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236 results

Systems and Systemic Approaches for Attaining the SDGs Across Partnerships

Book Chapter
Weaver, M., Tan, H., & Crossan, K. (2020)
Systems and Systemic Approaches for Attaining the SDGs Across Partnerships. In W. Leal Filho, A. M. Azul, L. Brandli, A. Lange Salvia, & T. Wall (Eds.), Partnerships for the Goals: Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Cham: Springer.
Weaver, M., Tan, H., & Crossan, K. (in press). Systems and Systemic Approaches for Partnership Working for the Goals. In W. Leal Filho, A. M. Azul, L. Brandli, A. Lange Salvia...

Getting students on board: a cross-sector collaboration

Book Chapter
Brodie, J., & Weaver, M. (2021)
Getting students on board: a cross-sector collaboration. In D. Tolson, N. Watchman Smith, D. Irving-Bell, & M. Weaver (Eds.), The CATE Collection: Together in Collaborative Educational Leadership (22-32). Higher Education Academy
This chapter discusses the development and impact of Edinburgh Napier’s intervention on young governance leaders in Scotland. Traditionally, UK board trustees have been ‘male ...

Bim-enabled health & safety analysis of cross laminated timber onsite assembly process.

Conference Proceeding
Duncheva, T., BuHamdan, S., Hairstans, R., & Al-Hussein, M. (2018)
Bim-enabled health & safety analysis of cross laminated timber onsite assembly process. In A. G. BRUZZONE, F. LONGO, F. DE FELICE, C. FRYDMAN, M. MASSEI, & A. SOLIS (Eds.), MAS 2018
There is a global need for sustainable urban housing and offsite timber systems such as Cross Laminated Timber construction can be part of the solution to this need. However, ...

Taking Action to Unlock Business Resources Into Communities using SSM

Conference Proceeding
Weaver, M., Tan, H., Crossan, K., & Paxton, S. (2016)
Taking Action to Unlock Business Resources Into Communities using SSM. In Proceedings of OR58, Annual Operations Research Conference
This session presents three system conceptual models that have been brought to action as a result of an SSM study with the Voluntary Action Fund (a Scottish grant-maker). VAF ...

Developing Your ‘North Star’ to Clarify Purpose

Presentation / Conference
Weaver, M., Crossan, K., & Tan, H. (2018, September)
Developing Your ‘North Star’ to Clarify Purpose. Presented at OR60: Annual Conference of the Operational Research Society
There is widespread acceptance that business “can do well, by doing good” leading to the rise in organisations defining themselves as ‘purpose-driven’. In the context of Scotl...

A quantitative cross-modal analysis of transportation firms’ transaction costs - are airlines any different?

Journal Article
Merkert, R., & Cowie, J. (2012)
A quantitative cross-modal analysis of transportation firms’ transaction costs - are airlines any different?. Journal of Air Transport Management, 22, 3-8.
This paper applies a top-down approach to transaction cost measurement to identify the size of the transaction sector within types of transport firms in Britain, including rai...

A Systems Thinking Approach to Connecting and Aligning CSR Responses to Social Need in Scotland

Conference Proceeding
Crossan, K., Tan, H., Paxton, S. & Weaver, M. (2015)
A Systems Thinking Approach to Connecting and Aligning CSR Responses to Social Need in Scotland. In 27th European Conference on Operational Research - Programme HandbookISBN tbc
The session aims to present a conceptual model of the governance issues in connecting and aligning the CSR activities of Scottish Businesses and the real and emerging needs in...

Article 3 and Adoption in and from India and Nepal

Book Chapter
Whitecross, R. (2016)
Article 3 and Adoption in and from India and Nepal. In E. E. Sutherland, & L. Barnes MacFarlane (Eds.), Implementing Article 3 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (213-230). New York: Cambridge University Press
Nepal has experienced an increase in intercountry adoption in recent years. Following the opening up of authorisation to arrange adoptions, the number of child centres offerin...

Empowering Organisations To Embrace UN Sustainable Development Goals: Post-Covid-19 Scotland

Book Chapter
Fonseca, A., Crossan, K., Weaver, M., Tan, H., Bratton, A., & Pershina, E. (in press)
Empowering Organisations To Embrace UN Sustainable Development Goals: Post-Covid-19 Scotland. In W. Leal Filho (Ed.), SDGs in the European Region. Springer
The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) argues that the global coronavirus pandemic has caused unimaginable consequences to the global community's economy, social stru...

Failure across borders: the spread of bad anti-trafficking

Presentation / Conference
Mendel, J., & Sharapov, K. (2021, August)
Failure across borders: the spread of bad anti-trafficking. Paper presented at RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021, London
Ineffective and harmful anti-trafficking is being internationalised in some striking ways, partly in response to representations of trafficking networks as borderless and omni...


