To support our activities for PRME, we are building capacity and supporting a suitable culture to drive our distinctive strategy. This includes

  • embedding the PRME principles into our focus for real-world education
  • supporting robust and impactful research
  • creating societal impact
  • building meaningful relationships that reinforce our cross-cutting commitments to the student and employee experience
  • nurturing an environment where equality, diversity and inclusion truly matter.

The business leaders of tomorrow will need to address significant challenges, regardless of size, sector, or academic discipline. For that reason, everyone in The Business School works in an inter-disciplinary manner to develop creative, sustainable solutions to the economic challenges and needs that society is facing worldwide. In doing so, The Business School is committed to the seven principles of the United Nation's Principles for Responsible Management in Education and align our academic curriculum with the values and future needs of responsible business management practice.

Through our teaching and our research, the Business School aims to develop and deliver the support required to evolve a suitable culture towards sustainability in business management and we strive to build capacity and support responsible leadership as the global economic model transitions towards a more circular economy.

The challenges to come - economic, social and environmental, and those relating to strong governance - will be considerable; but not insurmountable.

Our applied focus means we are working with business partners of all sizes to evolve operational management practice; and our graduate signature - for confident and talented individuals who can contribute positively to their employer from day one - demonstrates that we help employees at all levels to act responsibly.

We are committed to helping our staff and student communities understand their responsibility to encourage businesses to embrace their role in influencing positive societal impact and model sustainable behaviours in our teaching and administrative practices. Our focus is on real-world education, robust research, and building relevant relationships with national and international stakeholders. We are therefore a natural and nurturing home to those difference makers at any stage in their career.

Our unique approach will propel us to realise our vision "to be the Business School for empowerment, enterprise, and employability for all"

We understand that empowerment is the capacity of our students and staff to take control of their learning and work circumstances, and to exercise choice to achieve goals that balance individual and organisational needs with societal challenges.

Our focus on enterprise and employability takes our role beyond the classroom: we encourage the acquisition of skills that help students become good citizens who value community and the criticality of our natural environment.

Constantly exploring our options for wider action, The Business School will continue to help drive societal impact and accelerate pace towards the attainment of the SDGs. By harnessing the power of purposeful businesses - in Edinburgh, Scotland, and beyond - we will continue to help people become difference makers every day.

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"Using purchasing power to make a real difference to your business and Scotland`s communities."