48 results

Professional boundary work in the face of change to generalist working in community nursing in Scotland

Journal Article
Hogg, R., Gray Brunton, C., & Kennedy, C. (2011)
Professional boundary work in the face of change to generalist working in community nursing in Scotland. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 67, 1695-1704. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2648.2010.05601.x
Aim.  The present study explored how community nurses and managers constituted changes towards generalist working. Background.  Following international trends moving from acu...

Crossing boundaries: the role of the advanced nurse practitioner in an integrated specialist palliative care service in NHS Tayside.

Conference Proceeding
Kennedy, C., Gray Brunton, C., Black, P., Campbell, K., & Nicol, J. (2011)
Crossing boundaries: the role of the advanced nurse practitioner in an integrated specialist palliative care service in NHS Tayside
Following international trends, increasing adoption of Advanced Nurse Practitioners (ANPs) have occurred in the United Kingdom (UK) in the face of economic drives towards cost...

Crossing boundaries: the role of the advanced nurse practitioner in an integrated specialist palliative care service in Scotland.

Presentation / Conference
Kennedy, C., Gray Brunton, C., Black, P., Campbell, K., & Nicol, J. (2011, September)
Crossing boundaries: the role of the advanced nurse practitioner in an integrated specialist palliative care service in Scotland. Paper presented at European Cancer Congress ECCO
Following international trends, increasing adoption of Advanced Nurse Practitioners (ANPs) have occurred in the United Kingdom (UK) in the face of economic drives towards cost...

Evaluation of the role of the Advanced Nurse Practitioner within an Integrated Specialist Palliative Care Service.

Black, P., Gray Brunton, C., Kennedy, C., Campbell, K., & Nicol, J. (2011)
Evaluation of the role of the Advanced Nurse Practitioner within an Integrated Specialist Palliative Care Service

More than just a jag? The delivery of childhood vaccinations as an interpersonal over a technical skill.

Conference Proceeding
McIntosh, P., Gray Brunton, C., & Kennedy, C. (2011)
More than just a jag? The delivery of childhood vaccinations as an interpersonal over a technical skill
Background: This paper reports findings from a qualitative study which explored the role of the health professional in the delivery of childhood vaccinations, particularly pre...

The discursive construction of risk and responsibility in childhood vaccinations: a qualitative study of parental talk in Scotland

Journal Article
Kennedy, C., & Gray Brunton, C. (2010)
The discursive construction of risk and responsibility in childhood vaccinations: a qualitative study of parental talk in Scotland. Psychology and Health, 25, 38-39. https://doi.org/10.1080/08870446.2010.502659
Objective: The objective of the study was to explore how discourses of risk and responsibility were represented in parental talk about childhood vaccinations from one health a...

A qualitative study examining stakeholder experiences of current Immunisation services in NHS Lothian, focusing on the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) and the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccines.

Kennedy, C., Gray Brunton, C., McIntosh, P., Craig, A., Rust, S., & Harden, J. (2010)
A qualitative study examining stakeholder experiences of current Immunisation services in NHS Lothian, focusing on the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) and the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccines
Childhood vaccination is an important public health strategy to protect against infectious diseases for population or ‘herd’ immunity. In western, industrialised countries, su...

Resisting Ritalin: Parental talk about treatment medication in Childhood ADHD

Journal Article
Gray Brunton, C. (2010)
Resisting Ritalin: Parental talk about treatment medication in Childhood ADHD. Connected: The International Society for Critial Health Psychology Newsletter, 1, 3

Exploring stakeholder experiences for the MMR and HPV vaccines: A qualitative study in progress.

Presentation / Conference
Kennedy, C., Gray Brunton, C., McIntosh, P., & Hogg, R. (2010, April)
Exploring stakeholder experiences for the MMR and HPV vaccines: A qualitative study in progress. Paper presented at Scottish School of Primary Care Conference
Background: Childhood immunisation is an important public health issue which protects against infectious diseases. Uptake of vaccines is complex in the literature with various...

Occupational boundary work, community nurses and changes to generalist working: A qualitative case study and the implications for patient care.

