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102 results

Clustering Moving Data with a Modified Immune Algorithm

Conference Proceeding
Hart, E., & Ross, P. (2001)
Clustering Moving Data with a Modified Immune Algorithm. In E. Boers (Ed.), Applications of Evolutionary Computing, 394-403.
In this paper we present a prototype of a new model for performing clustering in large, non-static databases. Although many machine learning algorithms for data clustering hav...

Selection methods and diversity preservation in many-objective evolutionary algorithms

Journal Article
Martí, L., Segredo, E., Sánchez-Pi, N., & Hart, E. (2018)
Selection methods and diversity preservation in many-objective evolutionary algorithms. Data Technologies and Applications,
Purpose – One of the main components of multi-objective, and therefore, many-objective evolutionary algorithms is the selection mechanism. It is responsible for performing two...

Hybrid parameter control approach applied to a diversity-based multi-objective Memetic Algorithm for frequency assignment problems

Conference Proceeding
Segredo, E., Paechter, B., Hart, E., & Gonz´alez-Vila, C. I. (2016)
Hybrid parameter control approach applied to a diversity-based multi-objective Memetic Algorithm for frequency assignment problems. In 2016 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC)
In order to address the difficult issue of parameter setting within a diversity-based Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithm (MOEA), we recently proposed a hybrid control sche...

Lifelong Learning Machines: Towards Developing Optimisation Systems That Continually Learn

Book Chapter
Hart, E. (2022)
Lifelong Learning Machines: Towards Developing Optimisation Systems That Continually Learn. In A. E. Smith (Ed.), Women in Computational Intelligence: Key Advances and Perspectives on Emerging Topics (187-203). Cham: Springer.
Standard approaches to developing optimisation algorithms tend to involve selecting an algorithm and tuning it to work well on a large set of problem instances from the domain...

Representation in the (Artificial) Immune System

Journal Article
McEwan, C., & Hart, E. (2009)
Representation in the (Artificial) Immune System. Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms, 8, 125-149.
Much of contemporary research in Artificial Immune Systems (AIS) has partitioned into either algorithmic machine learning and optimisation, or, modelling biologically plausibl...

A fuzzy logic controller applied to a diversity-based multi-objective evolutionary algorithm for single-objective optimisation

Journal Article
Segredo, E., Segura, C., León, C., & Hart, E. (2015)
A fuzzy logic controller applied to a diversity-based multi-objective evolutionary algorithm for single-objective optimisation. Soft Computing, 19(10), 2927-2945.
In recent years, Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms (MOEAS) that consider diversity as an objective have been used to tackle single-objective optimisation prob- lems. The...

An immune network approach for self-adaptive ensembles of autonomic components: a case study in swarm robotics.

Conference Proceeding
Capodieci, N., Hart, E., & Cabri, G. (2013)
An immune network approach for self-adaptive ensembles of autonomic components: a case study in swarm robotics. In P. Liò, O. Miglino, G. Nicosia, S. Nolfi, & M. Pavone (Eds.), Advances in Artifical Life, Proceedings of ECAL 2013, 864-871.
We describe an immune inspired approach to achieve self-expression within an ensemble, i.e. enabling an ensemble of autonomic components to dynamically change their coordinati...

Using MAP-Elites to support policy making around Workforce Scheduling and Routing

Journal Article
Urquhart, N., Hart, E., & Hutcheson, W. (2020)
Using MAP-Elites to support policy making around Workforce Scheduling and Routing. Automatisierungstechnik, 68(2),
English abstract: Algorithms such as MAP-Elites provide a means of allowing users to explore a solution space by returning an archive of high-performing solutions. Such an arc...

Real-world applications of evolutionary computing

Conference Proceeding
Cagnoni, S., Poli, R., Smith, G. D., Corne, D., Oates, M., Hart, E., …Fogarty, T. C. (2000)
Real-world applications of evolutionary computing. In Proceedings of EvoWorkshops 2000
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of six workshops on evolutionary computation held concurrently as EvoWorkshops 2000 in Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, in April 2000. T...

Revisiting the Central and Peripheral Immune System

Conference Proceeding
McEwan, C., Hart, E., & Paechter, B. (2006)
Revisiting the Central and Peripheral Immune System. In Artificial Immune Systems. ICARIS 2007, 240-251. doi:10.1007/978-3-540-73922-7_21
The idiotypic network has a long and chequered history in both theoretical immunology and Artificial Immune Systems. In terms of the latter, the drive for engineering applicat...
16 results

Swarmchestrate - Application-level Swarm-based Orchestration Across the Cloud-to-Things Continuum

2024 - 2026
The next-generation of intelligent cyber-physical and IoT systems powered by artificial intelligence (AI) are becoming an essential part of our environment. With the ever-growing number of intelligent...
Funder: European Commission | Value: £357,303

AWARENESS (Co-ordination Action)

2010 - 2013
For latest news and events, please see the project webpage here Awareness is a Coordination Action (CA), supporting research under the FP7: FET Proactive Intiative:Self-Awareness in Autonomic Systems...
Funder: European Commission | Value: £487,925

