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189 results

Formalizing botanical taxonomies.

Conference Proceeding
Priss, U. (2003)
Formalizing botanical taxonomies.
Because botanical taxonomies are prototypical classifications it would seem that it should be easy to formalize them as concept lattices or type hierarchies. On closer inspect...

Refactoring data transforms in MaTSE for flexibility.

Presentation / Conference
Craig, P., & Kennedy, J. (2009, October)
Refactoring data transforms in MaTSE for flexibility
In early prototypes of the Microarray Time-series Explorer (MaTSE) data transforms were tightly coupled with visualisation components. While this allowed us to achieve our ini...

Intelligent storage devices for scalable information management systems

Journal Article
Kukla, R., & Kerridge, J. (1997)
Intelligent storage devices for scalable information management systems. Future Generation Computer Systems, 12(5), 335-344.
For most large commercial organisations the ability to store and manipulate massive volumes of data is a key operational requirement. Database systems are fundamental to the e...

Using a metadata software layer in information systems integration.

Conference Proceeding
Roantree, M., Kennedy, J., & Barclay, P. J. (2001)
Using a metadata software layer in information systems integration. In Advanced systems engineering: CAiSE'01 - Software Engineering meets Information Systems Engineering (299-314).
A federated information system requires that multiple (often heterogenous) information systems are integrated to an extent that they can share data. This shared data often tak...

A framework for information visualisation

Journal Article
Kennedy, J., Mitchell, K., & Barclay, P. J. (1996)
A framework for information visualisation. SIGMOD record, 25, 30-34
In this paper we examine the issues involved in developing information visualisation systems and present a framework for their construction. The framework addresses the compon...

Intelligent storage devices for scalable information management systems.

Conference Proceeding
Kukla, R., & Kerridge, J. (1996)
Intelligent storage devices for scalable information management systems. In H. Liddell, A. Colebrook, B. Hertzberger, & P. Sloot (Eds.), High-Performance Computing and Networking. , (683-688).
For most large commercial organisations the ability to store and manipulate massive volumes of data is a key operational requirement. Database systems are now fundamental to t...

Formal methods for the re-engineering of computing systems.

Conference Proceeding
Liu, X., Yang, H., & Zedan, H. (1997)
Formal methods for the re-engineering of computing systems. In COMPSAC '97-21st International Computer Software and Applications Conference, 409-414.
This paper presents a short review of formal methods and their use in the re-engineering of computing systems. Five classes of formal notations and theories, namely state/mode...

The minimum information about a genome sequence (MIGS) specification

Journal Article
Field, D., Garrity, G., Gray, T., Morrison, N., Selengut, J., Sterk, P., …Wipat, A. (2008)
The minimum information about a genome sequence (MIGS) specification. Nature Biotechnology, 26, 541-547.
With the quantity of genomic data increasing at an exponential rate, it is imperative that these data be captured electronically, in a standard format. Standardization activit...

A Simulation Study of Scalable Broadcast in High-Performance Regular Networks

Journal Article
Al-Dubai, A. Y., Ould-Khaoua, M., & Obaidat, M. S. (2004)
A Simulation Study of Scalable Broadcast in High-Performance Regular Networks. SIMULATION, 80(4-5), 207-220.
Broadcast is an important communication operation required by many real-world applications encountered in parallel, cluster, and grid computing environments. Broadcasting on r...

Linguistic applications of formal concept analysis.

Book Chapter
Priss, U. (2005)
Linguistic applications of formal concept analysis. In B. Ganter, G. Stumme, & R. Wille (Eds.), Formal Concept Analysis, Foundations and Applications, 149-160. Springer-Verlag.
Formal concept analysis as a methodology of data analysis and knowledge representation has potential to be applied to a variety of linguistic problems. First, linguistic appli...