Energy Saving Tips
By reducing your energy usage, you can make a positive impact on the environment while also saving money on your bills – a win-win for your wallet and the planet! Together we can make a big impact. 

Energy saving tips

Every action counts! Here are some simple energy saving tips that can make a big difference: 


  • Turning off lights when leaving a room could save you around £25 per year! Replacing lights with LED lights could help you save even more energy 
  • Turn off appliances fully, don’t leave in standby mode. This can save around £60 a year! 
  • Avoid overfilling the kettle 
  • Cook with lids on pans and match the saucepan size to the hob ring you are using. This keeps heat inside the pan and reduces cooking time
  • Use your washing machine more sustainably by using a 30-degree cycle and reducing use to once a week 
  • Using a clothes rack or washing line instead of a tumble dryer to save around £60 per year 
  • Only run the dishwasher when full 


  • Only use your heating when needed. Every degree you can turn down your heating by could save you up to £100 a year 
  • Before turning up the heating, put on an extra layer of clothing to see if that warms you up enough. 
  • Draught proof your home or speak with your landlord about any draughts 


  • Reduce shower times. Taking just one minute off your shower time can save up to 10 litres of water. 
  • Turn off the tap when brushing your teeth 
  • Swap regular baths for showers 

Find out which appliances are the biggest users of electricity in your home on Energy Saving Trust website and learn more about understanding your energy bills with Home Energy Scotland.