Boxes filled with mixture of treats and essentials

Date posted

19 October 2020


Colleagues from across Edinburgh Napier came together last week to organise a surprise for students living in University accommodation.

It's been a challenging time for everyone during the Covid-19 pandemic, especially for our residents - many of whom were living on their own for the first time. To say thank you for our students' patience, understanding and cooperating during these difficult times, teams from across Edinburgh Napier worked together to organsise a special goodie box delivery to every student flat on Friday 9 October.

The boxes came filled with a mixture of treats and essentials, from pizza and crisps so students could enjoy a move night in together, to bags of pasta to stock up their cupboards for the weeks ahead.

The catering time worked tirelessly for most of Thursday to pack hundreds of boxes full with the goodies. The logistics team were on hand the following day to pack up the boxes and deliver them to Bainfield, Orwell Terrace and Slateford Road, where the accommodation team and resident assistants helped deliver them to every flat.

Students were surprise and delighted to receive their boxes, which were a small gesture to say thank you for pulling together as a community.

A big thank you to everyone who made it happen!
Preparing the parcels...