Five SACI students have been recognised by the International Society of Typographic Designers

Date posted

12 June 2024


Five Edinburgh Napier University Graphic Design students have joined esteemed company by winning a significant industry award.

Mya Brough, Iona Kelly, Emma Low, Rosa Marshall and Aleksandra Piekarniak emerged successful from the International Society of Typographic Designers (ISTD) international students assessment scheme, having taken on a brief based around ‘the line in typography’.The ISTD logo

The ISTD scheme is designed to offer fledgling designers the chance to gain membership to the industry body, through a process it describes as ‘holistic and rigorous’.

A professional body run by and for typographers, graphic designers and educators, the ISTD has an international membership, all of whom share its mission to establish and maintain standards of the style and appearance of printed material.

This is the third time in succession that ENU students have gained the award.

Dr Michael Wamposzyc, Associate Professor in Design at Edinburgh Napier University’s School of Arts & Creative Industries, said: “As part of the final year of the BDes (Hons) Graphic Design programme, we offer the chance for selected students to enter the highly rigorous scheme.

“Achieving award status is incredibly difficult, so we’re all very proud of the five students that have won awards this year.

“It is testament to their hard work that they now have membership of this select professional society and the coveted affix MISTD.”

You can see examples of the work which secured the achievement for Mya, Iona, Emma, Rosa and Aleksandra below.