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21 results

Is larval dispersal a necessity for decapod crabs from the Amazon mangroves? Response of Uca rapax zoeae to different salinities and comparison with sympatric species

Journal Article
Simith, D. D. J. D. B., Pires, M. A. B., Abrunhosa, F. A., Maciel, C. R., & Diele, K. (2014)
Is larval dispersal a necessity for decapod crabs from the Amazon mangroves? Response of Uca rapax zoeae to different salinities and comparison with sympatric species. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 457, 22-30.
Salinity may play an important role in the larval Biology and Ecology of many brachyuran decapod crustaceans. Usually, ontogenetic changes in salinity tolerance represent a go...

Do canopy disturbances drive forest plantations into more natural conditions? A case study from Can Gio Biosphere Reserve, Vietnam.

Journal Article
Vogt, J., Kautz, M., Herazo, M. L. F., Triet, T., Walther, D., Saint-Paul, U., …Berger, U. (2013)
Do canopy disturbances drive forest plantations into more natural conditions? A case study from Can Gio Biosphere Reserve, Vietnam. Global and Planetary Change, 110, 249-258.
Large areas of mangrove forests were devastated in South Viet Nam during the second Indochina war. After its end in 1975, extensive reforestation with monocultures took place....

Life history and population structure of the exploited mangrove crab Ucides cordatus cordatus (Decapoda: Brachyura) in the Caete Estuary, North Brazil.

Diele, K. (2000)
Life history and population structure of the exploited mangrove crab Ucides cordatus cordatus (Decapoda: Brachyura) in the Caete Estuary, North Brazil. (Thesis). Universität Bremen. Retrieved from
The semiterrestrial crab U. cordatus is one of the most heavily exploited resources of Bra-zilian mangrove forests. The growing interest in protecting and managing U. cordatus...

Effect of Inorganic and Organic Carbon Enrichments (DIC and DOC) on the Photosynthesis and Calcification Rates of Two Calcifying Green Algae from a Caribbean Reef Lagoon

Journal Article
Meyer, F. W., Schubert, N., Diele, K., Teichberg, M., Wild, C., & Enríquez, S. (2016)
Effect of Inorganic and Organic Carbon Enrichments (DIC and DOC) on the Photosynthesis and Calcification Rates of Two Calcifying Green Algae from a Caribbean Reef Lagoon. PLOS ONE, 11(8),
Coral reefs worldwide are affected by increasing dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and organic carbon (DOC) concentrations due to ocean acidification (OA) and coastal eutrophic...

Metamorphosis of the edible mangrove crab Ucides cordatus (Ucididae) in response to benthic microbial biofilms

Journal Article
Simith, D. D. J. D. B., Abrunhosa, F. A., & Diele, K. (2017)
Metamorphosis of the edible mangrove crab Ucides cordatus (Ucididae) in response to benthic microbial biofilms. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 492, 132-140.
Benthic microbial communities can play an important role in the induction of larval metamorphosis in marine invertebrates. The role of biofilms in recognizing the parental hab...

Desynchronizing effects of lightning strike disturbances on cyclic forest dynamics in mangrove plantations.

Journal Article
Kautz, M., Berger, U., Stoyan, D., Vogt, J., Khan, N. I., Diele, K., …Nam, V. N. (2011)
Desynchronizing effects of lightning strike disturbances on cyclic forest dynamics in mangrove plantations. Aquatic Botany, 95, 173-181.
Plantations released from management are vulnerable to transient oscillations until cohort dynamics are broken and the vertical and horizontal structures of the plantation are...

Impact of typhoon disturbance on the diversity of key ecosystem engineers in a monoculture mangrove forest plantation, Can Gio Biosphere Reserve, Vietnam.

Journal Article
Diele, K., Tran Ngoc, D. M., Geist, S. J., Meyer, F., Pham, Q. H., Saint-Paul, U., …Berger, U. (2013)
Impact of typhoon disturbance on the diversity of key ecosystem engineers in a monoculture mangrove forest plantation, Can Gio Biosphere Reserve, Vietnam. Global and Planetary Change, 110(B), 236-248.
Mangrove crabs as key ecosystem engineers may play an important role in the recovery process of storm-damaged forests. Yet, their response to storm disturbance is largely unkn...

Influence of natural settlement cues on the metamorphosis of fiddler crab megalopar, Uca vocator (Decapoda: Ocypodidae).

Journal Article
Simith, D. D. J. D. B., Diele, K., & Abrunhosa, F. A. (2010)
Influence of natural settlement cues on the metamorphosis of fiddler crab megalopar, Uca vocator (Decapoda: Ocypodidae). Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências, 82, 313-321.
Megalopae of many decapod crab species accelerate their development time to metamorphosis (TTM) when exposed to natural physical and/or chemical cues characteristic of the par...

Metamorphosis of mangrove crab megalopae, Ucides cordatus (Ocypodidae): effects of interspecific versus intraspecific settlement cues

Journal Article
Simith, D. D. J. D. B., & Diele, K. (2008)
Metamorphosis of mangrove crab megalopae, Ucides cordatus (Ocypodidae): effects of interspecific versus intraspecific settlement cues. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 362, 101-107.
It has recently been shown that metamorphosis of Ucides cordatus megalopae is triggered by substrata from the mangrove forest habitat, and, in particular, adult conspecific od...

Burrows of the semi-terrestrial crab Ucides cordatus enhance CO2 release in a North Brazilian mangrove forest

Journal Article
Puelmanns, N., Diele, K., Mehlig, U., & Nordhaus, I. (2014)
Burrows of the semi-terrestrial crab Ucides cordatus enhance CO2 release in a North Brazilian mangrove forest. PLOS ONE, 9(10),
Ucides cordatus is an abundant mangrove crab in Brazil constructing burrows of up to 2 m depth. Sediment around burrows may oxidize during low tides. This increase in sediment...