11 results

Rolling rhythms in front crawl swimming with six-beat kick

Journal Article
Psycharakis, S. G., Sanders, R. H., Sanders, R., & Psycharakis, S. (2009)
Rolling rhythms in front crawl swimming with six-beat kick. Journal of Biomechanics, 42(3), 273-279. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbiomech.2008.10.037
The purpose of this study was to establish the rhythm characteristics of skilled front crawl swimmers using a six-beat kick. These included the amplitudes of the first three F...

Relationships between glide efficiency and swimmers’ size and shape characteristics

Journal Article
Naemi, R., Psycharakis, S., McCabe, C., Connaboy, C., & Sanders, R. (2012)
Relationships between glide efficiency and swimmers’ size and shape characteristics. Journal of Applied Biomechanics, 28, 400-411
Glide efficiency, the ability of a body to minimise deceleration over the glide, can vary with variations in the body's size and shape. The purpose of this study was to invest...

Body roll in swimming: a review

Journal Article
Psycharakis, S., & Sanders, R. (2010)
Body roll in swimming: a review. Journal of Sports Sciences, 28, 219-236. https://doi.org/10.1080/02640410903508847
In this article, we present a critical review of the swimming literature on body roll, for the purposes of summarizing and highlighting existing knowledge, identifying the gap...

Analysis of selected kinematic and physiological performance determinants during incremental testing in elite swimmers.

Journal Article
Psycharakis, S., Cooke, C., Paradisis, G., O'Hara, J. & Phillips, G. (2008)
Analysis of selected kinematic and physiological performance determinants during incremental testing in elite swimmers. Journal of strength and conditioning research. 22, 951-957. doi:10.1519/JSC.0b013e31816a6364. ISSN 1064-8011
This study examined the relationships between selected kinematic and physiological parameters and their influence on performance, during incremental exercise in elite swimmers...

Estimation of errors in force platform data.

Journal Article
Psycharakis, S. & Miller, S. (2006)
Estimation of errors in force platform data. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport. 77, 514-518. ISSN 0270-1367
Force platforms (FPs) are regularly used in the biomechanical analysis of sport and exercise techniques, often in combination with image-based motion analysis (e.g., Begg & Ka...

The Effects of British Army Footwear on Ground Reaction Force and Temporal Parameters of British Army Foot-Drill

Journal Article
Rawcliffe, A. J., Graham, S. M., Simpson, R. J., Moir, G. L., Martindale, R. J., Psycharakis, S. G., & Connaboy, C. (2020)
The Effects of British Army Footwear on Ground Reaction Force and Temporal Parameters of British Army Foot-Drill. Journal of strength and conditioning research, 34(3), 754-762. https://doi.org/10.1519/jsc.0000000000002139
High rates of occupational training-related lower-limb musculoskeletal [MSK] overuse injuries are reported for British Army recruits during basic training. Foot-drill is a rep...

Shoulder and hip roll changes during 200-m front crawl swimming

Journal Article
Psycharakis, S., & Sanders, R. (2008)
Shoulder and hip roll changes during 200-m front crawl swimming. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 40, 2129-2136. https://doi.org/10.1249/MSS.0b013e31818160bc
Purpose: To determine accurately the magnitude and changes in shoulder roll (SR) and hip roll (HR) throughout a 200m maximum front crawl swim and whether SR and HR were associ...

Analysis of swimming technique: state of the art: applications and implications.

Journal Article
Sanders, R., Psycharakis, S., McCabe, C., Naemi, R., Connaboy, C., Li, S., …Spence, A. (2006)
Analysis of swimming technique: state of the art: applications and implications. Revista portuguesa de ciências do desporto, 6, 20(S)-24(S
Methods of analysing motion have advanced greatly in recent years due to improvement in technology as well as application of scientific approaches. Methods of analysis may inv...

Validity of the use of a fixed point for intracycle velocity calculations in swimming

Journal Article
Psycharakis, S. G., & Sanders, R. H. (2009)
Validity of the use of a fixed point for intracycle velocity calculations in swimming. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 12(2), 262-265. doi:10.1016/j.jsams.2007.11.008
The intracycle velocity (V) of a fixed point on a swimmer’s body, usually the hip, is frequently calculated as a direct indication of the intracycle V of the centre of mass (C...

Kinematic differences between front crawl sprint and distance swimmers at sprint pace

Journal Article
McCabe, C., Psycharakis, S., & Sanders, R. (2011)
Kinematic differences between front crawl sprint and distance swimmers at sprint pace. Journal of Sports Sciences, 29, 115-123. https://doi.org/10.1080/02640414.2010.523090
The purpose of this study was to use three-dimensional methods to determine whether there are distinct kinematic differences between sprint and distance front crawl swimmers w...