35 results

Feasibility and Acceptability of Using Tracking Devices to Monitor Nurses Health

Presentation / Conference
Mahoney, C. (2016, November)
Feasibility and Acceptability of Using Tracking Devices to Monitor Nurses Health. Presented at Urban Research and Education Knowledge Alliance (U!REKA) Kick Off Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Mahoney, C. (2016, November). Feasibility and Acceptability of Using Tracking Devices to Monitor Nurses Health. Presented at Urban Research and Education Knowledge Alliance (U...

Smoking Prevalence Amongst Healthcare Professionals in Scotland

Presentation / Conference
Mahoney, C., Hoyle, L., & Kyle, R. (2016, November)
Smoking Prevalence Amongst Healthcare Professionals in Scotland. Poster presented at Scottish Smoking Cessation Conference, Edinburgh
No abstract available.

Feasibility and Acceptability of Using Tracking Devices to Monitor Nurses Health

Presentation / Conference
Mahoney, C. (2016, November)
Feasibility and Acceptability of Using Tracking Devices to Monitor Nurses Health. Presented at Enhancing Nursing Through Educational Research Conference, Edinburgh Napier University
No abstract available.

Feasibility and Acceptability of Using Tracking Devices to Monitor Nurses Health

Presentation / Conference
Mahoney, C. (2016, June)
Feasibility and Acceptability of Using Tracking Devices to Monitor Nurses Health. Presented at School Launch - School of Health and Social Care, Edinburgh Napier University
No abstract available.

Nasogastric feeding for stroke patients: practice and education.

Journal Article
Mahoney, C. M., Rowat, A. M., Macmillan, M., & Dennis, M. S. (2015)
Nasogastric feeding for stroke patients: practice and education. British Journal of Nursing, 24, 319-325. https://doi.org/10.12968/bjon.2015.24.6.319
Background and aims: Dysphagia is common after stroke, so feeding through a nasogastric (NG) tube may be necessary. These tubes are frequently dislodged, causing interruption ...

Development and implementation of naso-gastric feeding competency.

Mahoney, C. (2012)
Development and implementation of naso-gastric feeding competency. Edinburgh, NHS Lothian

Discussion Forums as an assessment Tool in Online Learning

Presentation / Conference
Mahoney, C. (2012, April)
Discussion Forums as an assessment Tool in Online Learning. Presented at Academic Development Conference, Edinburgh
Mahoney, C. (2012, April). Discussion Forums as an assessment Tool in Online Learning. Presented at Academic Development Conference, Edinburgh.

Investigating the contribution of community nurses to anticipatory care: a qualitative exploratory study

Journal Article
Kennedy, C., Harbison, J., Mahoney, C. M., Jarvis, A., & Veitch, L. (2011)
Investigating the contribution of community nurses to anticipatory care: a qualitative exploratory study. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 67, 1558-1567. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2648.2010.05589.x
Aims.  To investigate how one aspect of anticipatory care is understood and delivered in practice. ‘Anticipatory care’ in this context can be understood as proactive care, whi...

An Investigation into Maintaining Naso-gastric Feeding for Stroke Patients: A Mixed Methods Design.

Mahoney, C. M. An Investigation into Maintaining Naso-gastric Feeding for Stroke Patients: A Mixed Methods Design. (Thesis)
Edinburgh Napier University. Retrieved from http://researchrepository.napier.ac.uk/id/eprint/2744
Background Dysphagia is common after stroke, so feeding through a naso-gastric (NG) tube may be necessary. NG tubes are frequently dislodged, potentially causing feed or fluid...

Investigation into Maintaining Naso-gastric Feeding for Stroke Patients. A Mixed Methods Study.

Presentation / Conference
Mahoney, C. (2009, March)
Investigation into Maintaining Naso-gastric Feeding for Stroke Patients. A Mixed Methods Study. Presented at Postgraduate Research Conference, Edinburgh Napier University
Mahoney, C. (2009, March). Investigation into Maintaining Naso-gastric Feeding for Stroke Patients. A Mixed Methods Study. Presented at Postgraduate Research Conference, Edinb...
6 results

What is the lived experience of students recruited through Widening Participation (WP) access onto pre-registration nursing programmes and how does their experience influence their decision to continue their pre registration training

2022 - date
Director of Studies: Dr Karen Campbell | Second Supervisor: Dr Catherine Mahoney

Should I stay or should I go? An exploration of the experience of deciding to leave the nursing profession

2019 - date
Fiona Bastow | Director of Studies: Dr Iain Atherton | Second Supervisor: Dr Catherine Mahoney

An investigation into the validity of utilising learning analytics to support and inform student retention and achievement in post-16 education.

2019 - date
Kerry Heathcote | Director of Studies: Dr Catherine Mahoney | Second Supervisor: Dr Louise Drumm

Learning what really matters to older adults living with and beyond cancer through co-design

2016 - date
Lynsey Brown | Director of Studies: Dr Catherine Mahoney | Second Supervisor: Dr Karen Campbell

Interpersonal trauma, substance misuse and pregnancy: a phenomenological exploration of pregnant women and midwives in Scotland

2013 - 2018
Dr Naomi Waddell | Director of Studies: Prof Thanos Karatzias | Second Supervisor: Michael Brown

Investigation of Maintaining Nasogastric Feeding for Stroke Patients: A Mixed Methods Design

2004 - 2009
Explored the opinions of staff, patients and relatives concerning the ‘acceptability’ and ‘effectiveness’ of...
Dr Catherine Mahoney | Director of Studies: Dr Maureen Macmillan | Second Supervisor: Beth Alder