7 results

Top 10 research priorities relating to stroke nursing: a rigorous approach to establish a national nurse-led research agenda

Journal Article
Rowat, A., Pollock, A., St George, B., Cowey, E., Booth, J., & Lawrence, M. (2016)
Top 10 research priorities relating to stroke nursing: a rigorous approach to establish a national nurse-led research agenda. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 72(11), 2831-2843. doi:10.1111/jan.13048
Aim To determine the top 10 research priorities specific to stroke nursing. Background It is important that stroke nurses build their research capability and capacity. This pr...

Highlighting research priorities in stroke nursing

Journal Article
Rowat, A. (2018)
Highlighting research priorities in stroke nursing. British Journal of Cardiac Nursing, 13(5), 244-245. https://doi.org/10.12968/bjca.2018.13.5.244
No abstract available.

Clinical symptoms, signs and tests for identification of impending and current water-loss dehydration in older people (Review)

Journal Article
Hooper, L., Abdelhamid, A., Attreed, N. J., Campbell, W. W., Channell, A. M., Chassagne, P., …Hunter, P. (2015)
Clinical symptoms, signs and tests for identification of impending and current water-loss dehydration in older people (Review). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 1(4), https://doi.org/10.1002/14651858.CD009647.pub2
Background There is evidence that water-loss dehydration is common in older people and associated with many causes of morbidity and mortality. However, it is unclear what clin...

Determining nursing staffing levels for stroke beds in Scotland.

Presentation / Conference
Rowat, A. M., Chalmers, C., & Rennie, D. (2007, January)
Determining nursing staffing levels for stroke beds in Scotland. Paper presented at Scottish Stroke Nurses Forum
Background: National guidelines suggest that at the very least there should be one whole time equivalent (WTE) nurse per stroke bed with a skill mix ratio of two registered nu...

Study to determine the likely accuracy of pH testing to confirm nasogastric tube placement

Journal Article
Rowat, A. M., Graham, C., Dennis, M., & Rowat, A. (2018)
Study to determine the likely accuracy of pH testing to confirm nasogastric tube placement. BMJ Open Gastroenterology, 5(1), https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjgast-2018-000211
Objective To establish the likely accuracy of pH testing to identify gastric aspirates at different pH cut-offs to confirm nasogastric tube placement. Methods This prospective...

Suicide Risk Assessment in the Emergency Department: An Investigation of Current Practice in Scotland

Journal Article
McClatchey, K., Murray, J., Chouliara, Z., Rowat, A., & Hauge, S. R. (2019)
Suicide Risk Assessment in the Emergency Department: An Investigation of Current Practice in Scotland. International Journal of Clinical Practice, 73(4), https://doi.org/10.1111/ijcp.13342
Background Suicide is a global public health issue. Approximately one third of individuals who complete suicide have attended an emergency department in the year preceding the...

Diagnostic accuracy of a pH stick, modified to detect gastric lipase, to confirm the correct placement of nasogastric tubes

Journal Article
Rowat, A. M., Graham, C., & Dennis, M. (2018)
Diagnostic accuracy of a pH stick, modified to detect gastric lipase, to confirm the correct placement of nasogastric tubes. BMJ Open Gastroenterology, 5(1), https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjgast-2018-000218
Objective The correct placement of a nasogastric feeding tube is usually confirmed by establishing that an aspirate is acidic using a pH stick. However, antacid medication and...