Jacob Stanley shaped his idea with his own experience of the condition 

Date posted

25 May 2023


An Edinburgh Napier University student has used his experience of eczema to create a product aimed at treating the condition.

Jacob Stanley, a BDes Product Design student from Dublin, came up with the idea for Citrus when looking for ways to apply moisturiser on the go.An eczema moisturiser applicator, called Citrus, submitted as a final project for the 2023 Degree Show by Product Design student Jacob Stanley

His finished pocket applicator, made with a silicone mould and embedded steel balls, is on display at the 2023 Degree ShowIt allows people to treat affected areas without the need for unnecessary skin-to-skin contact.

Jacob said: “I started by looking at ways to deal with eczema, as I have it myself. I wanted to find something which could help you not to scratch.

There’s not really anything like it already. There are loads of ergonomic things like exfoliators and make-up applicators, but not so much for moisturisers.

“I'm quite happy with the journey, the way my project evolved, each step kind of led to another.”

Jacob is now hoping to look at ways to further develop the project, which stands out with a distinctive, fruit-based design.Jacob Stanley with his Product Design Degree Show project, Citrus

He added: “I wanted something related to nature. Healthcare brands tend to do that well, often with leaves for example. 

“There are a lot of citrus-infused moisturisers - so I kind of took that idea and ran with it! 

“I was happy with the aesthetic and the logo, how it's turned out in the end.”

“The best thing about this course is that it’s given me the chance to make something like this. I have always wanted to do something creative, but I didn’t have a chance to do it at school.

“To do it here has been great.”

Jacob’s working prototype of Citrus is part of his display at this year’s Degree Show

Showcasing work from students at the School of Arts and Creative Industries, it runs at Edinburgh Napier University’s Merchiston campus from 26 May - 1 June.

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