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74 results

Substituted decision makers and the interaction between the Adults with Incapacity (Scotland) Act 2000 and Mental Health (Care and Treatment)(Scotland) Act 2003

Journal Article
Stavert, J. (2014)
Substituted decision makers and the interaction between the Adults with Incapacity (Scotland) Act 2000 and Mental Health (Care and Treatment)(Scotland) Act 2003. Mental Capacity Law Newsletter, 42, 29-31
It is sometimes the case that separate pieces of legislation which, in some respects, cover similar issues, produce anomalies. This would appear to be the case with the Adults...

Dementia in the workplace: are employers supporting employees living with dementia?

Journal Article
Egdell, V., Cook, M., Stavert, J., Ritchie, L., Tolson, D., & Danson, M. (2021)
Dementia in the workplace: are employers supporting employees living with dementia?. Aging & mental health, 25(1), 134-141.
Objectives As working lives extend and there is better recognition of early-onset dementias, employers need to consider dementia as a workplace concern. With suitable support,...

Mental Health Act review in Scotland: some initial observations

Stavert, J. (2019)
Mental Health Act review in Scotland: some initial observations. Essex Chambers
Provides some initial observations on and recommendations for the scope of the forthcoming review of the Mental Health (Care and Treatment)(Scotland) Act 2003, with particular...

Access to equal recognition before the law for persons with mental disabilities through supported decision-making in Scotland.

Presentation / Conference
Stavert, J., & McGregor, R. (2015, April)
Access to equal recognition before the law for persons with mental disabilities through supported decision-making in Scotland. Paper presented at Commonwealth Law Legal Education 2015 Conference
Equal recognition before the law of persons with mental disabilities, as identified as a right in Article 12 of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (C...

Accessing and maintaining legal representation for persons with mental disorder

Journal Article
Stavert, J. (2010)
Accessing and maintaining legal representation for persons with mental disorder. SCOLAG : Scottish Legal Action Group bulletin, 393, 143
It is vital that a person with mental disorder has equal access to the law without discrimination, whether or not they have capacity. This article examines issues relating to ...

Employer Responses to Dementia in the Workplace in Scotland

Stavert, J., Egdell, V., Ritchie, L., Danson, M., Cook, M., & Tolson, D. (2018)
Employer Responses to Dementia in the Workplace in Scotland. Scotland: Edinburgh Napier University
The reported study investigated how Scottish-based employers from different sectors respond to staff with dementia. Dementia is, and will increasingly be, a workplace issue as...

Mental health, incapacity and the law in Scotland.

Stavert, J., & Patrick, H. (2016)
Mental health, incapacity and the law in Scotland. Bloomsbury Publishing
This highly regarded book is a comprehensive and up to date guide to mental health law in Scotland. Every aspect of mental health law is explained, including tribunal procedur...

The exercise of legal capacity, supported decision- making and Scotland’s mental health and incapacity legislation: working with CRPD challenges.

Journal Article
Stavert, J. (2015)
The exercise of legal capacity, supported decision- making and Scotland’s mental health and incapacity legislation: working with CRPD challenges. Laws, 4(2), 296-313.
Article 12 of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, particularly as interpreted in the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities General Com...

Domestic legislation and international human rights standards: the case of mental health and incapacity

Journal Article
Stavert, J., & McGregor, R. (2018)
Domestic legislation and international human rights standards: the case of mental health and incapacity. International Journal of Human Rights, 22(1), 70-89.
The right to health has been somewhat neglected in discussions about human rights at both national and international levels. States are often reluctant to implement socio-econ...

Paradigm Shift or Paradigm Paralysis? National Mental Health and Capacity Law and Implementing the CRPD in Scotland

Journal Article
Stavert, J. (2018)
Paradigm Shift or Paradigm Paralysis? National Mental Health and Capacity Law and Implementing the CRPD in Scotland. Laws, 7(3), 26.
The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) highlights the need to actively remove obstacles to, and promote, the full and equal enjoyment ...
11 results

Twenty Years of the Scottish Parliament: Critical Reflection on the Development of Child and Family Law

2018 - 2020
2019 marks the 20th anniversary of the re-establishment of the Scottish Parliament. This project involves the creation of a workshop series about law-making for children and their families by the Sco...
Funder: Royal Society of Edinburgh | Value: £9,400

The authority of international criminal law

2018 - 2018
Book project on the authority of international criminal law. The funding would be used to take up the offered position of Visiting Scholar at Columbia University, New York, to benefit from the researc...
Funder: Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland | Value: £8,280

The Mental Health Tribunal for Scotland: The views and experiences of patients, Named Persons, Practitioners and Tribunal members

2017 - 2022
The Mental Health Tribunal for Scotland became operational in 2005. It plays an integral role in guaranteeing the rights of patients with mental disorder as originally identified in the Millan Princip...
Funder: Nuffield Foundation | Value: £260,154

Co-produced career guidance intervention for people living with dementia

2021 - 2023
Project, led by Dr Louise Ritchie of the University of the West of Scotland and Co-investigators (Prof Debbie Tolson and Emma Bolger of University of the Westof Scotland, Dr Valerie Egdell and Katie B...
Funder: Alzheimer Society

Research Network to create Multi-Disciplinary Research Centre for Scottish Child and Family Law and Policy

2021 - 2023
Our Research Network will launch the unique Multi-Disciplinary Centre for Scottish Child and Family Law and Policy, building upon the successes and networking opportunities generated by our workshop s...
Funder: Royal Society of Edinburgh | Value: £19,500

Scottish Parliament Research Project: Family Law (Scotland) Bill 2019

2019 - 2019
The Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body is seeking to award a contract for research on behalf of the Justice Committee. The Family Law (Scotland) Bill (‘the Bill’) is due to be introduced this yea...
Funder: The Scottish Parliament | Value: £4,872

Centre for Child & Family Law and Policy Research Internships

2021 - 2022
The internships will involve: (i) conducting practice-based research on areas of law and practice governing children and adults in their private and family life – to include family law, public childca...
Funder: The Clark Foundation for Legal Education | Value: £3,399

Justice Analytical Services Call For Proposals - Domestic Abuse and Child Welfare Hearings Research

2018 - 2022
This research proposes to specifically examine the points of articulation (and dislocation) between civil and criminal law in domestic abuse cases through a specific focus on child contact proceedings...
Funder: Scottish Government | Value: £12,200

Exploring experiences of miscarriages of justice

2019 - 2023
The proposed research will explore victims’ experiences of miscarriages of justice. It will investigate the narratives that individuals who have been wrongfully imprisoned have to share about their li...
Funder: British Academy | Value: £7,952

Child Welfare Hearing Reports: Post 2015 reforms

2020 - 2021
The research proposes to examine how, if at all, practice in the commissioning, preparation and use of CWHR has changed since 2015. In particular, to what extend are CWHR used, if at all, to provide e...
Funder: Royal Society of Edinburgh | Value: £5,997