6 results

Countering brandjacking in the digital age... and other hidden risks to your brand

Hofman, C., & Keates, S. (2013)
Countering brandjacking in the digital age... and other hidden risks to your brand. Springer Verlag. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4471-5580-5
The rise of the Internet and social media in particular offer great opportunities for brand owners to increase business and brand recognition. While this has clearly been of b...

Designing for accessibility: A business guide to countering design exclusion

Keates, S. (2006)
Designing for accessibility: A business guide to countering design exclusion. CRC Press (Taylor and Francis Group
No abstract available.

Countering design exclusion: an introduction to inclusive design

Keates, S. L., & Clarkson, J. (2004)
Countering design exclusion: an introduction to inclusive design. Springer Verlag. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4471-0013-3
Inclusive design, universal design and universal access are long standing, familiar terms with clear and laudable goals. However, their teaching and industrial uptake has been...

Inclusive design: design for the whole population.

P. Clarkson, R. Coleman, S. Keates, & C. Lebbon (Eds.), (2003)
Inclusive design: design for the whole population. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4471-0001-0
Inclusive Design: What's in It for Me? presents a comprehensive review of current practice in inclusive design. With emphasis on new ideas for improvement and arguments for wi...

Universal access and assistive technology: Proceedings of the Cambridge workshop on UA and AT '02

S. Keates, P. Langdon, J. Clarkson, & P. Robinson (Eds.), (2002)
Universal access and assistive technology: Proceedings of the Cambridge workshop on UA and AT '02. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4471-3719-1
The first Cambridge Workshop on Universal Access and Assistive Technology (CWUAAT) was held at Trinity Hall, Cambridge, in March 2002. It was inspired by the earlier, highly s...

Preface (in Keates, A. Dyslexia and information and communications technology)

Keates, S. (2000)
Preface (in Keates, A. Dyslexia and information and communications technology). David Fulton
No abstract available.



