pursue their studies and ambitions. As a regular donor, your impact grows over time, making a lasting difference in the lives of those we serve.


Why Regular Support Matters

  1. Consistent Impact: Regular donations provide predictable funding that allows us to plan and sustain important programs and initiatives over several years
  2. Empowering Students: Your ongoing support ensures that students have access to resources, scholarships, and learning opportunities that shape their educational journey.
  3. Strengthening Our Community: Sustained support fosters a sense of community and partnership, bringing together people who share a common commitment to education and excellence.


Make a Difference Today

Join our community of regular donors and make a meaningful impact on the future of Edinburgh Napier University. Your sustained support enables us to innovate, educate, and empower the next generation of leaders and difference-makers.


Explore More Ways to Give

  • Single Gift: Make a one-time contribution to support immediate needs and initiatives HERE.
  • Giving from the USA: If you are giving from the USA, explore specific giving options tailored to your region. Your donation helps strengthen transatlantic partnerships and educational opportunities. Visit our page HERE.
  • Learn about Leaving a Legacy: Discover how you can leave a lasting impact through planned giving HERE.
  • Projects: Looking to contribute to a specific project or give a scholarship? Explore our Project page HERE.

Your commitment to regular giving makes a difference every day. Thank you for being a champion of education and supporting Edinburgh Napier University's mission.