50 results

An Autonomous Bus Service from Park & Ride Across Forth Bridge to Edinburgh Park Train & Tram Interchange

2019 - 2023
Project CAV Forth, led by Fusion Processing, will bring together organisations from across the UK to develop a high capacity Autonomous Bus Pilot Service across the Forth Bridge – a UNESCO World Herit...
Funder: Innovate UK | Value: £148,140

Wester Ross Herring Spawning Ecology

2020 - 2023
Historically, herring was abundant around the West of Scotland and of high importance to the local economy. Today, the estimated herring stock size in ICES area 6a is at near an all-time low. In March...
Funder: Skye & Lochalsh Rivers Trust | Value: £32,025

Increase total physical activity time through active travel across the population

2019 - 2020
A major element of the project is to help increase total physical activity time through active travel across the population. Research interests include: - translational research to ensure the evidenc...
Funder: Paths for All Partnership | Value: £22,776

Exploring judgement and decision making noise in arboricultural risk assessment: What information do people use when making risk judgements, how does this influence decisions, and is this consistent a...

2022 - 2023
Aim: To explore the effect of “noise” on judgements that underpin tree risk assessment and how these affect decisions, to inform the development of a holistic tree risk assessment tool/measure/guideli...
Funder: Arboricultural Association | Value: £2,500

How cross-service collaboration can improve community safety and wellbeing

2022 - 2022
The Scottish Institute for Policing Research (SIPR) in partnership with the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service and the Scottish Ambulance Service is providing funding to support a Rapid Research Project...
Funder: Scottish Institute for Policing Research | Value: £15,999

Continental Style Zebra Crossings

2018 - 2022
This project is to assess the feasibility of making continental style zebra crossings legal on Scotland's roads and to test their impact on pedestrian safety, attitudes and experience. Scotland provi...
Funder: Rees Jeffreys Road Fund | Value: £18,479

Fixing the Future: The Right to Repair and Equal-IoT

2022 - 2024
Our 2-year interdisciplinary project will investigate how the lack of repairability in the consumer Internet of Things (IoT) will adversely impact equity, inclusion, and sustainability in the digital ...
Funder: Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council | Value: £94,392


2004 - 2007
EUropean RAmp Metering Project (EURAMP) EURAMP is a comprehensive, up-to-date, representative, collective European action focused on ramp metering control measures in European motorways in the aim of...
Funder: European Commission | Value: £201,796

RSE Workshop

2016 - 2018
In a series of four workshops, academics from a range of disciplines, policy-makers, and representatives from health and education authorities, local authorities and Third Sector organizations will be...
Funder: Royal Society of Edinburgh | Value: £6,883

The influence of hegemonic masculinity on dietary preferences for meat. A cross-sectional study of adult men in Scotland.

2018 - 2019
The aim of this research is to examine the effects of hegemonic masculinity on meat consumption and willingness to adopt a more plant based diet. Hegemonic masculinity refers to socially prescribed no...
Funder: Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland | Value: £4,674
5 results


21 results

The RESIST Project Press Release: Findings from the Work Package 1 Released

9 April 2024
Headline: Europe-wide research reveals how transgender rights, feminism, and LGBTIQ+ advocacy are systematically attacked in politics and media. Lead: A project researching so-called ‘anti-gender’ po...

Dr Kulpa organises a gender & sexuality-focused event to celebrate inclusive queer-feminist politics across the month of March 2024.

6 March 2024
Dr Kulpa organises an inclusive queer-feminist event celebrating our diverse lives and work across Edinburgh Napier University.

Napier academic guest edits Special Issue on East-West divisions in Europe

20 February 2024
Dr Cristian Surubaru has guest edited a Special Issue (SI) of the Journal of European Public Policy (JEPP) on the topic of the East-West divide within the European Union (2024, Volume 31, Issue 3). H...

Dr Cristian Surubaru in Romania as an expert for a second European Commission consultancy project

2 October 2023
Last week, Dr Neculai-Cristian Surubaru (The Business School at Edinburgh Napier) was is in Romania, conducting fieldwork as part of a second consultancy project on behalf of the European Commission. ...

Domestic abuse information ‘not adequately captured’ in child contact cases

6 February 2023
tudy: Scottish Legal News 6 Feb

Abuse 'should be noted' at hearings

3 February 2023
The Herald CHILD contact hearings in civil courts are not taking adequate account of domestic abuse convictions, according to researchers.

Lawyers fail to take account of domestic abuse

3 February 2023
The Scotsman - p7 News. Child contact hearings in civil courts are not taking adequate account of domestic abuse convictions, according to researchers.

Child contact hearings failing to take account of domestic abuse, study finds

2 February 2023
The Courier - 02/02/2023 Child contact hearings in civil courts are not taking adequate account of domestic abuse convictions, according to researchers. (Note: this story originated from Press Assoc...

Family: Case management rules made for 2023

14 November 2022
Implementation of recommendations of 2017 report prepared for the Scottish Civil Justice Committee.

Dr Louise Todd's research-informed tourist gaze artwork featured in The Smart Leisure Guide (October 2022)

31 October 2022
'Louise Todd specialises in visual culture, Festivals, events and tourism as Associate Professor at Napier University. This academic research informs her artwork through the observation of people and ...
