4 results

Information literacy and society: A report to present findings from a review of literature on the impact of information literacy on society

Ryan, B., Cruickshank, P., & Milosheva, M. (2023)
Information literacy and society: A report to present findings from a review of literature on the impact of information literacy on society. Media and Information Literacy Alliance
This report presents findings from a review of literature reporting on the impact of information literacy (IL) on society. It is intended to deliver considerations on how acad...

Connecting, Collaborating, Creating: The Experiences of Creative Freelancers in Edinburgh in 2022

Connell, L., Orme, A., Osbourne, N., Paneels, I., Patrick-Thomson, H., Terras, M., & Wojtkiewicz, O. (2022)
Connecting, Collaborating, Creating: The Experiences of Creative Freelancers in Edinburgh in 2022. Edinburgh: Creative Edinburgh
This report provides a snapshot of the state and needs of creative freelancers in the Edinburgh region in 2022. The last few years have been both interesting and challenging ...

Information literacy impact framework: Final project report

Cruickshank, P., Ryan, B., & Milosheva, M. (2022)
Information literacy impact framework: Final project report
This report presents findings from a review of literature reporting on information literacy (IL) impact. It is intended to deliver considerations towards a framework for impac...

Walking and Cycling: latest evidence to support policy-making and practice

Götschi, T., Davis, A., & Racioppi, F. (2022)
Walking and Cycling: latest evidence to support policy-making and practice. Bonn, Germany: WHO Europe
Active travel modes, especially walking and cycling, are now recognized by many as modes that are fully equal to other urban transport modes, integrated in planning frameworks...