Presentation / Conference
Hogg, R., Gray Brunton, C., & Kennedy, C. (2010, April)
Occupational boundary work, community nurses and changes to generalist working: A qualitative case study and the implications for patient care. Poster presented at Scottish School of Primary Care Conference
Background: Changes within community nursing in the United Kingdom have been recently debated. A sociological understanding about ‘boundary work’ in professional disciplines i...


Research Centres Groups

Research Areas


5 results

Exploring Vaccine Hesitancy for Covid-19 amongst Healthcare Workers (Students): An Exploratory Study.

2021 - 2022
Aims and objectives: to explore vaccine ‘hesitancy’ amongst vaccine high priority focusing on health workers in Scotland. Specific objectives will seek to: • To explore vaccine hesitancy and confidenc...
Funder: Royal Society of Edinburgh | Value: £19,049

Young people with Learning disabilites & ethnic minority views about the HPV vaccine

2014 - 2016
In the United Kingdom (UK), cervical cancer is the second most common cancer in women under 35 years. Human papillomavirus (HPV) types 16 and 18 are sexually transmitted viruses which may contribute t...
Funder: Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland | Value: £39,762

Young males' constructions of the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccine

2014 - 2015
The proposed research aims to provide greater understanding about how international vaccine policies are experienced by men in the US, UK and Spain. The research fits with recently completed published...
Funder: British Council | Value: £2,921

Evaluation of the MacMillan Westernhaven Community Cancer Resource

2013 - 2015
Study of local service and impact evaluation on patients, families of cancer patients/ carers and the community commissioned by the national charity, Macmillan Cancer Support. This is based in an area...
Funder: MacMillan Cancer Support | Value: £14,881

Experiences of current MM & HPV immunisation

2009 - 2013
This qualitative study will examine stakeholder (parents, young persons and health staff) experiences of current health services for immunisation by focusing on the MMR and HPV vaccines.
Funder: NHS Lothian | Value: £48,671
10 results

A Cross-Cultural Exploration into Caring for Someone with Cancer: A Qualitative Study in Scotland

2021 - date
Mengxue Xia | Director of Studies: Dr Carol Gray Brunton | Second Supervisor: Dr Lisa O'Leary

Illuminating the importance of craftsmanship in compassionate caring and facilitating its development in student nurses

2020 - 2021
This thesis provides a critical reflection on my original contributions to knowle...
Dr Liz Adamson | Director of Studies: Prof Kay Sambell | Second Supervisor: Dr Brian Williams

An investigation into the validity of utilising learning analytics to support and inform student retention and achievement in post-16 education.

2019 - date
Kerry Heathcote | Director of Studies: Dr Catherine Mahoney | Second Supervisor: Dr Louise Drumm

Beyond numbers and tasks: An ethnographic study exploring the work of district nursing teams and the impact this has on patients, carers, families and communities

2019 - date
Bruce Harper-McDonald | Director of Studies: Dr Janet Hanley | Second Supervisor: Dr Carol Gray Brunton

Scoping views on a research project exploring attitudes, acceptance, and construction of the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine among Scottish men

2017 - date
Mr Lewis Clarke | Director of Studies: Dr Carol Gray Brunton | Second Supervisor: Dr Brian Williams

The woman-midwife relationship and continuity of carer: lived experiences of women and their midwives in Scotland

2017 - date
Ms Kathryn Hardie | Director of Studies: Dr Stephen Smith | Second Supervisor: Dr David Whiteley

Learning what really matters to older adults living with and beyond cancer through co-design

2016 - date
Lynsey Brown | Director of Studies: Dr Catherine Mahoney | Second Supervisor: Dr Karen Campbell

‘Trying to get through the day’: Exploring the social contexts of alcohol and pregnancy

2016 - 2022
This research will take a Sociological approach to the investigation of alcohol use during pregnancy. It will exp...
Annie Taylor | Director of Studies: Dr Elaine Carnegie | Second Supervisor: Dr Anne Whittaker

Life interrupted: An interpretative phenomenological analysis of young people and their family/significant other living with malignant melanoma

2015 - 2020
Wendy McInally | Director of Studies: Dr Richard Kyle | Second Supervisor: Dr Zoe Chouliara

Assessing and addressing unmet needs in people affected by brain tumours

2013 - 2022
Dr Janyne Afseth | Director of Studies: Prof Lis Neubeck | Second Supervisor: Dr Carol Gray Brunton

