Notable dates:
The recorded history of the lands of Craiglockhart begins with Lockhart of Lee.
The lands are donated to John of Cowie.
Thomas Kincaid is granted ownership by the King.
17th century
There are six recorded owners including Alexander Monro, Professor of Anatomy at Edinburgh University.
The lands are sold to the City of Edinburgh Parochial Board.
Thirteen acres of the land is feued to the Craiglockhart Hydropathic Company, who subsequently open the Craiglockhart Hydropathic in 1880.
1916 -1919
The building is taken over by the Government as a military hospital for the treatment of shell-shocked officers during the First World War.
The Hydropathic is closed and the building and lands sold to the Society of the Sacred Heart, who open a school and training college for Roman Catholic teachers.
The college is bought by Napier College of Commerce and Technology, now Edinburgh Napier University.