Life Long Learning Hyper Heuristic Optimisation

2012 - 2015
This project aims to improve the current state of the art in developing optimisation tools which are relevant and acceptable to industry. This will be achieved by addressing industrial current concer...
Funder: Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council | Value: £238,068


2008 - 2011
The project finished on 31/06/11 and was evaluated as "Excellent: the project has fully achieved its objectives and technical goals for the period and has even exceeded expectations" The reviewers co...
Funder: European Commission | Value: £761,800

Hyperheuristics for infrastructure system optimisation

2020 - 2020
Continuum Industries novel software tech allows engineers to automate their work and evaluate millions of possible combinations of design parameters. Primary application lies in linear infrastructure ...
Funder: Data Lab | Value: £19,599

Improving Science-Informed Crab Fisheries Management in Brazil

2020 - 2021
The project offers a unique opportunity to engage with, actively contribute to and learn from a UK-Brazilian applied research project investigating the reproductive rhythmicity of the mangrove crab Uc...
Funder: Natural Environment Research Council | Value: £2,900

Towards Guided Self-Organisation in Artificial Complex Systems: A Swarm Robotics Case Study

2020 - 2024
Swarm robotics refers to the design and coordination of large numbers of simple physical robots. Uses include environmental applications such as pollution monitoring in the oceans using aquatic robots...
Funder: Royal Society | Value: £11,500

Keep Learning

2021 - 2024
The project proposes a novel architecture for designing optimisation systems that “keeps learning” when exposed to a continual stream of instances: these systems will autonomously adapt their compone...
Funder: Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council | Value: £388,219

COG-MHEAR: Towards cognitively-inspired, 5G-IoT enabled multi-modal hearing aids

2021 - 2026
Embracing the multimodal nature of speech presents both opportunities and challenges for hearing assistive technology: on the one hand there are opportunities for the design of new multimodal audio-vi...
Funder: Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council | Value: £3,258,999

Ensembles for Optimisation

2015 - 2016
Optimisation – finding cost-effective or high-performing solutions - is a key economic driver for business today. However, academic literature on search-based optimisation techniques reflects an escal...
Funder: Leverhulme Trust | Value: £34,465
13 results

Prof. Emma Hart invited to join Scottish Government Steering Group to develop an Artificial Intelligence (AI) strategy for Scotland.

16 September 2019
Prof. Emma Hart has been invited by Minister Kate Forbes to join a Scottish Government Steering Group to develop an Artificial Intelligence (AI) strategy for Scotland.

Researchers from Nature-Inspired Intelligent Systems group win Best Paper Award@GECCO 2019

16 July 2019
PhD student Mohamad Alissa with supervisors Dr Kevin Sim and Prof. Emma Hart won the Best Paper award in the ECOM track at GECCO 2019 in Prague for their paper: Algorithm Selection Using Deep Learnin...

Prof . Emma Hart gives interview "An Insider's Guide to Evolutionary Computation"

17 December 2018
Laura van Beers from ContactEngine, a London based company delivering software that enables its customers to proactively engage customers in AI-driven conversations to fulfil their business objective...

Prof. Emma Hart invited to talk at Scotland IS Software Engineering Leader's Forum to discuss SICSA's work on AI

20 November 2018
Prof. Emma Hart gave an invited talk at the monthly meet-up of the Scotland IS Software Engineering forum on behalf of the SICSA AI theme to describe the work taking place across Scottish Universities...

Prof. Emma Hart interviewed in new video released by Sentient AI to provide unique insights to business leaders on the growing applicability of evolutionary computation

13 August 2018
Sentient Technologies, a world leader in artificial intelligence (AI) products based on evolutionary computation, today announced a new video collection that provides unique insights to the burgeonin...

Prof. Emma Hart and Dr Kevin Sim win Bronze Award in International Humies competition for work on predicting wind damage in Forestry

18 July 2018
The Annual Humies prize is awarded at the International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation for human-competitive results that have been produced by any form of genetic and evolutionar...

Evolutionary Robotics Research Nominated for Best Paper Award

14 July 2018
Prof. Emma Hart, Dr Andreas Steyven and Prof. Ben Paechter have been nominated for a prestigious best paper award at the GECCO 18, Kyoto, Japan for new work in evolving a diverse team of swarm robot...

Prof. Emma Hart invited as a keynote speaker at IJCCI in Funchal, Madeira, November 2017

1 November 2017
The International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence brings together researchers, engineers and practitioners interested in the field of Computational Intelligence both from theoretical an...

CAVES researchers have 3 papers accepted at GECCO 2017

14 July 2017
Members of the CAVES research group have 3 papers accepted at the world's leading conference on Evolutionary Computing. GECCO 2017 will be held in Berlin from 15-19th July 2017. Accepted papers are: ...

Prof. Emma Hart interview with MIT Press on her new Editor-in-Chief role

17 February 2017
The New Year welcomed Emma Hart to the helm of Evolutionary Computation. She took over the role of Editor-in-Chief from Hans-Georg Beyer (who had assumed the role himself in 2010). Professor Hart ans...