16 results

Surface wave cloaking using transformation optics

Conference Proceeding
La Spada, L., & Hao, Y. (2015)
Surface wave cloaking using transformation optics. In 2015 1st URSI Atlantic Radio Science Conference (URSI AT-RASC)doi:10.1109/ursi-at-rasc.2015.7302892
Recently, there has been an increasing interest in the study of manipulating surface waves from microwave to optical frequencies [1, 2], especially for the design of conformal...

Multi resonant platform based on modified metallic nanoparticles for biological tissue characterization

Conference Proceeding
Iovine, R., La Spada, L., Tarparelli, R., & Vegni, L. (2013)
Multi resonant platform based on modified metallic nanoparticles for biological tissue characterization. In Proceedings Volume 8789, Modeling Aspects in Optical Metrology IVdoi:10.1117/12.2020522
In this contribution optical properties of new metallic nanoparticles for biomedical applications are investigated. These particles consist of a pair of opposing gold prisms w...

Metamaterial biosensor for cancer detection

Conference Proceeding
La Spada, L., Bilotti, F., & Vegni, L. (2012)
Metamaterial biosensor for cancer detection. In SENSORS, 2011 IEEEdoi:10.1109/icsens.2011.6127103
In this study a low-cost, compact, and high-performing metamaterial-based biosensor operating in the GHz regime is presented. The sensor is designed to detect the presence of ...

Spectral Green's Function for SPR Meta-Structures

Journal Article
Iovine, R., La Spada, L., Tarparelli, R., & Vegni, L. (2014)
Spectral Green's Function for SPR Meta-Structures. Materials Science Forum, 792, 110-114. doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/msf.792.110
In this paper we propose a new approach to study the electromagnetic field in Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) meta-structures. The geometry is a planar structure infinitely ex...

Double CSRR for water content detection in biological matter

Conference Proceeding
La Spada, L., Bilotti, F., & Vegni, L. (2011)
Double CSRR for water content detection in biological matter. In 4th EOS Topical Meeting on Optical Microsystems (OµS’11)
In this study, a low-cost, compact, and high-performing metamaterial-based biosensor operating in the THz frequency range is presented. The sensor is designed to detect the pr...

Nanoparticle Electromagnetic Properties for Sensing Applications

Journal Article
Spada, L. L., Iovine, R., & Vegni, L. (2012)
Nanoparticle Electromagnetic Properties for Sensing Applications. Advances in nanoparticles, 01(02), 9-14. doi:10.4236/anp.2012.12002
Nanoparticles play a crucial role in biomedical and sensing applications. In this paper the design of non-spherical gold nanoparticles, operating in the near infrared and visi...

Nanoparticle device for biomedical and optoelectronics applications

Journal Article
Iovine, R., La Spada, L., & Vegni, L. (2013)
Nanoparticle device for biomedical and optoelectronics applications. COMPEL: The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 32(5), 1596-1608. doi:10.1108/compel-03-2013-0105
In this contribution, the aim is to present a nanoparticle device, operating in the visible regime based on the localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) phenomenon. The nan...

Electromagnetic modeling of ellipsoidal nanoparticles for sensing applications

Journal Article
Spada, L. L., Iovine, R., & Vegni, L. (2013)
Electromagnetic modeling of ellipsoidal nanoparticles for sensing applications. Optical Engineering, 52(5), 051205. doi:10.1117/1.oe.52.5.051205
We present a new analytical study of metallic nanoparticles, working in the infrared and visible frequency range. The structure consists of triaxial ellipsoidal resonating inc...

Metasurface-Epsilon Near Zero-based Electromagnetic Wave Absorber

Conference Proceeding
La Spada, L. (2014)
Metasurface-Epsilon Near Zero-based Electromagnetic Wave Absorber. In Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Body Area Networksdoi:10.4108/icst.bodynets.2014.257016
The purpose of this paper is to design a new electromagnetic wave absorber. It consists of a planar layered structure with an isotropic Epsilon-Near-Zero (ENZ) material and a ...

Metamaterial resonator arrays for organic and inorganic compound sensing

Conference Proceeding
La Spada, L., Bilotti, F., & Vegni, L. (2011)
Metamaterial resonator arrays for organic and inorganic compound sensing. In Proceedings Volume 8306, Photonics, Devices, and Systems V; 83060I (2011)doi:10.1117/12.912267
In this paper, an electromagnetic metamaterial resonator operating in the terahertz frequency range is presented. By arranging the resonator in a planar array, it is possible ...