Sustainable Development Goal 5 Gender equality

The fifth of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals is Gender Equality - to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.

Our research

A wide range of our research will have some connectivity to achieving gender equality and empower all women and girls, with the following areas examples of our direct impact on SDG5.

We have a dedicated ‘living lab' for UNSDG5 and our Centre for Child & Family Law & Policy has gender as a research theme. Gender balance in STEM is also a key project in our Centre of Higher Education Research.

We host Equate Scotland, which aims to make a positive difference for women in science, engineering, technology, and the built environment and actively works to change cultures in organisations and academia.


While many of our programmes will touch on gender as relevant to the subject matter, all programmes go through our ENhance Curriculum Framework which has 'Inclusion' is a theme.

Related news & events

Other examples of our areas of focus in line with SDG5

  • Equality & Diversity Training
  • Gender Equality Action Plan 2021 to 2025
  • Safeguarding Policy to protect those reporting discrimination and a non-discrimination policy against women and for transgender people
  • Women's Network
  • Childcare facilities for students
  • Maternity and paternity polices – for staff and students