5 results

Explainable AI and Deep Autoencoders Based Security Framework for IoT Network Attack Certainty (Extended Abstract)

Conference Proceeding
Sampath Kalutharage, C., Liu, X., & Chrysoulas, C. (2022)
Explainable AI and Deep Autoencoders Based Security Framework for IoT Network Attack Certainty (Extended Abstract). In Attacks and Defenses for the Internet-of-Things: 5th International Workshop, ADIoT 2022 (41-50). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-21311-3_8
Over the past few decades, Machine Learning (ML)-based intrusion detection systems (IDS) have become increasingly popular and continue to show remarkable performance in detect...

ProMe: A Mentoring Platform for Older Adults Using Machine Learning Techniques for Supporting the “Live and Learn” Concept

Journal Article
Kostopoulos, G., Neureiter, K., Papatoiu, D., Tscheligi, M., & Chrysoulas, C. (2018)
ProMe: A Mentoring Platform for Older Adults Using Machine Learning Techniques for Supporting the “Live and Learn” Concept. Mobile Information Systems, 2018, 1-8. https://doi.org/10.1155/2018/9723268
It is well known what an important role employment plays in our lives and how it influences our everyday life. With the help of employment, all of us as individuals manage to ...

Authentication Layer for IEC 61113-3 Applications

Conference Proceeding
Homay, A., Chrysoulas, C., & de Sousa, M. (2019)
Authentication Layer for IEC 61113-3 Applications. https://doi.org/10.1109/ntms.2019.8763839
Mid 2010, the Stuxnet ICS attack targeted the Siemens automation products, and after this attack the ICS security was thrust into spotlight, automation products suppliers star...

Dynamic Service Deployment using an Ontologybased Description of Devices and Services

Conference Proceeding
Chrysoulas, C., Koumoutsos, G., Denazis, S., Thramboulidis, K., & Koufopavlou, O. (2007)
Dynamic Service Deployment using an Ontologybased Description of Devices and Services. https://doi.org/10.1109/icns.2007.55
In the FlexiNET 1ST research project a service called Dynamic Service Deployment dynamically installs, monitors and uninstalls new services upon user demand, or by a default c...

A security and authentication layer for SCADA/DCS applications

Journal Article
Homay, A., Chrysoulas, C., El Boudani, B., de Sousa, M., & Wollschlaeger, M. (2021)
A security and authentication layer for SCADA/DCS applications. Microprocessors and Microsystems, 87, Article 103479. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.micpro.2020.103479
Mid 2010, a sophisticated malicious computer worm called Stuxnet targeted major ICS systems around the world causing severe damages to Siemens automation products. Stuxnet pro...



