Finance and Procurement

Edinburgh Napier University spends over £34m annually on the procurement of goods and services, much of which has a significant environmental and social impact. We are committed to working sustainably and to support the sustainable procurement duty brought into force by the Procurement Reform (Scotland) Act 2014.


Edinburgh Napier is proud to announce that the University has removed all direct investments from fossil fuel companies.


To demonstrate our commitment to achieving economic, environmental and social benefits in procurement activity, the University has policies such as a Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement.

We are committed to acquiring goods and services for our use without causing harm to others and are committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business relationships.

The University is a member of the Advanced Procurement for Universities and Colleges (APUC) and has adopted tools and practices from the organisation to address modern slavery and human trafficking. For all open tenders with a contract value above the Scottish Government threshold, the University uses the APUC template tender document (which includes full sustainable procurement references and a Modern Slavery Act compliance question) and a supply Chain Code of Conduct (whose principles cover Social, Ethical and Environmental Compliance as well as Economic Development). The University is also a member of The University Caterers Organisation (TUCO).

Electronics Watch

Through our membership with the APUC, we are a Consortium Affiliate of Electronics Watch. Electronics Watch assists public sector members by monitoring global electronics supply chains to ensure the protection of labour rights of workers. Kate Murray, Head of Procurement at Edinburgh Napier is a member of the Electronics Watch Board of Trustees.

Living Wage

The University is proud to be an accredited Living Wage Employer. For more information on what that means visit the Living Wage website.

Funding and Finance

Colleagues from both Environmental Sustainability and Finance work closely to ensure appropriate and effective use of funding available, in line with all University-wide policies and procedures procedures including the Environmental Sustainability Strategy. We will help any member of the University community investigate, cost and if feasible develop any project(s) that will reduce environmental impact.

Our 2022/23 Annual Statutory Accounts included a significant array of environmental sustainability information including an overview of progress towards the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs). Our Annual Statutory Accounts are publicly available within our Finance pages.

Internal Funding

The University makes capital and revenue funding available to support the embedment and development of environmental sustainability at Edinburgh Napier. Financial commitment also includes employing an Environmental Sustainability Manager as well as other core staff with environmental sustainability embedded within their roles, the Director of Property & Facilities for example.

Within the 2022/23 academic year the University funded building condition surveys, low/net zero carbon heat surveys, a University wide travel survey.  The significant financial and time investment will support further development of the commitments embedded within the Environmental Sustainability Strategy.  The University also funded installation of ten new electric vehicle charging points at our Sighthill campus.

External Funding

The University has successfully gained funding from a range of external organisations to support a variety of projects. Over the past seven years the University has gained £300,000 from organisations such as The City of Edinburgh Council, Cycling Scotland, SEStran and Sustrans.

In 2021, our Campus Cycling Officer secured £16,496.25 in funding from the Cycling Scotland Campus Development Fund for 25 bikes, locks, helmets, high-visibility jackets and bike marking security kits. The bicycles and equipment will be in place for the 2022/23 academic year.    The news story links to the Cycling Scotland Campus Development Fund. This will allow the University to develop its own bike-lending scheme and allow students to borrow the equipment they need to get to and from campus, as well as around Edinburgh itself. Looking ahead to the 2023/24 academic year, the University has successfully gained support from Cycling Scotland to embed a Campus Cycling Officer within the University.  More information will be shared once the Officer is in post. Read more about the cycle funding on our news pages.

The University also received £500 from the Cycling Scotland Cycle Friendly Internship Fund for cycle ride leader training and Dr Bike sessions.


We use Salix to support energy reduction initiatives. The fund consists of £125,000 from both the Scottish and UK Governments and £62,500 from the University itself (£312,500 total). The rotating Salix fund has been used for a range of projects throughout all campuses. Salix funding is often used alongside capital funding available.

For information on how we have used the fund visit our Energy page.

Ethical Investment Policy

In line with our recent announcement regarding our divestment from fossil fuels, the Finance & Property Committee agreed and published a new Ethical Investment Policy in May 2022, recognising the impact our investments have on the world around us and for those investments to reflect the values and social purpose of the University. The University’s Development Trust is also actively reviewing their Policy.  We will publish the updated Development Trust Policy alongside the University Policy once agreed through relevant governance structures.

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