14 results

Using a metadata software layer in information systems integration.

Conference Proceeding
Roantree, M., Kennedy, J., & Barclay, P. J. (2001)
Using a metadata software layer in information systems integration. In Advanced systems engineering: CAiSE'01 - Software Engineering meets Information Systems Engineering (299-314). https://doi.org/10.1007/3-540-45341-5_20
A federated information system requires that multiple (often heterogenous) information systems are integrated to an extent that they can share data. This shared data often tak...

A framework for information visualisation

Journal Article
Kennedy, J., Mitchell, K., & Barclay, P. J. (1996)
A framework for information visualisation. SIGMOD record, 25, 30-34
In this paper we examine the issues involved in developing information visualisation systems and present a framework for their construction. The framework addresses the compon...

3D information visualisation: Identifying and measuring success

Conference Proceeding
Kennedy, J., Mitchell, K., Barclay, P., & Marshall, B. (1995)
3D information visualisation: Identifying and measuring success. In Proceedings of the 2nd International FADIVA Workshop, 1995
This paper presents some of our views on information visualisation and interfaces to databases with respect to the theme of the workshop.

Interoperable Services for Federations of Database System

Conference Proceeding
Roantree, M., Kennedy, J., & Barclay, P. J. (2002)
Interoperable Services for Federations of Database System. In A. Caplinskas, & J. Eder (Eds.), Advances in Databases and Information Systems: Fifth East-European Conference ADBIS' 2001
The problems associated with defining interoperable protocols for heterogenous information systems has been the subject of researchers for many years. While numerous solutions...

Conceptual Modelling for Database User Interfaces

Conference Proceeding
Cooper, R., McKirdy, J., Griffiths, T., Barclay, P. J., Paton, N. W., Gray, P., …Goble, C. (2000)
Conceptual Modelling for Database User Interfaces. In H. Arisawa, & T. Catarci (Eds.), Advances in Visual Information Management. VDB 2000. IFIP — The International Federation for Information Processing (129-138). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-0-387-35504-7_9
Model-based user interface development environments show promise for improving the speed of production and quality user interfaces. Such systems usually have seperate descript...

Integrating View Schemata Using an Extended Object Definition Language

Conference Proceeding
Roantree, M., Kennedy, J. B., & Barclay, P. J. (2001)
Integrating View Schemata Using an Extended Object Definition Language. In C. Batini, F. Giunchiglia, P. Giorgini, & M. Mecella (Eds.), Cooperative Information Systems; Lecture Notes in Computer Science (150-163). https://doi.org/10.1007/3-540-44751-2_13
View mechanisms play an important role in restructuring data for users, while maintaining the integrity and autonomy for the underlying database schema. Although far more comp...

On temporal versioning in object oriented databases.

Journal Article
Lu, J., Barclay, P. J., & Kennedy, J. (1996)
On temporal versioning in object oriented databases. Informationssystem-Architekturen, 3, 38-40
This paper describes the development of the data model TVM which contains a new concept, temporal versioning. This generalises the ideas of temporal databases and version mana...

A dual-level presentation model for developing user-interfaces.

Conference Proceeding
Barclay, P. J., & Kennedy, J. (2000)
A dual-level presentation model for developing user-interfaces. In V. Gesu, S. Levialdi, & L. Tarantino (Eds.), Proceedings of the workshop on Advanced Visual Interfaces (151-154
The visualisation of hierarchical information sets has been a staple of Information Visualisation since the field came into being in the early 1990’s. However, at present, sup...

Using a persistent system to construct a customised interface to an ecological db.

Conference Proceeding
Barclay, P. J., Fraser, C., & Kennedy, J. (1993)
Using a persistent system to construct a customised interface to an ecological db. In Interfaces to Database Systems: Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Interfaces to Database Systems (IDS92), Glasgow, 1-3 July 1992 (225-243
New applications of information technology have increasingly sophisticated user interface requirements. Such interfaces are sometimes highly application specific and therefore...

Teallach: a model-based user interface development environment for object databases

Journal Article
Griffiths, T., Barclay, P. J., Paton, N. W., McKirdy, J., Kennedy, J., Gray, P., …Pinherio da Silva, P. (2001)
Teallach: a model-based user interface development environment for object databases. Interacting with Computers, 14(1), 31-68. https://doi.org/10.1016/s0953-5438%2801%2900042-x
Model-based user interface development environments show promise for improving the productivity of user-interface developers and possibly for improving the quality of develope...