9 results

Immune alterations, lipid peroxidation, and muscle damage following a hill race.

Journal Article
Simpson, R. J., Wilson, M. R., Black, J., Ross, J. A., Whyte, G. P., Guy, K., & Florida-James, G. (2005)
Immune alterations, lipid peroxidation, and muscle damage following a hill race. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism, 30, 196-211. https://doi.org/10.1139/h05-115
Hill races usually include large downhill running sections, which can induce significant degrees of muscle damage in a field setting. This study examined the link between musc...

Blood flow restriction exercise attenuates the exercise-induced endothelial progenitor cells in healthy, young men.

Journal Article
Montgomery, R., Paterson, A., Williamson, C., Florida-James, G., & Ross, M. D. (2019)
Blood flow restriction exercise attenuates the exercise-induced endothelial progenitor cells in healthy, young men. Frontiers in Physiology, https://doi.org/10.3389/fphys.2019.00447
Endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) are a vasculogenic subset of progenitors, which play a key role in maintenance of endothelial integrity. These cells are exercise-responsiv...

Estimation of errors in force platform data.

Journal Article
Psycharakis, S. & Miller, S. (2006)
Estimation of errors in force platform data. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport. 77, 514-518. ISSN 0270-1367
Force platforms (FPs) are regularly used in the biomechanical analysis of sport and exercise techniques, often in combination with image-based motion analysis (e.g., Begg & Ka...

Age-related changes in maximal power and heart rate recorded during a ramped test in 114 cyclists age 15-73 years.

Journal Article
Balmer, J., Potter, C. R., Bird, S. R. & Davison, R. (2005)
Age-related changes in maximal power and heart rate recorded during a ramped test in 114 cyclists age 15-73 years. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity. 13, 125-136. ISSN 1063-8652
This study assessed age-related changes in power and heart rate in 114 competitive male cyclists age 15–73 years. Participants completed a maximal Kingcycle™ ergometer test wi...

Determination of the swing technique characteristics and performance outcome relationship in golf driving for low handicap female golfers

Journal Article
Brown, S., Nevill, A. M., Monk, S. A., Otto, S. R., Selbie, W. S., & Wallace, E. S. (2011)
Determination of the swing technique characteristics and performance outcome relationship in golf driving for low handicap female golfers. Journal of Sports Sciences, 29, 1483-1491. https://doi.org/10.1080/02640414.2011.605161
Previous studies on the kinematics of the golf swing have mainly focused on group analysis of male golfers of a wide ability range. In the present study, we investigated gross...

Apoptosis does not contribute to the blood lymphocytopenia observed after intensive and downhill treadmill running in humans.

Journal Article
Simpson, R. J., Florida-James, G., Whyte, G. P., Black, J., Ross, J. & Guy, K. (2007)
Apoptosis does not contribute to the blood lymphocytopenia observed after intensive and downhill treadmill running in humans. Research in Sports Medicine. 15, 157-174. doi:10.1080/15438620701405339. ISSN 1543-8627
The lymphocytopenia that occurs during the recovery stage of exercise may be a result of apoptosis through an increased expression of CD95, a loss of the complement regulatory...

Increased linear bone growth by GH in the absence of SOCS2 is independent of IGF-1: SOCS2 REGULATION OF GH INDUCED GROWTH

Journal Article
Dobie, R., Ahmed, S. F., Staines, K. A., Pass, C., Jasim, S., MacRae, V. E., & Farquharson, C. (2015)
Increased linear bone growth by GH in the absence of SOCS2 is independent of IGF-1: SOCS2 REGULATION OF GH INDUCED GROWTH. Journal of Cellular Physiology, 230(11), 2796-2806. https://doi.org/10.1002/jcp.25006
Growth hormone (GH) signaling is essential for postnatal linear bone growth, but the relative importance of GHs actions on the liver and/or growth plate cartilage remains uncl...

Optimal power-to-mass ratios when predicting flat and hill-climbing time-trial cycling.

Journal Article
Nevill, A. M., Jobson, S. A., Davison, R., & Jeukendrup, A. E. (2007)
Optimal power-to-mass ratios when predicting flat and hill-climbing time-trial cycling. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 97, 424-431. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00421-006-0189-6
The purpose of this article was to establish whether previously reported oxygen-to-mass ratios, used to predict flat and hill-climbing cycling performance, extend to similar p...

Three-dimensional analysis of intracycle velocity fluctuations in frontcrawl swimming.

Journal Article
Psycharakis, S., Naemi, R., Connaboy, C., McCabe, C., & Sanders, R. (2010)
Three-dimensional analysis of intracycle velocity fluctuations in frontcrawl swimming. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, 20, 128-135. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1600-0838.2009.00891.x
The purpose of this study was to determine accurately the magnitude and changes of intra-cycle velocity fluctuation (Vfluc), maximum (Vmax) and minimum velocity (Vmin) of the ...