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93 results

Employing Neural Networks for the Detection of SQL Injection Attack

Conference Proceeding
Sheykhkanloo, N. M. (2013)
Employing Neural Networks for the Detection of SQL Injection Attack. In SIN '14 Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Security of Information and Networksdoi:10.1145/2659651.2659675
Structured Query Language Injection (SQLI) attack is a code injection technique in which malicious SQL statements are inserted into the SQL database by simply using web browse...

On the life-long learning capabilities of a NELLI*: a hyper-heuristic optimisation system.

Conference Proceeding
Hart, E., & Sim, K. (2014)
On the life-long learning capabilities of a NELLI*: a hyper-heuristic optimisation system. In Proceedings of PPSN, 13th International Conference on Parallel problem Solving from Nature, (282-291).
Real-world applications of optimisation techniques place more importance on finding approaches that result in acceptable quality solutions in a short time-frame and can provid...

Determining content for unknown users: lessons from the MinkApp case study.

Conference Proceeding
Webster, G., Sripada, S. G., Mellish, C., Melero, Y., Arts, K., Lambin, X., & Wal, R. V. D. (2014)
Determining content for unknown users: lessons from the MinkApp case study. In INLG 2014
If an NLG system needs to be put in place as soon as possible it is not always possible to know in advance who the us-ers of a system are or what kind of in-formation will int...

Argument Mining: Was Ist Das?

Conference Proceeding
Wells, S. (2014)
Argument Mining: Was Ist Das?
Argument Mining has become an increasingly popular term over the last few years but it is unclear to what exactly the term refers. It definitely refers to an area of endeavour...

Using Code Generation to Build a Platform for Developing and Testing Dialogue Games.

Conference Proceeding
Yuan, T., Manandhar, S., & Wells, S. (2014)
Using Code Generation to Build a Platform for Developing and Testing Dialogue Games
Despite increasing research into their use as a vehicle for Human- Computer Dialogue and Inter-Agent Communication, Dialogue Games have not seen good uptake in industry. One o...

Comparing Multi-label Classification with Reinforcement Learning for Summarisation of Time-series Data

Conference Proceeding
Gkatzia, D., Hastie, H., & Lemon, O. (2014)
Comparing Multi-label Classification with Reinforcement Learning for Summarisation of Time-series Data. In Proceedings of the Conference Volume 1: Long Papers. , (1231-1240).
We present a novel approach for automatic report generation from time-series data, in the context of student feedback generation. Our proposed methodology treats content selec...

Idiotypic networks for evolutionary controllers in virtual creatures.

Conference Proceeding
Capodieci, N., Hart, E., & Cabri, G. (2014)
Idiotypic networks for evolutionary controllers in virtual creatures. In H. Sayama, J. Rieffel, S. Risi, R. Doursat, & H. Lipson (Eds.), Artificial Life 14: Proceedings of ALife, 14th International Conference on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems, (192-199).
We propose a novel method for evolving adaptive locomotive strategies for virtual limbless creatures that addresses both functional and non-functional requirements, respective...

An improved immune inspired hyper-heuristic for combinatorial optimisation problems.

Conference Proceeding
Sim, K., & Hart, E. (2014)
An improved immune inspired hyper-heuristic for combinatorial optimisation problems. In C. Igel (Ed.), Proceedings of GECCO 2014 (Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference) (121-128).
The meta-dynamics of an immune-inspired optimisation sys- tem NELLI are considered. NELLI has previously shown to exhibit good performance when applied to a large set of optim...

A real-world employee scheduling and routing application.

Conference Proceeding
Hart, E., Sim, K., & Urquhart, N. B. (2014)
A real-world employee scheduling and routing application. In C. Igel (Ed.), GECCO 2014 Proceedings of the Companion Publication of the 2014 Annual Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation, (1239-1242).
We describe a hyper-heuristic application developed for a client to find quick, acceptable solutions to Workforce Schedul- ing and Routing problems. An interactive fitness fun...

An immune network approach for self-adaptive ensembles of autonomic components: a case study in swarm robotics.

Conference Proceeding
Capodieci, N., Hart, E., & Cabri, G. (2013)
An immune network approach for self-adaptive ensembles of autonomic components: a case study in swarm robotics. In P. Liò, O. Miglino, G. Nicosia, S. Nolfi, & M. Pavone (Eds.), Advances in Artifical Life, Proceedings of ECAL 2013, 864-871.
We describe an immune inspired approach to achieve self-expression within an ensemble, i.e. enabling an ensemble of autonomic components to dynamically change their coordinati...