Both are extremely proud of this new milestone in their education journey

Date posted

6 July 2022


Husband and wife, Samba and Awa Manneh-Bah, have graduated by each other's side for the second time.

Graduating together in 2014 after studying Bachelor of Nursing at Edinburgh Napier University, the pair are celebrating the completion of their MSc in Healthcare Management this time round.Awa and Samba Manneh-bah

Originally from Gambia, and now British citizens, Samba and Awa have worked in the NHS and private sector since completing their nursing degrees and are both extremely proud of this new milestone in their education journey. Gaining a masters is a big accomplishment for them as they did all of this whilst working as full-time nurses and caring for their family.

Completing their masters didn’t come without its struggles. The course began during the Covid-19 pandemic and the pair had to work tirelessly to juggle their work commitments of being frontline staff and studying alongside caring for their three children.

Despite this they remained positive and say ‘we enjoyed every bit of it and glad we did it’ their goal is to always ‘be a positive role model to our kids’.